Engagement Poll


Sep 5, 2002
Just wondering what everyone was thinking...it might help my decision. What is the youngest age that you think a couple should get engaged at? Let me know! Thanks!
I was engaged two years ago at the age of 20. It didn't work out though, so I don't think my peply will help you any. lol.
If you're asking, it seems like something an under-18 year old would want to know.
crazylion26 said:
Just wondering what everyone was thinking...it might help my decision. What is the youngest age that you think a couple should get engaged at? Let me know! Thanks!

If you have to ask your probably not ready.

You either want to be engaged or you don't and age, sex, colour, wealth, health or anything else shouldn't matter a damn.
I am requiring my son to be engaged for 50 years before he gets to go out on his first date with her let alone marry her. :D
My husband and I were 19 when we got engaged. It took us 7 years to get married though :) I agree with Shiner though. If you have to ask, you're not ready.

vffan said:
If you have to ask, you're not ready.


If one wants to get engaged it is a no turning back thing. It is not just asking someone to go steady. It is saying you want to make a commitment to another person for the rest of your life.....

If you are in doubt one little bit.... DON'T DO IT!!!!!
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engage all you want, but don't get married until you're at least 30.
I got engaged when I was 18 and he was 19. We're 20 and 21 now and will be getting married in December. I think it depends on the two individuals.
perky_baby said:
engage all you want, but don't get married until you're at least 30.

And a forth from me. Be engaged all you want if you are young make it a long engagement. You spend the first 20 odd years of your life trying to please your parents.

Take some time be yourself develop into your own self before you spend the rest of your life having to consider some one else in most of your decissions.

Have some FUN.
