EmberFaye: Return of the Fire Sprite

It's a combo of things. When I first came to Lit and first started posting pix... it was definitely an exhibitionist thing. I got very turned on from the thought of others (men AND women) looking at my pix and getting off to them. Someone, even a complete stranger, looking and getting so turned on that they had to take care of themselves just did something for me. This was back before the govt implemented the whole 2257 thing, when anything could be posted on Lit. A lot of what I posted then was pretty much up close, downright naughty. I even did a lot of camming on different sites way back then.

I got burned out though.. lost a bit of that sexual drive from the exhibition, so I stopped posting. Then I came back after a few months away and decided I wanted to take the more artistic, pin-up girl approach. I did that for quite a long time, and then it was more about wanting to be appreciated artistically. I tried to take that to a professional level, and did for almost 2 years.. but again, got burned out and quit.

I just didn't have any kind of drive in me for the longest time... but I noticed within the past couple of weeks, it's like I've hit a sexual peak again. The other night when I was taking pix, it was back to the thought of imagining someone looking at them and getting turned on. It started out for a dear friend, for his bday.. but then I just thought about how much I'd love to show off again.

I'm pretty self conscious about my looks right now.. my body... so I'm not really sure how much I'll post. I really want to try again though.

Long and rambly.. but hope it answered your question somewhat! :p lol

Lovely answer. You weren't rambling at all. I always enjoy hearing the women who post here articulate what they get out of it; I find it very interesting.

As for you feeling self-concious about your looks now, there's a big reason why your threads have so many people posting in them. ;)
In all honesty it's kind of a boring game, I'm truly disappointed in it :(

As for books I'm slowly working my way through the Wheel of Time series again, emphasis on slowly :(
Thank you!
And I know.. I tend to burst a lot of fantasy bubbles for guys. I can't help it.. I'm just too damn brutally honest of a person :p

But the men that are really close to me don't mind. I'm fiery enough for them without all the fantasies .. hehe :D :devil:

I'm rather honest too and tend to be friends with people that are as well. And I most definitely like fiery women! No disappointment here!
Ok i asked for feet and you gave me feet, would it be to forward of me to ask to see more of your luscious rump?:devil:
Hmmmmm, are those toes pointing? They could be :)

And I'm happy you found me here! I'd be sad if you didn't come visit me ;)

Persuasion, eh? Hmm... Aren't my pix enough persuasion?? *pouts*

Babes.. trust me... I wouldn't stop you *winks and grins*

Well I wouldn't want you to be getting sad like that now. Let me turn your frown upside down. ;)

Perhaps a bit, though I would say they file more so under the "inspirtation" category. :cool:

Somehow I knew you'd say something like that.

It's not really that they're "getting away" with it per se. It's just hard for Mods to go through every single pic on Lit. Everyone keeps giving Lit shit, but it's the govt that's to blame, not Lit. If people don't like it, then they need to get off their asses and VOTE and kick the people out of office that put these changes in place. I mean, how many people do you think know about the fact that the govt is now trying to monitor the time that people spend online. They want the info logged.. they want to keep tabs on people (and hell, they do in some cases already any way).

Ok.. ranted there a bit.. lol
You know how I was always one to speak my mind on such things .. yeah, that hasn't really changed much *smirks*

Nice! I still need to buy that one. I know I saw it in paperback at one time.. but now all I've found is hardback. I'll probably wait until I can get the paperback, so it will match the other two I have. Dunno yet.

Ahh.. NPH... <3 <3 <3
and love HIMYM .. I should check out that book.

I was looking over the first Strain book while at Borders.. was almost going to get it, but I had other books picked out already. I looked it up on Amazon.. it didn't get very good reviews on there. What's your opinion? Good? Worth the read?


Oh I know that.....and true, the mods do what they can. Why they have to, is beyond me....I know why the Govt. made it but that sort of thing should fall on the responsibility of the individual/parents. And no, I wasn't aware of that......thanks for the heads up.

