Epic mother-son romance stor


Jun 28, 2016
Firstly, I am not sure if this forum is for running ideas by writers and writing by oneself or commissioning writers to put your idea to paper but I am a lousy writer so hopefully a better writer will do my story idea justice.

So here goes my idea... I have an idea of an epic mother son story spanning multiple chapters; A true love story not muddled by sharing, cuckoldry, etc. I chose the setting for India/Nepal but it could be any conservative society where mother's are the paragons of virtue and not very sexually experienced. The mother can be anyone but the image in my head is a homely, voluptuous bordering on chubby, matronly figure (yes with giant breasts and ass but also rounded belly stretch marks, hair down there... just a regular housewife). I don't care about the son's appearance whatsoever.

The most challenging aspect will undoubtedly be the inciting incident that brings mother and son together and I am open to ideas but I want the mother to be the aggressor even though I want her to be sexually inexperienced (Not even oral let alone anal in her sexual past). Maybe the son is a preemie and hence has a strong connection to the mother... Panty sniffing is a big turn on for me so maybe that is the inciting incident. Also, dad is in the picture but like most Asian households, he is neglectful. I would rather do without any cuckold elements.

Anyway, after the son and mom get together they explore many avenues: oral for him and her, multiple positions, cum swallowing, eventually anal as well. I really want societal shame and closemindedmess to play a role in the taboo aspect. The mom has to be a paragon of virtue but for her son nothing is off limits. I also have a pregnancy kink so the ultimate resolution is the mom gets pregnant and they move to a rural village where they live happily ever after.

As I said, I want the story to have an epic scope like some of the works of CPBaudelaire and mejau71. Hopefully someone is willing to take this up.
There's nothing wrong with the usual tropes though. They're popular for a reason, but you gotta put your own spin on it, to make it stand out.
I was hoping the setting would be different enough to carry the story. Maybe a sprinkle of folklore and spirituality... But in reality I am really just missing the heyday of epic mother son erotica. We get so few if those these days.