

Really Experienced
Dec 16, 2011
Emergency. (Closed.)

Lights flashing, sirens blaring, monitor beeping, fluids flowing. This was the life for Laura Shah. As an Emergency Medical Technician, she loved helping others, saving lives. However, with her passion for her career as an EMT, soon to be Paramedic, her love life slowly suffered. With the amount of time she spent working, both her regularly scheduled shifts and unscheduled overtime, her relationship became strained and eventually ended. It had been months and though she has been fine being on her own, she did miss the touch of a man. There was only so much she could do with her own fingers and a couple toys. To her, nothing beat the feeling of being with a man, the heat and weight of his body on hers, pulling and grabbing at each other, working one another to a fever pitch... She wanted someone who could deal with her hectic schedule and at least give her the physical attention she craved. Though, Laura knew that those odds were slim, unless it were someone else also working in the EMS service.

The 23 year old redhead was typing her narrative report after signing off on some paperwork and transferring care of a patient she and her partner transported to the hospital.

26M. A&Ox4. GCS 15. Found sitting at home on couch holding right side. C/O “I think I have appendicitis.” Resp. 14, Pulse 112, BP 118/82, skin warm, pink, moist. Rebound tenderness to RLQ, pain 7/10 doing nothing, 10/10 with palpation. Guarding during palpation. NKA/NKDA, takes aspirin prn, denies drug or alcohol use. Previous history of kidney stones 2 years ago. Pt states he ate tuna fish sandwich 3 hours ago with a diet Coke. Pt states pain began 2 hours ago and progressively gotten worse. Pt denies ever having pain like this before.

Laura kept the narrative short and sweet on this one. To her, it was a classic case of appendicitis, which the patient seemed to know as well, though she could only give objective and subjective findings, no diagnosis. Closing the laptop once the report was saved, she looked up and glanced around the Emergency Room, looking to see if her partner had come back from the restroom yet. Her green eyes showed that she was tired, yet still sparkled with energy as she watched nurses and ER Techs wander around the department. She exhaled heavily, adjusting the navy blue jumpsuit that was her uniform. Even with the belt around her waist, the uniform didn’t do her figure justice. There was one hour left and then they would be done for the night, though the end of their night was 7am. That also made it hard to meet anyone outside of her job - her schedule was so backwards, she would start her shift when the rest of the world was getting off work, and go to bed when they were heading to work.

Feel free to reply here or PM.
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Tommy O'Brien had been on the night shift at the power plant for quite a while. He was a welder, a damn good one at that, but he had been working seven nights a week, twelve hours a night, for a few months now, welding pipe together. He was getting tired. At thirty years old, his body, though in excellent physical shape, was starting to get worn down from so many hard hours. He was six feet tall and a good, solid two hundred pounds. Maybe he drank a few too many beers after work some nights, but that's self-medication for ya.

It had been a long time since he'd been with a woman. The long hours made it difficult to maintain any kind of relationship. His wife had cheated on him and left just a month ago, and the divorce was pending. He didn't blame her. He wasn't there to take care of her needs, plain and simple. At least now he got to keep his overtime money to himself.

He never saw the accident coming. He had his hood down, focused on the weld puddle. A tower crane was lifting a large length of pipe when a strap broke, and the pipe slipped out and fell. No one was underneath it, but there was other material and tools that flew like shrapnel when the pipe crashed the the ground.

The pain had hit him and he was out, and the next thing he knew he was looking up at a redheaded angel trying to save his life in the back of an ambulance...
“Eden Medical, this is King Medical Unit 5,” Shah called over the radio as she and her partner finished loading Tommy into the back of the rig. A voice came back over the radio to tell her to go ahead. “We are inbound to your facility Code 3. The patient is a 30 year old male, found unresponsive with blunt force trauma to the head and chest, a 4 inch piece of metal protruding from his right anterior thigh, several lacerations to the back of the head and neck, all bleeding has been controlled, left deformity to the humerus. The patient was wearing a welding helmet. We have taken C-spine precautions, providing oxygen via non-rebreather at 10 liters per minute. Bystanders did not know his medical history, allergies, or if taking any medications. The patient is breathing on his own, respiration rate of 18, absent lungs sounds on the lower right, pulse 92, blood pressure 114 by palp.” Laura paused waiting for confirmation from the hospital as she climbed into the back of the ambulance. The hospital called back asking for their estimated time of arrival. Eric called back eight to ten minutes from the front seat, driving the ambulance out onto the road, lights and sirens going. “ETA is 8 to 10 minutes,” she repeated over the radio. The hospital confirmed again.

