Empty Nest Syndrome


sexual catalyst
Sep 3, 2000
The kids were finally out of the house and we were alone together. So many people had doubted we would remain married, but somehow we struggled through the tough times, celebrated the good ones and now we were faced with getting to know each other all over again.

I had gotten in the habit of taking Friday afternoons off, to clean the house etc etc. The house seemed so empty as I realized that I didn't have any kids to pick up after. I found myself cleaning out my dresser and closet, finding things I hadn't worn in years.

That's when I came across it, a beautiful box and I open the lid, and pull back the layers of delicate tissue. My fingers trembled as I lifted out the sheer negligee in blue and violet in a snakeskin pattern. I recalled when I had made it, during my last pregnancy over 18 years ago, and after that I had never gotten a chance to wear it after that. I lifted it out of the box and held it against my body.

My husband would be home soon and with trembling fingers I took off my pants and top. I glanced at the white cotton panties and bra I was wearing and decided I might as well go all out. I searched through the drawers for a navy pair of hip cut briefs and debated going my braless, I would have to walk slowly but hopefully my husband would notice right away that my full breasts were moving freely. I pinned my long hair up, the silver strands showing in sharp contrast to my dark brown hair.

I slipped the negligee on and whistled as I glanced at myself in the mirror, my nipples had gotten darker and larger after breastfeeding the children and now they showed clearly through the fabric as they hardened. I pulled out a simple navy dress and slipped into it and slide the zipper up the back.

He would surely think something was up when he saw me in a dress. I shook my head as I couldn't easily recall the last time I had worn a dress, or anything sexy. My job required proffessional dress, and I used to wear sexy underwear to keep the spark going, but over the years comfort and the first thing I pulled out became the norm.

I headed slowly downstairs feeling my large breasts shifting freely under the fabric and smiled as I headed to the kitchen and debated dinner.

I didn't hear him come in.......

OOC so who would like to play the hubby?
I would! I'd love to make love to you as you describe yourself! Got a MAJOR BOING reading your post.

Jason Hauck,
27 y.o.
190-ish Lb's.,
Average Build,
Blue Eyes,
Auburn Hair.
well if you're 27, then you would have been 9 when she had her last kid.......and I'm sure it's improbable as well as illegal to be married and having a kid when 9, so age your character

(I also pmed you)
No, no..I should've clarified. Sorry. I was describing myself! My character would be 45 or so, roughly guess-timating.

a few quick questions:

Would he have a vasectomy or would you want the wife to try rolling on his condom during "mouth music"? A mid-life preg-risk / lactation "sexual roulette"?

Or would you prefer to excite hubby by offering to induce milk in your wife-character's breasts?


I'd notice your breasts flowing freely...instant arousal obvious by my pants tenting like I was a teenager again. Struck dumb by your innitiative & obvious benefits. Feeling astonished & dizzy like a kid gawking at a crush from across the parking lot in high school.
Mrs. Madeline Hauck

I sometimes wondered if there was such a thing as being sexy after forty. Right now the way he looked at me, I felt like I was 18 again, way back when we had met. I smiled at him and asked, "Hungry?" lifting one eyebrow as I turned towards him feeling silly about being barefoot in the kitchen and not pregnant. For once I was glad my childbearing days were behind me, not that I hadn't loved every moment of my last pregnancy but I had been 26 then, and now at 44 I was glad my dear husband had gotten snipped for me. I found myself amazed at those who were having babies, twins even, and of course down's sydrome children in their forties. It was not something I wanted to do again, the midnight breast feeding, diapers, fevers, the only time I wanted to change a diaper would be if it were a grandchild. Of course our kids were not there yet so I was looking forward to spending some quality time with my husband. Of course I was just looking at his expression and I got the feeling he was not hungry for food the way he was looking at me.

so even if he weren't snipped the whole joy in being married is the monogamy factor and going with the pill or patch, and my idea for this thread was not geared for sexual roulette as you put it. However I'll offer you this, if things go well we can do a flashback or when this thread spins out we can spin a new thread of when these two characters first met, married, had children etc.

I posted at the babysitter thread you started, also. Hope you like it.



