Editor needed for 5 stories a week..

Sep 16, 2013
Hey, I am aiming to write a short piece 5 days a week and so am looking for a editor, or editors who are willing to be sent my work on a daily or weekly basis. I am wanting to get very good, very very quickly and aim for paid work and eventually a novel perhaps.

I have written novels and erotica before but never to an audience so am looking for females (as they are mostly from female perspectives, although not always) with good experience in the field to track my progress and make sure I am progressing in the right ways.

We can discuss how exactly we want this to work, or to express an interest just add a reply and we can have a chat.

Many thanks!

The Naughty Lola.
I can edit and usually am fairly quick on turn around time- an hour or two - I am very good at finding errors and problems and can fix or give suggestions - and I am a female. I am a nurse and semi-retired - only work part time as of now, but I read extensively and have no problems with editing any type of work, except fantasy or science fiction type stuff - unicorns, dragons, fairies, etc... don't hold my interest well, and I couldn't do it justice. Anything else, I am pretty open and liberal about. As far as tracking progress, I am not sure what you are wanting there as yet, so we will see. Message me if interested.
Hey, I am aiming to write a short piece 5 days a week and so am looking for a editor, or editors who are willing to be sent my work on a daily or weekly basis. I am wanting to get very good, very very quickly and aim for paid work and eventually a novel perhaps.

I have written novels and erotica before but never to an audience so am looking for females (as they are mostly from female perspectives, although not always) with good experience in the field to track my progress and make sure I am progressing in the right ways.

We can discuss how exactly we want this to work, or to express an interest just add a reply and we can have a chat.

Many thanks!

The Naughty Lola.

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