The redhead began assessing Tommy again once the radio call was done. She felt on his neck for a pulse at the carotid artery, then counted for 15 seconds, then watched his breathing for another 15. With her pen, she wrote it on the piece of medical tape she kept stuck to her leg to write things down when getting the computer out to type things in was not an option. Pulling out her stethoscope, she listened to his lungs again, the lung sounds seeming to have improved a little. “Well that’s good,” she said to herself, standing up and steadying herself by grabbing the railing by her head. Having stuck all the EKG leads on him while at the scene, she pressed the button to start a readout of his heart rhythm.

She then noticed his eyes opening, looking up at her. She sat down, grabbing his hand reassuringly. “Hey there, my name is Laura and I’m an EMT. You were involved in a pretty bad accident at the plant and we’re taking you to that hospital. I know you're in a lot of pain right now, and we're trying to get you there as fast as we can. Now, I’m going to ask you a couple of dumb questions, okay? I need to make sure your brain is okay. What’s your name? What town do you work in? What year is it? Who is the President right now?” She paused in between each question for his answer, still holding his hand. The first step in assessing someone’s mental status was always asking who they were, where they were, what year it was, and something pertinent to the present time. And she kept ahold of his hand to reassure him that he wasn't alone, just like she did for nearly every other patient they had who wasn't in the best of shape.
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So much pain. His head pounded, his leg hurt, his back hurt... The dull throbbing in his leg was a sure sign his injuries were pretty severe. He squeezed the hand that grabbed his own hard, maybe a little too hard and grunted in pain.

"Argh, fuck!"

He took a deep, shuddering breath, which only led to more pain. He squeezed his eyes shut and then opened them again, looking at the redhead as she spoke to him, his brain scrambling to process the questions she was asking.

He gritted his teeth through the pain, and his brown eyes locked with her emerald green ones.

"Tommy O'Brien," he said. "I work in Los Angeles. It's 2013. Obama."

He grunted again. "This hurts a lot. How bad is it?"
She gave a small smile to him, and actually had to keep from laughing at his small outburst of foul language. Maybe it was due to how tired she was and running on barely any sleep, but for some reason she found it slightly humorous. “Good!” she exclaimed before answering his question. “Well, I’m going to give you the honest truth. You look like a big man who can handle the truth.” Again, due to being tired, she was now trying to make a joke, a very poor attempt at one. “You’ve got a piece of metal sticking 4 inches out of your leg right, your left arm looks like it’s broken - Do you feel this?” she asked, pausing in her description of him to squeeze one of his fingers on his left hand. “-and your head is pretty banged up which is why we strapped you down. And judging by some of the bruising on your chest, your lungs took some force as well.” With a sigh, she brushed some of her hair that escaped her pony tail out of her face using the back of wrist, trying not to touch her face with her blood covered gloves. “However, you’re conscious, and now this means you have to stay away till the doctor says you can sleep again, got it?” When Laura spoke this, it was more of an order.

They arrived at the hospital fairly quickly and rolled him into the Emergency Department. She gave her hand off report to team of nurses and doctors who had one of the trauma rooms ready for him. “30 year old male, his name is Tommy O’Brien. Involved in an accident at the power plant - a large beam fell from a crane and sprayed shrapnel when it hit everything on the ground. He’s got a piece of metal sticking 4 inches out of his right anterior leg, we bandaged as best as we could to keep it immobile. Obvious deformity to his left humerus, didn’t splint it since we were backboarding him. Bystanders said they saw some pretty large pieces of debris hit him in the head and chest. Numerous lacerations to those areas. Vitals at the scene were respiration rate of 18, absent lungs sounds on the lower right, pulse 92, blood pressure 114 by palp, eyes PERL. Reassessment findings were respiration rate of 20, crackling on the lower right lung, pulse 122, blood pressure 134/92 indicated by the machine. Provided oxygen via non-rebreather at 10 liters per minute, starting at the scene. Bystanders didn’t know his medical history, medications, allergies, alcohol or drug use. He woke up in the last 4 minutes of the ride here, and I didn’t ask then because he was in obvious pain when he spoke to me.” She paused, going over everything in her head. “Is there anything else you would like to know?”

