dumbo the thief


mmm....butt floss
Mar 14, 2002
Hee,Hee... sometimes ya just gotta laugh ...

some dufus here stole an $11,000 Network analyser tool from an electrician's truck...then he got the "bright" idea to try and sell it on eBay. The owner of said tool, saw the auction on eBay, got the dufus to give him the serial #, then set up a sting with the local cops....He got his tool back, the dufus got handcuffs and a small room with bars on it.... lol

geez, some ppl
thats right up there with the dumbass from here who robbed the bank then went and waited at the city bus stop for his getaway bus to arrive. Needless to say he was caught.:nana:
sounds similar to what my brother did

stole a couple thousand dollars worth of bike stuff from a store in town

then put up flyers all over the city for people to buy it off of him

dumb dumb dumb
A guy who worked in the same department as Lekov pulled a stunt like that. He 'borrowed' a server from work (they work for a tech department on campus- big time fun toys to be had), and kept it for so long that he figured everyone would just forget he had it.

Well, he put it up on ebay, and ended up selling it, but it still had all the serial tags from the college attached, so the guy who won it called the campus to ask if the auction was legit, or if he had bought stolen eq.

The guy was fired quickly during that fiasco, and his most recent venture included stealing the satalite signal from neighboring satalite dishes, so he had free cable.

He managed that for about 3 months, told a friend how to do it, and not a day after his friend set his own up, this guy got a bill for like $5,000 in the mail from the satalite providor for the hookup he illegally had.

They notified the police as well, who came to disconnect it, then threatened to seize his computer (not sure why), so the guy freaked and actually melted his illegally made computer. We're talking top of the line everything, and the guy paid maybe $200 for the entire pile. He had hunderds of illegal programs and parts put into that.

It was a good thing he melted it down, as well, because the cops were back not two days later with a notice to sieze any and all computers on his property. The only one he had by then was a legit $500 cpu from wal-mart that was quickly returned to him.

Since then, he has kept his nose to the more straight and narrow path.