Earning her stay (closed)


Literotica Guru
Jul 1, 2013
Erica Wellington, 25 years old, red hair, green eyes, D cup, 5'5

“You fucking slut!” It had been the only words her boyfriend had yelled at her before he had stormed off and they kept running through her mind. He had been mostly right of course; she had allowed things to go way too far.

Erica and her boyfriend had gone on their first holiday together: a few weeks sightseeing and travelling through another state and enjoying each other without parents around. It had started great… until last night. They had been drinking and dancing together, celebrating their last night in the first hotel but her boyfriend had gotten bored with it rather early while Erica was hardly done. So he had gone upstairs to her room and she had stayed in the bar. It hadn’t taken long before a guy had bought her a drink and invited her for a dance. If things had ended there, it wouldn’t have a problem but Erica was used to having freedom and loved fun. When she hadn’t gotten to the room after a couple of hours her boyfriend had come back and found her while the guy had his fingers under her skirt…

After his comment her boyfriend had stormed off, taken the suitcases from their room and went away with the car. Erica had hoped that after the initial anger, he would calm and come back so she had stayed in the room and slept there. But when the next day had come, her boyfriend hadn’t returned and she had to leave the room. The only things she had was her purse with its contents and the clothing she had been wearing at the bar: a short skirt and a tight top that showed her D cup very nicely.

Luckily she still had her passport and the plane ticket back home, but that flight wasn’t going for another 3 weeks and she had no place to stay until that day arrived, nor the money to get a new hotel room.

Eventually she sat down outside on a bench and started to sob, not sure where to go or what to do.
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Harry, Joe and Lana walked slowly along the beach path. They'd woken up groggy and sore, but that was nothing a good breakfast and a little hair of the dog hadn't been able to fix. Hangovers aside, this Summer had been a blast. It would be the last they'd share together for a while; with college over and done with, Harry was heading back to Seattle to work for his dad's firm. That was hilarious to the others, but despite his outwardly manic behaviour, Harry had a good brain when he could get his mind off the one track he preferred: women.

Women had been the primary concern for Harry when he and his friends rented out the condo a few blocks from the beach. Joe didn't have to worry as much; he and Lana had hooked up over a year ago and were planning to move in together when they got home. But for now, all that mattered was the beach.

Lana had a figure you'd call statuesque; she was almost as tall as the men, with soft dark curls that flowed past her shoulders and a golden tan that she was showing off with a small black bikini, her long legs hidden under a light sari skirt. The guys wore shorts, though Joe had taken off his shirt and tied it around his waist, letting the sun beat down on a hard torso, his dark skin glistening with sweat.

"So what's it gonna be?" asked Harry. " A little sun, some surf, hit a club tonight?"

"Man, don't you ever get tired?" asked Joe, grinning. His friend laughed and shook his head.

"Yeah, well...," Lana began, but her thoughts were interrupted by the crying girl a few yards up the path. The trio approached and Lana sat on the bench, instinctively putting an arm around the other girl's shoulders.

"Hey, honey, what's wrong?" she asked, frowning. Joe and Harry hung back, both concerned, though Harry couldn't help notice the fine figure on this girl. A little less crying and he'd have made a move.

Lana gently tipped the stranger's face up to look at her. "Did someone hurt you, hun?"
The world around her was mostly a blur she wasn't paying any attention to, until someone suddenly placed an arm around her shoulders. At first she was startled, but calmed clearly when she saw it was another girl. With wet eyes and a nervous look she looked at the girl and the guys that were with her.

- "I... my boyfriend... We... fought... He left..."

She tried to tell them, although she wasn't very sure how much of her words came across.

- "He took all my stuff..."

She then managed to add, somewhat more understandable. It was a good thing the other girl was present, or she would be rather nervous at the situation.
It was hard to fully understand the girl, but she'd said enough between the sobs. Lana pulled her close into an embrace, holding the girl's head to her generous bust.

"You poor thing," she said, stroking the girl's hair. "It's OK, hun."

"Your boyfriend took all your stuff?," said Joe, frowning. "What an asshole."