The doctor said no and dismissed her and her partner out of the room once they got him off the cot and onto the trauma table. She went to the nurses station to start on the paper work, just like every call. But, for some reason, she glanced back to the room with her green eyes. She’d felt this way before when transporting children or elderly people who reminded her of her mother... Her heart ached for him, and secretly she wanted to go back in there and hold his hand through everything. The way he looked at her in the ambulance, she couldn’t help but feel something.
As they wheeled him away, Tommy couldn't help but try to look for the EMT that had been with him in the ambulance... But he couldn't move his head, and the next several minutes flew by in a whirl of questions and pain as they worked on him...

A few days later, he was still in the hospital. He had a number of broken ribs, his arm was broken, and his leg was pretty messed up from the chunk of metal that had pierced his thigh.

He had tried walking around, even though the doctor told him not to. Of course he barely made it two steps before climbing back in the hospital bed. His sleep schedule was still backwards from working nights for so long. At least he had great insurance through his union, though he was already sick and tired of the hospital. He wouldn't be able to go back to work at least until the cast on his arm came off, and even then it might take a while longer.

And so he slept his days away, and watched bad movies through the night. His ex-wife came to see him once, and that didn't go very well.

At least the divorce was finalized.

She was walking out the door when Tommy finally saw a face that made him smile... The red-headed EMT from the ambulance, standing in his doorway...
Laura told herself that she was not going to see him. She told herself over and over and over again. She could lose her job seeing Tommy. It was one thing when she would send stuffed animals and flowers anonymously, but actually seeing a patient was detrimental to her career. And here she was, standing in the doorway. She was shouldered by the wife, she said not a word. Laura wasn't sure who the woman was, but she didn't seem to be in the best of moods.

The redhead was wearing normal clothes this time, a pair of skinny jeans that hugged her thighs and ass, a dark turquoise blouse that not only emphasized her waist, but her 36DD chest as well. The outfit showed that she was athletic, yet still curvy. Even though she spent a lot of time working, she made sure to hit the gym as well, partly to get out any stresses, partly to stay physically fit for
The demands of the job. Her hair was out of its usual braid, ponytail, or bun, down in waves.

She took a deep breath and returned the smile, taking a step into the room. "Well, you're looking better," she commented, not quite sure what else to say. Flashes of him shirtless in the rig crossed through her mind as she let her eyes wander over some of the bruises and the cast on his arm. She knew it was bad, but as she laid down to go to sleep in the mornings, she couldn't help but think of the strength she knew his body held. After not being with a man for so long, she fantasizes about him. His strong arms grabbing and pulling at her, digging her nails into his back, feeling the muscles she had run her hand over nights before when checking for back injuries... Her face flushed and she mentally shook the thoughts from her head, though a blush started to spread across her cheeks, down her neck and across her chest. This was not the time to be thinking those thoughts... Even though he still looked quite delicious in the hospital gown.
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Tommy couldn't help but smile when he saw her in the doorway; his mood went from miserable to thrilled in a heartbeat! He wanted to get up and hug her, or something, but moving still hurt too much. He smiled at her, and saw her blush as she looked at him.

"Thanks," he said. "Come in, come in! God, you're even prettier than I remembered!"

He watched her enter. She had one hell of a body; he hadn't been able to see anything of her but her face in the ambulance, and those green eyes had been a memory he'd clung to throughout all of the pain and procedures.

"I'm just happy I didn't have to have another accident like that to see you again," he said.
Laura gave another smile. "No more accidents, please." She took a couple steps into the room and stood next to the bed. 'You're going to lose your job!' She ignored the words of common sense. She knew better than to be here. 'Just one visit, and I won't ever see him again,' she thought to herself.

"You look a lot better than I thought you would. I bet you'll be out of here in no time."
"Thanks, but I don't really feel all that great. I mean, I guess the pain isn't so bad, but that chunk of metal that got stuck in my leg really messed something up. Doc says I'm gonna have a limp." Tommy shrugged.

"I guess that's better than being dead though, right?" Tommy chuckled. "So I didn't think I'd ever see you again. I asked one of the nurses about you and they said you couldn't come see me."

