Enjoy Non-consent Stories?

Jez Springfella

Really Experienced
Feb 24, 2003
Hi there I'm new to this site & does anyone else enjoy the non-consent stories most.

Do other people enjoy these fantasys or do they think their harmful?
so long as they stay in the realm of fantasies, what harm can they do?

I think there was another thread about this not that long ago, where someone brought up the idea of the term 'ravishment' as opposed to 'rape' in the fantasy setting, as that's really a more accurate (and less unnerving) way to put what those sorts of fantasies are generally all about, at least for women. I'll see if I can find it.

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I like 'em.

I write 'em.

I read 'em.

But not the viscious stuff. My first story posted was non-concent. Check it out if you like. (I get lots of positive feedback, so your definatly not the only one. I don't like the turm "rape", non-concent is just fine by me.
Jez Springfella said:
Do other people enjoy these fantasys or do they think their harmful?

Neither. I don't enjoy them. I don't think they're inherently harmful.

The harm is in the individual.

Whether or not these stories contribute to the rapist criminal tendancies and if the people who create this fiction should be held liable for that is up for debate.

Lit only posts one brand of non-consent. Somewhere in all of that, the victim must enjoy it. I believe the notion was that this be a victim's fantasy, not a rapists fantasy.

But what message does that send the discerning rapist? That women secretly enjoy being raped?

How much responsbility should be born and by whom?

There are rapists on this site. They write stories that fit within the limited confines of Lit's acceptable rape policy. Do you know what's disturbing? People like this guy:

Re: Re: Enjoy Non-consent Stories?

KillerMuffin said:
Neither. I don't enjoy them. I don't think they're inherently harmful.

The harm is in the individual.

Whether or not these stories contribute to the rapist criminal tendancies and if the people who create this fiction should be held liable for that is up for debate.

Lit only posts one brand of non-consent. Somewhere in all of that, the victim must enjoy it. I believe the notion was that this be a victim's fantasy, not a rapists fantasy.

But what message does that send the discerning rapist? That women secretly enjoy being raped?

How much responsbility should be born and by whom?

There are rapists on this site. They write stories that fit within the limited confines of Lit's acceptable rape policy. Do you know what's disturbing? People like this guy:


That is scary. Geez...does he get his stories from r/l:eek: Damn!:mad:
I enjoy a well written non-consent story. I especially enjoy it if it mimics a pulp story as I have a soft spot for that genre. For the most part a purely misogynistic hatefest just isn't interesting. I can't be aroused by a complete psychotic.

That doesn't mean there isn't a place for those types of stories, but I place them in the category of thriller, horror, or mystery.
YES... I love forcing people to read stories...

Tolstoy, Conrad, and Hemmingway in particular should be read by all whether they wish to or not!
Re: Re: Enjoy Non-consent Stories?

KillerMuffin said:
Do you know what's disturbing? People like this guy:


Jesus fucking christ. Dont follow the link on his page. It took me straight to a really really really bad story. I stopped at the part where a 9yr old sat on his lap and he said dont be scared. I assumed the worst. Now I have to do some major washing of my computer. Ewwww.

The first few stories I wrote were for other people's fantasies. They loved them, I was bored writing them. I started a story one night that was considered Non-consent, and realized that not only did the words and images come quite easily to me, but I was enjoying writing them more than I had ever enjoyed writing the tame stuff.

I have written several in the last couple of years that I have yet to send into Lit. Why? Because they are so dark, but yet not past what is allowed at Lit. I just fear that if someone read them and actually acted out any of these fantasies, that it could go seriously wrong. I don't think I could live with knowing I was part of someone's terror.

I have sent these to a few close friends who understand my dark side, and all of them loved the stories, and even have tried to push me into submitting them. I just can't do it yet.