e-Mail From Beyond The Grave


Guerrilla Ontologist
Sep 19, 2000

I love this idea.

Timelessmail stores e-mail messages and sends them out after you die!!! Check the site out - I think its great.

But we can also have some fun with this idea. For example, what do you suppose an after death emal from Ronald Reagan to Nancy Reagan might look like?

To: Nancy Reagan
From: Ronald Reagan
Subject: Apricot Telephones

What president monkeys elephants?
Because I'm going to sleep in a big... those aren't my shoes. I need the football helmet for dancing boatmen.
What flavor is the gravy? Yellow!
Hi, honey.

I'm e-mailing you from the afterlife. Whooaoaoaooo!

Wish you were here. Ha ha.

Hope you're a merry widow. Did the insurance pay up?

Your mom and dad say hi.

Love you, babe. See you later.
I assume this is for distant acquantiances. Its pretty cold for family, spouse, friends, etc. A letter would be more fitting.

How do they confirm death? And how the fuck would they know if an Email as going to be valid when you died? Or if Email will exist at all.

Good moneymaker I bet, though.

Gotcha. I am not really dead.

I live in Costa Rica now, off of stolen money.
modest mouse said:
I assume this is for distant acquantiances. Its pretty cold for family, spouse, friends, etc. A letter would be more fitting.

How do they confirm death? And how the fuck would they know if an Email as going to be valid when you died? Or if Email will exist at all.

Good moneymaker I bet, though.

Apparently they run a check against the social security # database and when your # is released, that means you're dead.