Editing Submission

So if I understand correctly, you've already published a story and now you want to post an edited version of it. I don't think anyone will be notified, not even you. The new version will just quietly replace the old version.
So if I understand correctly, you've already published a story and now you want to post an edited version of it. I don't think anyone will be notified, not even you. The new version will just quietly replace the old version.
Yep, this. You, as the author will know it, though, as it will come off your pending list again.
From memory (my last edit was quite some time ago) it's a very quiet process - the Pending count drops by 1 (or in my case, went down to 0). Hopeless Dreams has noted the only other thing you, the author, sees.

There's no public notification, Followers get nothing, life goes on - the only change is that the text content has been replaced in the story file. All other data (scores, comments) remain exactly as they were. The revised text does NOT get a new run on the category front page. Nobody knows there have been changes made, except the author.
Apparently I did something wrong because I because I don't see any pending submissions. I edited a few typos in the story and ask for a Category change. I will wait and try again tomorrow if nothing has changed. Thanks All...
Apparently I did something wrong because I because I don't see any pending submissions. I edited a few typos in the story and ask for a Category change. I will wait and try again tomorrow if nothing has changed. Thanks All...
You'll need to open the story and go through it to know if the edit has been applied. You must resubmit the story, reenter the tags, and go through the whole process with the word EDIT after the title. And you should give a note in the Note to Admin box. If you try to publish the exact title as before without the EDIT in the title, it will probably be rejected without explanation.
The edited version will disappear from the pending folder. But, no, you will not be notified. Also the edited version will take about a week to be posted as they have a low priority.