Lana released the hug and smiled at the girl. "Don't worry, it'll be fine. I'm Lana. This is my boyfriend Joe and that's Harry. What's your name?"
- "I am Erica"

She answered the question. She looked at the three of them, wondering if there was anything she could ask them to improve her situation but she had no idea what she could ask for. Money or a place to sleep were hardly things you asked from strangers.

- "I... I just don't know what to do now. We were supposed to go to another hotel today."

She admitted to them
Now that the girl had stopped crying, Lana could get a look at her, herself. It's not that she didn't love men, but sometimes she saw a girl who could turn her head and... well, things just kind of happened.

Not that she'd ever be unfaithful to Joe. But this girl, Erica, did look damn good.

Joe would never had admitted it, but he was thinking the same thing. What man could say no? But it was Harry who spoke first.

"Man, what an asshole!" he said. "To hell with that guy. Hey, we were gonna go hang out on the beach, how about you come with us? It'll take your mind off your problems for a little while."

And give me a chance to get under that skirt, he thought.
- "I... I don't have a bikini... What I am wearing now are all the clothes I still have."

Erica answered, although the offer did sound good and would surely take her mind off things. Perhaps under other circumstances she would just have sat at the beach in her panties and bikini, but the truth was that currently she was wearing a rather sex set of lingerie under her top and skirt.

She couldn't help but watch the other girl's bikini. Maybe she had a bikini she could borrow, but although the girl clearly had been blessed as well, Erica feared her own breasts were still a size too large for one of her bikinis.
Lana chuckled and said, "Well, we can take care of that, can't we baby?" The second half of her sentence was directed at Joe, who took a moment to find his voice and finally answered.

"Yeah, no problem, babe." He turned his eyes to Erica and gave her a bright smile. "What can I say, I'm a good Samaritan."

Lana stood up and offered Erica her hand.

"I'm not sure I have anything that would fit you, but there's a place down the block that sells swimwear," she said. "We'll find you something."

"Gonna model some bikinis for us, Lana?" said Harry with a grin.

"You watch yourself, boy," said Lana, chuckling. "Come on, Erica, this is gonna be great."
Erica smiled a bit at their behaviour and their kindness but at the same time didn't want them to give the feeling she was taking advantage of them.

- "Thank... you..., but I don't have any thing to repay you with. I only have some money as my card was safely put away in my suitcase."

Normally she wouldn't be so forthcoming with guys about the problems she was facing, fearing they would use it against her, but Lana's presence made her feel more relaxed around Joe and Harry.
The trio looked from one to the other until finally Harry said, "Hey, it's no big deal. We can figure something out later."

"Exactly!" added Lana. "What kind of people would we be if we ignored someone in need?"

Beautiful, alone, desperate: that was Harry's favourite combination. If a girl feels like she owes you something, she can a lot more... pliable later. But as they helped Erica to her feet, he wasn't the only one with bad intentions running through his head. Already, Lana was figuring out what to say in order to convince Joe that they could have some fun with this girl, not that Joe would need much convincing.
- "Well... If you don't think it is a problem..."

Erica soon enough gave in, figuring she couldn't stay on the bench all day long. The two guys and girl seemed nice and perhaps they would know a place for her where she could stay for three weeks. Part of her still hoped her boyfriend would come back, but she was very worried he wouldn't.

She allowed Lana and the others to lead the way. She was terrible with direction finding and was happy when they found the store with swimwear. It would be nice to enjoy some time on the beach.
Not that she didn't look damn fine in that skirt and top, but the boys were definitely looking forward to seeing Erica in something more revealing. Harry in particular couldn't get enough of those curves, while Joe had to stop himself from staring at her ass while they walked behind the girls.

Lana was looking forward to this as well, though she kept her thoughts to herself. This poor girl was all alone and no doubt feeling vulnerable; she could hardly jump on her already.

Still, she was eager to see what Erica kept hidden under those clothes. Lana looked her over carefully, then grabbed a few bikinis off the rack: a racy little red number, something small and black, and a couple of others for fun.