*chuckles softly* And that's one of the things I love about ya. :rose::kiss:

Got the trilogy (bought separately) on Kindle. I know what you mean there......if I have a set of books/comics collected, I like them to be in a similar binding.

Yeah, NPH and How I Met Your Mother are two wonderful things.....The Playbook, Bro Code and Bro on the Go, just seem like they'd have his wonderful sense of humr in them. Plus I got all three together at a really good rate, like $16-18 bucks, including shipping.

I got The Strain and The Fall for Christmas this past year from a friend......nothing too big, but she got me the one in paper back and the other hard back. Can't be too picky about that though. :p Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan did a helluva job with the book....I can't imagine how it's gotten negative reviews, but trust me, it's a damn good read. I am eagerly waiting for the last book, The Night Eternal, to come out. If you like vampires....which I know you do.....give it a read.

*gives a big warm bearhug and plenty of gropes with kisses*

By the way....nice teasing pic you put up to associate with the reading. I know that'd be good motivation to keep to the books for alot of folks.
Yes..there does seem to be a line that is blurry around here.

Eh, it's just the mod's not able to go through every single pic. If something is pointed out to them by someone, and it goes against the rules, they WILL remove it.

A real man would service you in his sleep. :)

Oh come now! If it was 3am, you were dead tired, and you had to be up at 6am to get ready for work (an 8 hour day at work), you'd actually be able to perform? Easier said than done! LOL =p

Well an attitude like that will get you damn near everywhere with me.

Good to know *winks and grins*

Is it wrong of me to say I'd love to keep them near me ;) They are just amazing...of course the rest of the person certainly helps to make them that way :)

I Hope that you had a fantastic day...it was a pretty good one here.

Aww, thanks =)
Yesterday was good.. until later in the eve, when I ended up getting a pretty bad headache and not feeling too good. Was actually in bed by 10:30.. which is a shocker when it comes to me. I'm a night owl =p

Today though.. I'm good. No complaints! ^_^

sexy feets , toes, ankles, thank you for granting my wish.

Ok i asked for feet and you gave me feet, would it be to forward of me to ask to see more of your luscious rump?

You're welcome!
And I'm sure I'll eventually get around to showing more of my ass. Eventually *winks*
Oh come now! If it was 3am, you were dead tired, and you had to be up at 6am to get ready for work (an 8 hour day at work), you'd actually be able to perform? Easier said than done! LOL =p

Well, you said he spooned you. If my little guy was nestled between the cheeks of that splendid ass, I'm sure he would go for it, whether the rest of me was participating or not!
well usually teenie girls dont have to abuse makeup ... dont think you need it aswell ...

im sure you could go without it :D

some girls are faking that white color ;>

well my name comes from somewhere else ... maybe you'll find out :)

No, I really truly do need a bit of foundation to even out my complexion. It sucks, but it's true. I just don't put make up on unless we're actually heading up to the city to do something (like night out eating or going to mall, etc etc).. other wise, I never put the crap on. Not even for going to the grocery store *smirks*

I look forward to finding out ;)

Let me see trying to catch up....

Only the inner thigh? No, I would lick everything ... but come on... you know that ;)

Books... nothing.. nada... too busy to read lately... Usually when I am busy like this I break into Blake for a fix of something to think about. Its one of those things where you can read anything and get your mind going. For me its like the catnapping of reading.

Feet? Who the hell knew you had sexy toes? The real quesiton I have to ask myself is; Is there anything on Ember I wouldn't suck while my sensual lapping placed goose bumps randomly on her seductive flush and ever ruddy skin? So far Nope... in fact... we need to make you a "suck this" card game. I play first!! :D

Yes, I do know *grins and winks*
I don't think you'd disappoint me at all when it comes to your mouth and tongue having it's way with my body.. heh

You are a busy boy most the time!
You mean Anita Blake? or something else. I know Laurell's books are very easy reads (she's been irking me the past few books, because she tends to repeat herself a lot.. she needs a better editor. and yet, I can't seem to stop diving into her worlds)

So you tell me... often.. hehe
Does this "suck this" game translate to you as well? *weg*

Lovely answer. You weren't rambling at all. I always enjoy hearing the women who post here articulate what they get out of it; I find it very interesting.

