dumb ass skiers that kill them selves and the families that sue


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002
they go to a place that is avalanche prone

they read and ignore signs that say avalanche warning all over the mountian

They hear on the radio avalanche conditions and ignore it.

They see on the television avalanche conditions and they ignore them.

They are warned in person by police, game wardebs, and other locals of avalanche conditions, and ignore them all.

They take thier dumb asses up the hill, cut back and forth on the snnow, screaming , and hooting, and a hollaring, and lo and behold aan avalanche kills the bunch of them.

The parents sue, and it looks like the parents are going to win. What a fucked up society we live in.
Add to the frivolous lawsuit..

Snowboarding off the trails, eating a Big Mac with cheese, smoking a Marlboro, Drinking a hot Starbucks coffee, and with no helmets! What we're they thinking??

I'm with you on this one, it's as stupid as suing a gun maker for a crook using one in a crime.
I was alwauys sort of laughing at some of the frivolouys lawsuits in the states, but this is a canadain one it sickens me, that stupidity is rewarded so much these days.

whats next sue the steel producer that produced the steel that made the gun, that the criminal stole to shot his victim.

how about suing the maker of the car our parents fucked in on look out point when we were concieved.

where does it end.

Some one posted the death of common sense story, and it is so aptly true these days
I say its natural selection at work. Thank you Mr. Darwin