I just gaped and instinctively grabbed my crotch & rubbed. I couldn't help it. My wife's figure had always caused stirs among my male friends & made me insanely jealous. I'd seen a few porn clips of busty women doing things to strangers, talking about the money on-camera. Sent to me at work at my Private Investigations Firm through the family Hotmail account, sent to me by the Best Man at our wedding, the perpetual frat-boy Himself, Michael Franklin Kotis. I was about to tear off my wife's clothes & conclusively prove once & for all, you in-fact *can* teach Old Dogs New Tricks.

I'd enjoyed nursing from my wife after she'd recovered from childbirth each time with Alyssa & our son Jordon, & I'd even dry-nursed on her as we dated.

She indulged me the erotic sensations associated with making-out with her while she was attired in the homemade easy-access nursing bras she'd make with materiel "borrowed" from the textiles class I'd met her in. I learned she's borrowed the concept from her mom's wardrobe closet.

Her Mom was a burlesque dancer her dad had been introduced-to through The U.S. Armed Services. They were an "interesting" bunch, to put it delicately. I never had to subscribe to Playboy while her Mom was home. She worked as a cashier at the small grocery store / PX on the base.

Susan would glare at her mother to wear her blouses buttoned-up while she had gentleman-callers on the premises. You could describe her as a well-preserved Britney Spears with a somewhat eccentric penchant for Elizabeth Hurley-style lusty mischief. The laser-knives Susan would bury in her mother's back - hoo boy.

If I was caught looking, I was banned from making out with her for two weeks at least. That is - if I was quick about denying it.

On Susan's way out the door to the movies, Her Mom would gingerly smack her boyfriends on the butt & tell them not to do anything *she* wouldn't do.

"Wouldn't leave much." Susan mirthlessly retorted many times under her breath.

Susan wanted children badly, (frankly that just meant she wanted off the base's family quarters district. All us guys used that as a way to get into the brats' panties.) She claimed she didn't want the big families everyone else was indiscriminately squeezing out -- but just one of each. A 'Daddy's Girl' & a 'Mom's Special Man'. A nice home & a regular life of Sunday Dinners with my future in-laws, good jobs & generally carrying out the typical desire by most folk to do good in life. I enrolled in basic training but got stuck in Military Police because of my dad, it would serve the U.S. Army's interests far better to keep me on his coat-tails & out of the hair of his superiors.

My Dad wasn't happy with my "faggot's-class". He was a very old-school military man (whom most people regarded as "special" or fearlessly declared was outright senile according to his publically-unapologetic behaviour.) Mom was divorced from him after catching him red-handed with gutter-trash in their bed in our home. He'd done everything but crossed that line up untill that day. Motels & other couples' homes were liveable as long as she didn't have to see or hear about it. It was time to clean house.

My Mom's now living with my widower step-dad in Victoria, B.C. and enjoying several of their grandchildren from his previous marriage. Dad was kept in Nevada on indefinate Desk Jockey duties untill he complied with orders to see the base shrink or stop womanizing & embarrassing the Army via compromising statements he'd give to embedded-service groups he used-to hang-out with out in the field 'back in the day'. Well, I don't think I need to fill in the blank for you.

Others just gave my dad a sideways glance as though he were growing a third-eye & shrugged him off. Accosting girls walking home from school about a woman's political standing - & this was while he was sober. If not, he'd wave "his weapon" at those he thought were prostitutes - just flower-children in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Thankfully, Fate delivered the long-deserved blow that my fiancee's father was aching to land upside his head for propositioning my future-wife. Intervening on my family's behalf as an MP, I plead with the go-go club-owner not to press charges or sic his goons on Dad. Shortly after I smoothed things over, I called home & Susan came to fulfill her usual role as Family Guardian Angel & get him home after he'd been bounced for becoming obnoxious & groping a go-go dancer.

"Why you wanna dip-wick that fag kid of mine? He sews clothes like an old maid! You - *hic* - want a real man's baby! Good tits on you..*hic* breeding hips.." & then blacked-out before he could do any real harm to her.

He'd gotten reactivated & dried-out to a point while dispatched to train some kids in "Operation: Desert Storm". Killed while soliciting a teen for a BJ according to the witnesses. Taken out in ultimately dishonorable conduct, by a hand grenade the girl slipped in the pouch of the underwear around his ankles. Either way, Susan persevered in the standing arguement about the origins of my relationship with her & about a guy learning to be somewhat self-sufficient to a degree in Life.