As for you feeling self-concious about your looks now, there's a big reason why your threads have so many people posting in them. ;)

Well, if you didn't consider that rambling.. you'll enjoy my thread. Because I tend to go on like that a lot... *snickers*

Hmm.. because of my fun, witty, personality?!? Teehee =p
ty *smooch*

In all honesty it's kind of a boring game, I'm truly disappointed in it :(

As for books I'm slowly working my way through the Wheel of Time series again, emphasis on slowly :(

Yep.. I hated it. I played the first mission and pretty much quit after that. Boring, lame, not that great of graphics, no female characters to play (WTF?!), and from reading the reviews and hearing how short of a game and lack of layouts.. I'm glad I quit.

Hmm.. I've heard of the WoT books.. but have yet to actually check them out. Not even really sure if I know what they're about =/

Happy returns.

A light in the darkness of now from the past.

Thank you much!
If only some of the others would return as well.. that would be so nice =)

I'm rather honest too and tend to be friends with people that are as well. And I most definitely like fiery women! No disappointment here!

Good to know! Honesty is a pretty high priority of mine when it comes to others. So many are afraid to be themselves and speak their minds freely for fear of what others will think. Well, I'm not out to be friends with everyone in the world.. so my policy is: if you don't like me for me, then you might as well just move along!

Fiery is good *winks and grins*
Hmmmmm, are those toes pointing? They could be :)


More than likely. At least the one foot. I do tend to do that a lot. I also tend to curl my legs up under me a lot... mainly from being so short (4'11") and since I have a hard time actually touching the floor with my feet in most places (one reason I hate the theater) it's more comfy for me to curl my legs up =p
I also sleep with my legs drawn and curled up most the night (fetal position.. everyone go: awww! how cute! *smirks*)

Very sexy pics! Keep showing :)

Thank you, and thanks for stopping in =)
I shall try to continue to do so! ^_^
Well I wouldn't want you to be getting sad like that now. Let me turn your frown upside down. ;)

Perhaps a bit, though I would say they file more so under the "inspirtation" category. :cool:

Somehow I knew you'd say something like that.

Oh I know that.....and true, the mods do what they can. Why they have to, is beyond me....I know why the Govt. made it but that sort of thing should fall on the responsibility of the individual/parents. And no, I wasn't aware of that......thanks for the heads up.

*chuckles softly* And that's one of the things I love about ya. :rose::kiss:

Got the trilogy (bought separately) on Kindle. I know what you mean there......if I have a set of books/comics collected, I like them to be in a similar binding.

Yeah, NPH and How I Met Your Mother are two wonderful things.....The Playbook, Bro Code and Bro on the Go, just seem like they'd have his wonderful sense of humr in them. Plus I got all three together at a really good rate, like $16-18 bucks, including shipping.

I got The Strain and The Fall for Christmas this past year from a friend......nothing too big, but she got me the one in paper back and the other hard back. Can't be too picky about that though. :p Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan did a helluva job with the book....I can't imagine how it's gotten negative reviews, but trust me, it's a damn good read. I am eagerly waiting for the last book, The Night Eternal, to come out. If you like vampires....which I know you do.....give it a read.

*gives a big warm bearhug and plenty of gropes with kisses*

By the way....nice teasing pic you put up to associate with the reading. I know that'd be good motivation to keep to the books for alot of folks.

Your's is so long that I'm just quoting you by itself! LOL (and you know I love it *winks*)

You're welcome for the heads up.. everyone should be aware of it. It's our rights, after all. As to the "why" of the govt doing it, like I said in PM.. it's not the govt so much worrying about minors looking at porn, but minors being IN the porn. It was they're way to try and cut down on child pornography (read as: right wing, uptight, christians trying to push their morals on everyone and do away with porn completely). So.. yeah.. not gonna say much more. If people on Lit really want to know the reasons why it's the way it is, they can do a little research and find out themselves...

