E7: Refball Dreamers (OOC/Info/Casting Call)


Really Experienced
Nov 12, 2012
Rules & Guidelines:

1) This is an E7 rp. You don't have to be a fan of the show, but knowledge of some basic terminology is essential to understanding the flow and events of the game. A trip to the wikipedia page should suffice, but if you have other questions, post them here to be answered by myself or other player who may have more knowledge of the world.
2) As far as characters go, there really are no limits on age, gender, capability, etc...I just ask that:
A) If you play a character who is under 18(or whatever the legal age is where you live), you may NOT post EXPLICIT sex scenes on this thread. I don't want to get in trouble. If things progress further than making out and petting, either do the written equivalent of the "camera pans away" technique or continue in a separate thread. I give you permission. You may, however, post links to the "Hentai Thread" to other posts for other players to read at their own discretion. Underage :Dcharacters may, however, freely discuss explicit sexual acts if in dialogue with another character.
B) You do your research if your character is in the military or somehow connected to an event in the show's cannon.
C) You ask permission from other players if you want your character to be somehow affiliated with them in any way that requires you both to have some knowledge of the other's character other than what has been described or suggested about the character through events in the game.
D) You may play as many characters as you like and freely create and control background characters unless stated otherwise. We will call these Open Background Character(OBC) and Limited Background Characters (LBC) respectively.

3) This is a free and open game(anyone can join), but in order to maintain some organisation and uniformity, I ask that all characters first be posted here. The IC thread is NOT to be crowded with character descriptions.
4) I'd like this RPG to be less traditional and utilise more of a literary style in terms of characterisation. Aside from the description of a character's looks and significant personal affects (such as what their ref board looks like, a motorcycle, etc), Keep to a MINIMUM other descriptions. If your character is a womaniser, make this clear in their behaviour, not in a description. You may however, say that your character has a 'seductive gaze' or something of the like in the description.
5) Preferred format for character description:
Name: Name of Character (insert any figure the character is named after(optional))
Age: age of character
Height: height of character in cm. (height in standard feet and inches(optional))
Eyes: Eye colour
Hair: Hair colour(if dyed, include the dyed colour in parentheses)
Description: Description of character. Their build, body type, how long their hair is, any important physical features, etc. At the end, post links to any visuals of your character( either done by you as a drawing or painting or done on a character creator (optional)).
Note: This format is not the hard-and-fast only option. You may omit sections depending on the character. Or if you'd rather include the eye colour, hair colour, and height in the description, that is just fine. You may omit the age if you'd rather your charcter be more mysterious. Background or minor characters only need minor description, and you may leave out their name if it is not important.
6) You may not write for another character that is not your own unless you have permission from the creator. You also must end all posts whenever you come to a place that requires input or reaction from another character. No postings like this:
Jane Doe asks (insert question here)
If John Doe answers Yes, (insert consequence here)
If John Doe answers No, (insert consequence here)
You may, however, include your characters intended reaction to these answers in the form of a thought or monologue.
7) Mind your grammar and spelling! If you don't know how to spell a word, and absolutely MUST use it, do your best with the spelling and follow with (sp?) or (?). Bad grammar or text speech WILL NOT BE TOLERATED except in dialogue. I'm not saying you have to know how to write perfectly in the passive voice or subjunctive mood, but you must get your subject-verb agreement right. Players who are not native English speakers will have a little more wiggle room with this rule. If you must post from a cell phone, this rule can also be bent a little (those things are EXTREMELY annoying to type on) as long as you say or somehow indicate that your post was from a cell phone. Otherwise, your post will be either edited or deleted, whichever is easiest.
8) Like a show, I want the game to follow the "story arc format" a bit. Here is the proposed outline:
Arc 1) New Sensation: Refball! (Intro/Exposition/Learning about Refball)
Arc 2) Teambuilding (Fleshing characters, becoming a team)
Arc 3) Finally On Our Way... (Begin training/competition/rival teams)
Arc 4) Time To Be Serious! (More advanced/serious competition)
Arc 5) It's All Been For This: Almost Time For Goodbye (Nearing the end of the tournament/Finals)
Arc 6) We Are A Team: Never Really Say Goodbye! (Post-tournament, aftermath)
Arc 7) Tentative. Depends on how the main story pans out and player sentiment.

Here are some links you may find helpful:
For information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eureka_seven
For character visuals: http://rinmarugames.com/ (my personal preference because they have the best and most diversified character creators I have ever seen so far. They DO have male character creators, you just have to search or view all games to find them. The home page is only the newest ones.)
http://www.deviantart.com/ (if you prefer cute flashgame-style character creators or have a picture of the character)

Please notify me of any other useful links you find so they may be added here!

Upcoming: The rules of Refball
My Character

Name: Edith "Edie" Diaz (Named for Edith Piaf and Junot Diaz)

Age: 16

Eyes: Orange

Hair: Red/Deep red

Height: 168cm (5-1/2 ft.(US))

Appearance: Edie is strongly built(imagine any professional surfer or skateboarder), most notably her legs and abs(the most important muscles for lifting) with a slight tan resulting from time on the waves. Unlike most female lifters, her hair is quite long(about waist-length, She wears the top half of her hair the natural red she was born with and the thin, long. bottom half is dyed a deeper red colour. She uses a custom-deco pink, purple, and black checkered ref board with a bright blue wheel.
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Other characters

Name: Ursula Diaz (named for a character in the Miyazaki film Kiki's Delivery Service).

Age: 48

Eyes: Green

Hair: Red

Height: 163 cm (5'4" US)

Appearance: Mostly average body, not thin, not chubby. Fairly busty. She is light-skinned and beginning to develop worry lines and dark circles. Her hair is a little past shoulder length and she usually wears it in a low ponytail. There are a couple of gray hairs, but for the most part, she has not started aging very much yet.

Name: Maes Diaz (named for Maes Hughes of FMA fame). (Deceased)

Age: 49 (at death)

Eyes: Orange

Hair: Dark brown

Height: 183 cm (6 ft US)

Appearance: Maes was well-built and in great shape at the time of his death. He was more tanned and had worry lines and crow's feet. He had short, average hair for a man and wore his sideburns a little long. He also had a short goatee and moustache.


Name: Marceline "Lili" Diaz (And yes, I did name her for the Adventure Time character.)

Age: 13

Eyes: Green

Hair: Red

Height:147 cm (4'10" US)

Appearance: Marceline favours her mother in that she is small and pale. She also has a smattering of freckles across her face that make face look younger than the rest of her. Her body is fairly average though she is only a little better endowed than most girls her age, much like her mother. Her hair is just past her shoulder blades and can't seem to decide whether it wants to be curly or straight. It is also often messy,hanging in her face, and poorly contained in any number of hair ties, bands, or clips. Unlike her hair, her nails are long and well-maintained. She usually keeps them filed into rounded points and well-coated in nail polish. She has a tendency to dress eclectically and in dark but various colours.


Name: Tony Diaz (named for the titular character of the movie Tony Takitani)

Age: 9

Eyes: Green

Hair: Brown

Height: 140 cm (4'7" US)

Appearance: Tony is an almost-scruffy-looking kind of kid. Much like Marceline, his hair is usually messy, though his is straight and often manages to look more endearing than sloppy. He is more tanned, like Edith, and wears glasses. He is thin like most kids his age, though is beginning to gain some muscle. He has a penchant for hoodies and wears them almost constantly, often with the hood up. He is almost never without a camera and uses a generic black and white ref board with a gray wheel.