Emergency. (Closed.)
Lights flashing, sirens blaring, monitor beeping, fluids flowing. This was the life for Laura Shah. As an Emergency Medical Technician, she loved helping others, saving lives. However, with her passion for her career as an EMT, soon to be Paramedic, her love life slowly suffered. With the amount of time she spent working, both her regularly scheduled shifts and unscheduled overtime, her relationship became strained and eventually ended. It had been months and though she has been fine being on her own, she did miss the touch of a man. There was only so much she could do with her own fingers and a couple toys. To her, nothing beat the feeling of being with a man, the heat and weight of his body on hers, pulling and grabbing at each other, working one another to a fever pitch... She wanted someone who could deal with her hectic schedule and at least give her the physical attention she craved. Though, Laura knew that those odds were slim, unless it were someone else also working in the EMS service.
The 23 year old redhead was typing her narrative report after signing off on some paperwork and transferring care of a patient she and her partner transported to the hospital.
26M. A&Ox4. GCS 15. Found sitting at home on couch holding right side. C/O “I think I have appendicitis.” Resp. 14, Pulse 112, BP 118/82, skin warm, pink, moist. Rebound tenderness to RLQ, pain 7/10 doing nothing, 10/10 with palpation. Guarding during palpation. NKA/NKDA, takes aspirin prn, denies drug or alcohol use. Previous history of kidney stones 2 years ago. Pt states he ate tuna fish sandwich 3 hours ago with a diet Coke. Pt states pain began 2 hours ago and progressively gotten worse. Pt denies ever having pain like this before.
Laura kept the narrative short and sweet on this one. To her, it was a classic case of appendicitis, which the patient seemed to know as well, though she could only give objective and subjective findings, no diagnosis. Closing the laptop once the report was saved, she looked up and glanced around the Emergency Room, looking to see if her partner had come back from the restroom yet. Her green eyes showed that she was tired, yet still sparkled with energy as she watched nurses and ER Techs wander around the department. She exhaled heavily, adjusting the navy blue jumpsuit that was her uniform. Even with the belt around her waist, the uniform didn’t do her figure justice. There was one hour left and then they would be done for the night, though the end of their night was 7am. That also made it hard to meet anyone outside of her job - her schedule was so backwards, she would start her shift when the rest of the world was getting off work, and go to bed when they were heading to work.
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Lights flashing, sirens blaring, monitor beeping, fluids flowing. This was the life for Laura Shah. As an Emergency Medical Technician, she loved helping others, saving lives. However, with her passion for her career as an EMT, soon to be Paramedic, her love life slowly suffered. With the amount of time she spent working, both her regularly scheduled shifts and unscheduled overtime, her relationship became strained and eventually ended. It had been months and though she has been fine being on her own, she did miss the touch of a man. There was only so much she could do with her own fingers and a couple toys. To her, nothing beat the feeling of being with a man, the heat and weight of his body on hers, pulling and grabbing at each other, working one another to a fever pitch... She wanted someone who could deal with her hectic schedule and at least give her the physical attention she craved. Though, Laura knew that those odds were slim, unless it were someone else also working in the EMS service.
The 23 year old redhead was typing her narrative report after signing off on some paperwork and transferring care of a patient she and her partner transported to the hospital.
26M. A&Ox4. GCS 15. Found sitting at home on couch holding right side. C/O “I think I have appendicitis.” Resp. 14, Pulse 112, BP 118/82, skin warm, pink, moist. Rebound tenderness to RLQ, pain 7/10 doing nothing, 10/10 with palpation. Guarding during palpation. NKA/NKDA, takes aspirin prn, denies drug or alcohol use. Previous history of kidney stones 2 years ago. Pt states he ate tuna fish sandwich 3 hours ago with a diet Coke. Pt states pain began 2 hours ago and progressively gotten worse. Pt denies ever having pain like this before.
Laura kept the narrative short and sweet on this one. To her, it was a classic case of appendicitis, which the patient seemed to know as well, though she could only give objective and subjective findings, no diagnosis. Closing the laptop once the report was saved, she looked up and glanced around the Emergency Room, looking to see if her partner had come back from the restroom yet. Her green eyes showed that she was tired, yet still sparkled with energy as she watched nurses and ER Techs wander around the department. She exhaled heavily, adjusting the navy blue jumpsuit that was her uniform. Even with the belt around her waist, the uniform didn’t do her figure justice. There was one hour left and then they would be done for the night, though the end of their night was 7am. That also made it hard to meet anyone outside of her job - her schedule was so backwards, she would start her shift when the rest of the world was getting off work, and go to bed when they were heading to work.
Feel free to reply here or PM.
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