Listen peeps, it was either make Lit the way it is now with soft nudes only, or Lit would have to require to have EVERYONE on file for their records (we're talking names, real and fake, drivers license, address, etc etc) for the govt or face being fined and possible jail time. You want all your real info on file? No? Didn't think so.
And it's not Lit's fault. It's the Govt. Deal.

Ok.. now I'm done ranting about it.. LOL

I'll have to think again about getting the books then. Cuz as long as it's not Twilight crap *ANTI-TWILIGHT*.. then yes, I do love the vamp stories (and werewolves, and shape shifters, and zombies, and supernatural in general =p)

That was a good bargain!
Know what I love? Used book stores! <3 <3 <3 being able to walk in, look around for an hour, and walk out paying only 20 bucks for about 5 books. Tis awesome *nods lots*

Was pretty clever, eh? hehe
I try!

And.. I will see your bear hug and raise you some nibbles and gropes :devil:

Caught up on replies!
Thanks again everyone!

And for being so kind and wonderful... a pic! :D

K.. not sure about this one.. I'm going uncensored, and hopefully it will be considered a soft nude =/
Guess we'll see!

Hope everyone had a wonderful week and has an even better weekend :kiss:
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Caught up on replies!
Thanks again everyone!

And for being so kind and wonderful... a pic! :D

K.. not sure about this one.. I'm going uncensored, and hopefully it will be considered a soft nude =/
Guess we'll see!

Hope everyone had a wonderful week and has an even better weekend :kiss:

enjoying your artistic approach!..have a great weekend..!
Yes, I do know *grins and winks*
I don't think you'd disappoint me at all when it comes to your mouth and tongue having it's way with my body.. heh

You are a busy boy most the time!
You mean Anita Blake? or something else. I know Laurell's books are very easy reads (she's been irking me the past few books, because she tends to repeat herself a lot.. she needs a better editor. and yet, I can't seem to stop diving into her worlds)

So you tell me... often.. hehe
Does this "suck this" game translate to you as well? *weg*

I would ensure that I wouldn't disappoint... I know I would be in heaven licking that amazing body of yours.... :kiss:

William Blake.... it always sounds a little snooty. It just seems everything created by him speaks in mountains of expression. Like he wasn't human... channeled some other worldly mind when he created...

As for the suck this" game, of course. What good is a game played by only one person?! ;) Its all about the team play and the competitive spirit...

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

You know I have to give two thumbs up for being *ANTI-TWILIGHT*. I liked The Strain, not what I was expecting, but good. I am a crazy Guillermo del Toro fan, so I was expecting my life to change or something. LOL.... But I agree, a damn good read. :)
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Caught up on replies!
Thanks again everyone!

And for being so kind and wonderful... a pic! :D

K.. not sure about this one.. I'm going uncensored, and hopefully it will be considered a soft nude =/
Guess we'll see!

Hope everyone had a wonderful week and has an even better weekend :kiss:

I will have a good weekend now... oh I I wish I had a mouthful of that...:kiss:

Caught up on replies!
Thanks again everyone!

And for being so kind and wonderful... a pic! :D

K.. not sure about this one.. I'm going uncensored, and hopefully it will be considered a soft nude =/
Guess we'll see!

Hope everyone had a wonderful week and has an even better weekend :kiss:

Oh my ! Very inviting pic. Can i cum in please?
posted some pics on my thread for you, and 4'11 inches of pure fantasy is what you are!
Hello ember :)
I came across your thread for the first time today and I must say I like it very much... with your permission I'll spend an houre reading trough it tonight....

Hi Ember :) Just thought I'd say hello and belatedly wish you a "Welcome Back"....but I see that's been accomplished many times over already. LOL Hope all is well with you and your family !