"Try these on, and we'll get you a skirt like mine," said Lana. "That sound good?" She put a hand on Erica's back, pushing her gently to a changing room.
Erica just nodded as Lana picked several things from the racks. It was not like her mind was able to focus on shopping right now and if they were paying it was only fair they got somewhat of a say. The bikinis weren't more revealing than anything she would have picked herself normally, she loved showing off her body and drawing attention to herself at the beach.

A moment later Lana escorted her to the changing room and seemed to be planning to watch how Erica changed, most likely so she could help with annoying straps. It wasn't uncommon that Erica had the company of her female friends while shopping, but Lana she had just met. Still she didn't say anything and slowly undressed herself from her skirt and top, revealing the sexy lingerie she was wearing under it.
Lana had to stop herself from staring as Erica showed off the matching lingerie under her outfit. She licked her lips when the other girl turned away at one point; the thoughts of what she could do with Erica sent a shiver down Lana's spine and her nipples hardened. She would have pounced on Erica in a moment.

Instead, she simply said, "I don't know how anyone could just abandon you like that. But I don't want you to think about that asshole. You are looking damn good and we're gonna turn heads everywhere we go," she added with a giggle.

Joe and Harry, meanwhile, browsed through the racks while they waited for the girls.

"She is fine," said Harry with a grin.

"She is that," said Joe. "You gonna try it?"

"She's all alone and on the rebound," Harry replied with a grin. "Might as well have a target on her back. I was thinking, actually..."

"Uh oh," said Joe, smiling. Harry shook his head.

"No, listen," he said. "She's got no money and no place to stay. So I say we offer her the spare room at our place. She'll be so grateful, she'll thank us - or rather me - any way I like."

"You are a fiend, man," said Joe, but he couldn't help but admire his friend's deviousness.
Erica smiled at Lana's words, although at the same time she very much looked like she was ready to cry. Slowly she stripped from her lingerie to try on the bikini pieces Lana had picked for her. They were a bit small, but that made her full breasts only look larger, rather than that it looked weird.

She was sure the guys would like seeing her like this. Not just Joe and Harry, but guys in general. She was still very much blaming herself for what had happened, but that didn't mean she didn't want guys to think she looked hot
Lana looked Erica over carefully, ostensibly to examine how she looked in the bikini. But they both knew she looked incredible in that outfit. Lana took her hand.

"Come on, we'll see what the guys think," she said with a grin, gently pulling Erica out of the changing booth.

Unsurprisingly, Harry and Joe were impressed. They stared in silence for a moment, eyes wide, until Harry finally said, "Damn! Girl, you look incredible! I'll buy that bikini right now if you promise to keep it on." He grinned and the others chuckled.

"You can buy her the other stuff, too," said Lana.
Erica smiled at Harry's outburst, the first real true smile since everything that had been going on. Had her boyfriend made the offer to buy her the bikini, she would surely have made it up to him in some way they would both very much enjoy, but right now that was the furthest thing from her mind.

- "If you wouldn't mind?"

She said to him
Harry shook his head.

"Of course I don't mind!" he said. He could already feel the blood building in his crotch but stepped towards the register so as to avoid revealing his growing hard-on.

"We're gonna take that," he said, pointing at Erica. The guy behind the counter looked her over, smiled and muttered, "I wouldn't mind taking that, either."

"Maybe next time, friend," murmured Harry with a chuckle as he handed over his card. Lana dropped a few other items on the counter - shorts, skirts, t-shirts she already knew would be a little too small - and said, "These too. We'll pick 'em up on our way back. Let's hit the beach, already!"
Erica added the clothing she had been wearing to the pile, so she could stay in the bikini and skirt. She hoped the guys hadn't noticed the lingerie she had been wearing, it might give them some wrong ideas, not that her new bikini was much better to keep their minds from wandering but at the beach, bikinis would be common. Lingerie was not.

She followed Lana and the guys to the beach, her mind a little bit calmer... at least until Jason came to her mind again. At those moments her mood instantly and clearly dropped
The friends joked among themselves, bringing Erica into the conversation whenever they could. This was how things went in a place like this; you made friends so easily, friends that might only be with you for a day, but friends nonetheless.

