Editing Published Stories


Casual Writer
Dec 31, 2021
This question has probably been asked before but I couldn’t find an answer so I’ll ask it here: Is there a way to edit a story that has already been published? I’ve noticed a few typos on my past stories and would like to fix them without having to delete, edit, and then repost. Is that the only option or is there a better way?

Resubmit the edited story putting - EDIT at the end of the title.
Make all the fields the same as the original.
Place a note in the Note to Admin text box just giving her an idea what was changed. You might also put a link to where the story lives in there too.
Submit it.

The edited story will replace the already published one without loss of all the views, score, and all those other numbers they keep track of.

It will take longer than a new story to be posted. Say a week or more.
Resubmit the edited story putting - EDIT at the end of the title.
Make all the fields the same as the original.
Place a note in the Note to Admin text box just giving her an idea what was changed. You might also put a link to where the story lives in there too.
Submit it.

The edited story will replace the already published one without loss of all the views, score, and all those other numbers they keep track of.

It will take longer than a new story to be posted. Say a week or more.
This is what I’ve been looking for, thanks! Story edit submitted two weeks ago… hoping the pending status will change soon 😅