Editors ... ya gotta love them

I am grateful to my editors most out of anyone in my life. Especially those who have inspired me to higher levels of editing skills.
Recently published the unedited version of a story on accident and wow....renewed appreciation for editors.
I tried for months to find an editor and I contacted dozens of volunteer editors, five dozen to be exact, I even reached out to Laurel for help and she said "keep trying." Only one volunteer editor responded to say that they don't do that.
I've had two editors here at Lit. One died and the other decided she would rather write. I sorely miss them both.
I have previously offered my editing services, and while some folk have taken me up on it (@joy_of_cooking, @Erozetta, among others) I do have another slot or two on my dance card. Ping me if you wish to discuss - or ping them first if you like, as they've both kindly agreed to share their experience.
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I also have a slot open if anyone's game. There's a real, inherent weakness in the volunteer list being chronological by last edit to the profile; whenever I update mine, I get a week or so of e-mails and then they stop dead.
Editors can't live without them, can't agree with them much of the time, and shouldn't kill them and bury them in the backyard. Or so I have been told.
I tried for months to find an editor and I contacted dozens of volunteer editors, five dozen to be exact, I even reached out to Laurel for help and she said "keep trying." Only one volunteer editor responded to say that they don't do that.
A suggestion, find stories that you like and first figure out why you like that story or dislike it. Reach out to the authors whose stories you found attractive, tell the author why you liked their story then ask if they would look your story over. Not fix errors, there are plenty of apps that do that, ie Grammarly. A good beta reader will help you find paths you didn't see.
Editors can't live without them, can't agree with them much of the time, and shouldn't kill them and bury them in the backyard. Or so I have been told.
Hmm, dunno. Editors that are full of shit would probably help the grass grow.
I tried for months to find an editor and I contacted dozens of volunteer editors, five dozen to be exact, I even reached out to Laurel for help and she said "keep trying." Only one volunteer editor responded to say that they don't do that.
Yeah, me too. I finally went with the "screw it, I'll do the best I can" self-editing. With the help of Grammarly and after many verbal bruises, bumps and stompings I finally got to place where I'm mostly acceptable to the grammar nazis and self-appointed critics. A lesson learned the hard way is a lesson not soon forgotten. And it's a bet I won't forget any of those lessons.

I've had the same editor for erotica stories for seventeen years. He's a Lit. author himself (and I edit his works), but he only edits for me. I feel lucky to have this arrangement.
I love the editing process.
The bouncing of ideas and seeing a story develop
I may not be the best editor, but I have fun doing it!
A suggestion, find stories that you like and first figure out why you like that story or dislike it. Reach out to the authors whose stories you found attractive, tell the author why you liked their story then ask if they would look your story over. Not fix errors, there are plenty of apps that do that, ie Grammarly. A good beta reader will help you find paths you didn't see.
Every single request was started with "I just want your opinion of the story itself, the construction of the tale, and the progression of the narrative. Grammar and spelling are not the issue."

Every one.

And all were ignored, every request except for one. She sent me several pages of how great she was and how she was too busy to care about my writing but she did offer to send me pictures of her tits.
And all were ignored, every request except for one. She sent me several pages of how great she was and how she was too busy to care about my writing but she did offer to send me pictures of her tits.
Maybe I could use an editor after all...
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A suggestion, find stories that you like and first figure out why you like that story or dislike it. Reach out to the authors whose stories you found attractive, tell the author why you liked their story then ask if they would look your story over. Not fix errors, there are plenty of apps that do that, ie Grammarly. A good beta reader will help you find paths you didn't see.
A refinement of this that I think has even more chance of working. Pick out a newly posting author who writes in similar theme and style as you do (which requires having some of your own stories here already) and offer to share beta reading with them on a one-story for one-story basis.