He smirked at her. "I'm glad you did though. You saved my life."
She shrugged, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. She leaned closer. "Well, technically I'm not supposed to see you..." Laura said, lowering her voice to be sure none of the nurses outside the room heard her. Luckily, she passed no one that would possible know who she was, and if she did, she would have turned around and gone right back home. "It's against protocol... I could lose my job seeing you right now." Actually saying the words made her shudder a bit. She loved her job. If she lost her job with King Medical, it would be a bitch and a half trying to find a job with another company because she would have to state on her applications why she was terminated. "So as far as everyone else knows, I'm your sister-in-law."
Tommy smirked, and leaned in closer; well, as much as he could, anyway. "Well you certainly didn't have to risk your job coming here," he said. He placed his hand (the one not bound up in a cast) on hers. "But if we're gonna play pretend, I think we should say you're my girlfriend," he said, giving her a playful wink.

Something about this young woman certainly brightened his spirits! He couldn't remember the last time he'd actually flirted with someone, and he was surprised that in spite of his injured condition, he was actually having fun!

"Or, if you are my sister-in-law, could we at least be having an affair?" he asked with another laugh.
Laura surprised herself by giggling at what he said. "Girlfriend or affair?" she thought out loud. She thought to herself that an affair with this man was actually appealing? But they were just pretending. She didn't even know him, other than what she had learned nights before. Even then, she could use some more excitement and adventure in her life. "I think pretending it's an affair may fit the whole 'sneaking around' bit, and be more exciting, don't you? Next you're going to tell me that you're actually married." She laughed and then paused, her face going from happy to serious. "...You're not, are you?"
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Tommy laughed. "No. Divorce just got finalized, actually," he said. "That was my ex-wife heading out the door when you showed up."

He gave her hand another squeeze. "I'm not really the cheating type, anyways," he said. It had been a very long time since he'd had any kind of physical contact like this with a woman. He liked it.

"You? Married? Boyfriend? Lover?"
"Aaah..." She nodded her head slowly a couple times, remembering how the woman shouldered her as she left. She kept her words about the woman to herself. With a sigh, she shook her head, looking down at his hand on hers. Absently she turned his hand over in hers, studying the healing calluses that showed how much he worked with his hands. "No, none of that. Working the hours I work, it's a bit difficult to meet people and have a relationship, even a lover." The redhead shrugged, giving a smile and a laugh, her green eyes looking up at him.
It was way too easy to get totally lost in those emerald eyes of hers...

Tommy broke her gaze, finally, but got lost just as easily in the touch of her hand on his.

"It's funny you mention that," he said. "I've been workin a lot of long nights too, so I think I know what you mean. Takes a strain on the relationship, the love life... Life in general, I think." He sighed, and then looked back at her.

Those damn green eyes.

"But that's why they pay us the big bucks, right?"
"Yeah. At least you understand, most people don't unless they experience it themselves. Sometimes I don't necessarily want a relationship... Just someone to be with." The 23 year old was feeling oddly comfortable with him.

She didn't exactly make the best pay, but she managed to get by. The more experience she got under her belt, the more money she would eventually earn. Laura just nodded her head in agreement, "Of course."
Tommy smiled again. "Just need someone to sleep the day away with, huh?" he said, starting to wonder where this conversation might lead. "I'd offer my bed but I don't think two people will fit at the moment..." he said, patting the hospital cot.

"We'd have to be really close," he said. His gaze lingered on her, and his mind went places it shouldn't have. Her hand on his certainly wasn't helping matters there, nor was the way her ample breasts pushed out her blouse.

He suddenly realized, to his horror, he had a bit of a tent growing at his crotch, under the hospital gown!
She repeated him, "Sleep the day away with, right..." She giggled again, brushing some hair behind her ear with her free hand. "I guess you could say that." Her eyes went downward and noticed the small, but growing tent beneath the hospital gown, and her mind wandered to naughty thoughts. She smirked, looking back up at him and tilting her head to the side. "Though, I'm sure your doctor would advise against you being 'really close' with anyone right now."
Tommy laughed. "Yeah, doc probably wouldn't recommend that." He lifted up his broken, casted arm. "I doubt I'd be much good in bed right now anyways, as beat up as I am," he said.

"Hell, I can hardly walk," he said, frowning. All his life he had been strong, athletic, capable. He had never been limited by his body in any way. Now, with a broken arm and gimp leg... He'd probably never play baseball or hockey again. He was going to have a hell of a time just making it through work.