Susan saw me as I walked in the Textiles Classroom in high school & I saw her. WHAM. I fell like a sack of hammers without her laying a finger on me.

I married her eighteen months later and moved off the air force base in Nevada. She showed me things her parents had dragged her to, over the years. She was the one who courted *me*. I liked the change in my perception of a woman's level of innitiative, not to mention her *really* nice rack.

A nice interruption of my routine dates with the barflies I had to pick-from, or spend the rest of my foreseeable life masturbating. "Skanks" in my son's lingo, who'd brush me off for the larger, higher-earning recruits without looking back.

Susan would beat me off into a condom & I'd go down on her. In that day & age, - in our crowds, at least, - free love was the thing that earned you a one-way irrefutable ticket to social siberia. She was a proper Christian Lady, waiting for marriage. I respected that.

Several years later, our daughter is an Ad Consultant for Calvin Klein in London, England. I retired from the Service as a budget problem, more or less. Our son works for me as a Private Investigator specializing in Closed-Adoption reconciliations I'd been recruited-for through my son's contacts at The Salvation Army. My son, the part-time science fiction novelist.

He was the one who found my Mom's long lost baby sister...a chip off the old block, in my opinion. Nobody's fool.

When he's not working with me, he volunteers at PFLAG (Parents of Lesbians & Gays.) I couldn't be more proud of his compassionate conviction. He's every bit his mother's son. He dedicated his first book to his best lesbian friend from High School, an ex-girlfriend he'd helped come out of the closet to everyone & then who'd died of AIDS last year.

But it had been all those years since I'd seen my wife in a dress & braless to boot! BOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I could muster was a throtled squeak..

"Hello. I'm Jason Hauck. I live here. Who are you & what have you done with my wife?"

She laughed & blushed profusely. I always got crazy for her when she lit up & said "Oh stop. I'm not hot."

"Want a friggin' bet?"

I approached her. My daughter had left her favorite C.D. (the soundtrack from "Hope Floats") in the cordless ghetto blaster we kept by the back sliding glass dining room / patio door. It was there to provide something extra fun while dipping in the hot-tub in the corner of the second floor deck, nearest the cherry tree. I blindly groped for the "Play" button.

"Chances Are" by Bob Seger & Martina McBride.

"May I?" I extended my hand & pulled her hard against me. Wrapped her up in my arms *tight*. I led her in swirls to the bedroom & lifted a leg to kick the door shut behind us. "Dear mother of god...its as if you haven't aged a day. You're every bit as beautiful as I remember you."

"You act as if you haven't seen me everyday for 20 years!"

"Something feels like - yeah, maybe I've missed something somewhere. That is..*breathing hard* - untill you, frankly, quite emphatically clarified things for me tonight. I'm sorry if I haven't been paying the kind of attention to you I used to. But you've definately caught my attention, Mrs. Hauck, & you're *never* going to lose it again - ever!"
OOC other than changing my name explaining my whole family history, not a bad post, in the future try and leave my characters history and motivation and such to me, or pm your ideas before you make her mom a go-go dancer, her name susan and an army brat.


He may have missed something, but along the line I stopped reminding him. I noticed all the stares I got at our wedding when the creamy satin had hugged my curves and the lace neckline showed more flesh than I normally would. I had loved making the dress and while riskque I figured it was worth it for the day, besides my mother would undoubtedly wear something clingy blood red and scandalous, which she had.

I clung to him feeling my breasts press against him and realized while I had hid my charms from the world I had also hidden them from him and reminded myself to make up something new that would better fit and show off my strong legs.

"I left your tired frumpy wife in the closet when I put something special on." My lips twisted in a wry smile inviting him to discover what else I was wearing.
Sorry. You're right. But I get a jazz-on for an idea & run with it impulsively. I was hoping to mix sex & comedy, always a good combination in my experience. If you can make a girl laugh, & in doing so, make her forget about the worries of the day, you've accomplished half the battle. In few words: Anthropomorphised version of Fozzie Bear in actual fully-human form. Funny & cuddly. Wakka wakka wakka!

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