The beach had a healthy crowd - a few families and some of the older locals, but for the most part it was a crowd their own age. Guys and girls sunned themselves, worked off hangovers with yet more alcohol or enjoyed the rich blue ocean that rolled up onto the sand.

"Isn't it beautiful?" asked Lana. She pulled off the long skirt to reveal long, shapely legs and a hard toned ass, ably displayed thanks to the thong she was wearing. Harry pulled off his t-shirt to reveal a strong torso, though not so well-defined as Joe's.

"I could stay here all day," he said. "Sun, sea, beautiful women - what more does a guy need?" He chuckled, then turned to Erica and noticed the frown on her face.

"Hey, girl, what's wrong?" he asked. He smiled again and took her hand. "Come on, let's go for a swim, take our minds off our troubles." He gently but insistently pulled her with him down to the shore line. Joe and Lana put down a blanket on the sand.

"What do you think of her?" asked Lana.

"She seems cool," said Joe. "Harry's got his eye on her."

"No shit," said Lana with a chuckle. "Can you blame him? She's gorgeous."

"You think so, huh?" said Joe, wrapping his arms around her.

"You don't?" she replied with a grin. He kissed her deeply before answering.

"Maybe a little."
She smiled as the trio did their best to keep her distracted and it wasn't too difficult for Harry to get her to follow him for a swim. Swimming was nice and if there was one place that was extremely suited for a nice swim it was here.. that had been one of the most important reasons to come here on holiday.

It didn't take long before Erica realized that the water was making her bikini top somewhat see through. It seemed somewhat weird as bikinis were meant to get wet, but perhaps some women loved that. She couldn't say she had given much attention to the tags on the bikini, so most likely it was her own mistake. She doubted it would take long before Harry would notice. Guys being guys after all, and her blush might be a dead giveaway. There was no way to check if her bikini bottom was made with the same material.
The water wasn't too cold, just the right temperature to invigorate them. Harry jumped in and playfully splashed at Erica, chuckling as they struggled through the surf. He couldn't keep his eyes off her, especially when her nipples became more visible through the thin material of her bikini. Did Lana know that would happen?, he thought to himself.

Naturally, she did, but Lana didn't say anything. She just smiled to herself, laying on her stomach while Joe rubbed sunscreen into her skin. His hands cupped her ass and squeezed. She giggled and said, "Someone's excited."

"Can you blame me, hot girl like you in front of me?" he said. He lay beside her, running a finger up and down her spine.

"Do you ever think about... being with other girls?" asked Lana.

"What do you mean?" said Joe.

"That's a yes," she said with a grin. "What if... I was there, too?"

Joe gave her a curious look, then looked down to Erica and Harry. "Her?"

"Maybe," said Lana. "You wouldn't like that?"

"I'm not saying I wouldn't, but... well, Harry's got his eye on her. He wants to invite her to stay with us."

"Well," said Lana with a wide grin, "that could work out great for everybody."
It was hard to miss the looks Harry gave to her breasts at times, but Erica pretended not to notice. She was not in the mood for anything 'fun' to happen between them and at the same time didn't want to make things awkward after he had been so kind to her. So she just ignored his glances and enjoyed swimming around and being in the water. She couldn't really blame him for looking, most guys looked at her breasts when they got the chance. It was one of the reason she enjoyed small bikinis and sexy lingerie so much
Harry struggled with the growing erection in his shorts. He certainly wasn't ashamed of what he had, but he doubted that it would make a good impression. He ran through the surf, trying to avoid the stimulus of Erica's gorgeous tits bouncing in the tiny little top.

He managed to calm down enough to suggest going back up to Lana and Joe.

"Let's go see what they're up to now," he said, offering her his hand.

Joe saw the movement and said, "Looks like they're coming back. So you want her to come back with us?"

"Definitely," said Lana, still lying on her front. "We'll let Harry ask her."

"But we can bring it up," said Joe.

"Exactly," Lana replied with a grin.
While Harry's 'problem' diminished with time, Erica's problem stayed very present. As they left the water, hand in hand, she was very aware at how see through her bikini was and not just her top. Her pussy was nearly completely visible as well and hoped no one would pay close attention to her. A bit hurried she returned to Lana and Joe so that she could lay down on a beach towel