Be began to grow frustrated as his mind worked those thoughts. He looked at Laura. She was gorgeous, had an amazing body. What would she want with a broken-down welder?
"Who says you need to be able to walk? There's always a different way to do everything," she said, raising an eyebrow.

This wasn't something she should be talking about with him. Laura was already breaking the rules just coming to see him. but now talking about sex with her patient? But, even though she should, she just didn't care. He understood where she came from, and goddammit she couldn't help it if she were a bit horny, particularly since it had been so long. Just the mere thought of being in bed with a man, especially Tommy for some reason, made her panties wet, her nipples ache against the restraint of her bra.

A nurse came in with a tray. "It's time for your medications Mr. O'Brien," the short, mature woman said. She set the tray down next to the rolling computer cart and logged herself in to access Tommy's hospital records.

Laura heaved a sigh, running her hands through her hair. She needed to leave before things got out of control and she got them both in trouble. "Well, I should get going. You need your rest." She stood, adjusting her top. "Heal fast, kay?" She leaned forward and awkwardly hugged him, allowing herself to kiss him on the cheek before turning and leaving the room. 'I'm not coming back again. This is too risky,' she told herself. But, the voice in the back of her head said she knew better, she would be back.


She lasted a week before she couldn't take it anymore. She'd lay awake in bed thinking about him, fantasizing about his hands, even just one his one good hand on her body. Knowing that he seemed to understand her personal frustrations just seemed to add fuel to the desire she had for him. She still couldn't figure out why she felt this way, she just did. At work, she did her best to keep from being distracted, focusing on being thorough and providing the best care she could. However, her mind would still wander when they had down time. Her partner had noticed her far away gazes and asked what was going on, and all she told him was that there were some personal problems going on, but she was fine.

The green-eyed young woman walked through the halls of the hospital once more, this time early in the morning right after getting off work. A plain red purple jacket worn over the EMT jumpsuit she wore. There were different nurses at the nursing station today.

"Hello dear, who are you here to see today?" a elderly woman asked her with a fake smile.

"Thomas O'Brien."

"Okay, and what's your relationship to him?"

I'm... His girlfriend," she lied, though she knew the nurse wouldn't know any better even if Laura had said she was his sister. The older woman told her to go ahead and see him. Poking her head through the door, she knocked on the doorframe. "Hey there," she greeted with a smile.
The kiss she planted on his cheek was what got him through the next week. He was beginning to think he'd never see her again. He certainly didn't want her to get in trouble over him, or risk her career.

But he couldn't get her out of his head!

He was making progress though. The wound to his leg was healing, and he could walk, albeit slowly and with a cane. At least he could get down to the cafeteria now on his own, without a damn wheelchair! The doctors frowned upon it, as they didn't want him to fall and risk further injury to his broken arm.

But he was as stubborn as he was Irish, and so he did his best to walk on his own two feet.

He'd had a few visitors, mostly brother union members, but for the most part he spent his days in solitude. He did a lot of reading.

And then, finally, when he'd just come to accept that he would never see his savior again, she showed up in his doorway again.

"Hey! Looks like you just got off work. How are ya?" he asked her, smiling as he swung his legs off the side of the bed.
"I'm alright. Just tired." 'I can't sleep, I'm always thinking about you...' she thought to herself. She plopped down to sit the bed next to him. She sat closer than last time, their legs nearly touching after the bed sagged with her added weight. "How's hospital life treating you?" She looked him over, wanting nothing more than to tear off the shapeless hospital gown. "Have you pissed off your doctors yet?"
"Yeah, Doc ain't too happy with me," he chuckled as she sat next to him. "I keep getting up and hobbling around and Doc says I'm gonna fall and break my arm again. I keep telling him to stick it," Tommy said.

His hand almost instinctively found hers; he'd been craving that touch for too long now. Their fingers entwined naturally, like they'd been holding hands for years.

"But... It's sounding like they're gonna send me home in the next day or two," he said, looking into her eyes now.
"I'm surprised they're not encouraging you to walk more to ensure mobility." Her heart fluttered when she grabbled her hand and lace their fingers. She smiled, probably a bit more excited for him than she should have been. "That's great!" she exclaimed, giving his hand a squeeze. "Then you can walk around all you want without getting yelled at." She yawned, covering her mouth with her hand. "Sorry... Long night."