Editor needed for fantasy story


Jun 26, 2012
Editor needed for fantasy story (closed)

I have a story written that is a soldier dropped into a fantasy world filled with magic, elves, and other fantastical creatures. I have done much of the editing already, but I'm certain there are things I have missed. It is a longer story, about 50 pages in open office writer, and is more plot focused rather than pure erotica. But it does include the spicy bits that everyone enjoys. If someone could go over this for me, make sure I have an error free and easy-to-read story for the public to enjoy, either PM me or email me through the site.

Edit: found an editor
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bumping the post here. Don't want to spam, but I'm still searching for an editor.
The important statistic to give is wordage, not pages, which can vary widely enough to be a meaningless statistic.
alright then. It has 35k words, it's not dialogue heavy at all, and it is written in third person omniscient .

Here is an example from the first paragraphs of the story

The roar of the C-130's engines thundered in Galen’s ears almost as loudly as the sergeant’s voice up front. Butterflies fluttered around in his belly as he held on tight to his M14 rifle. Every instinct and muscle he had clung to the weapon as though it were his own life. Because where he was going, this rugged, lethal piece of steel and wood was going to be the only thing that was going to get him out alive. Well, that and the 63 other men loaded onto the aircraft with him. Each one of them boasting the patch of the 101st American airborne on their shoulders just as Galen did. That screaming eagle sewn to their olive drab uniforms was a badge of honor. And most of them acted like that lone piece of cloth made them invincible. That as long as they wore it, not a force in the world could touch them. And every minute that passed by, Galen wished that were true.

Staying silent among his open and very chatty comrades, Galen mentally reviewed everything he got ready for his first combat jump. Though most of the ruck sacks on board were loaded and inspected to have the standard load out, some soldiers carried not-so-standard gear. A custom knife here, a bandana there, a personal side arm over there. But in the end, everyone carried the same ammo, knives, tools, water, all the supplies they would need to survive when they got their boots on the ground.