Elvis Impersonating Rodeo Clown.


Anti-M 0derator
Jan 2, 2002
What has the world to?

Actually, that's Little Richard impersonating Elvis impersonating a rodeo clown. Chutey Fruity!
I thought maybe Jackie Chan impersonating Little Richard impersonating Elvis impersonating a rodeo clown. Kung Fu Chutey Fruity
I suppose I should have prefaced that with: In the immortal words of Little Richard....
Minkey Boodle said:
I suppose I should have prefaced that with: In the immortal words of Little Richard....

No need. I'm sympathetic. Failing the audition for the Blue Man Vagina Group is not something you get over easily. Keep trying dude/dudette.
Minkey Boodle said:
Men don't have vaginas...at least, not last time I checked.

Sorry, thought that was you in your AV. lol. Well, my "joke" sucks even more now.
Minkey Boodle said:
This one's plastic. But oh so life-like, can't you tell?

It's not real? It looks just like smurfette last time I had her.
It's Real®™© (and all that good stuff), but it's not mine. I think she has red hair.