Character appearance:’s-Spring-2013-Collection-1.jpeg
Josh Ford rolled out of his bed on the first sound of the alarm. He showered then dressed in a dark Saville Row suit and royal blue herring bone tie.
He was lucky. He had a good savings account which allowed a deputy district attorney to wear the finest suits. It also helped that he came from a very well-to-do family.
He drove into the city and found his assigned parking space at the Criminal Justice
Josh was on time and never had to rush. But he knew that they had a big case coming up and he was probably going to get it.
It involved a woman charged with the murder of her husband and his 19 year old girlfriend.
Josh knew that the state had some really good evidence. They had the text messages. They had latent evidence in the form of blood spots on the defendants clothing. They also had a photograph of both victims in the parking lot of a motel.
What they did not have was any statement from the defendant or a murder weapon. She had lawyered up as soon as law enforcement cuffed her up and the police had yet to locate the knife that was more than likely used.
Once in the conference room, the DA did assign the case to Josh.
Josh was flipping through the case file looking at everything and realized that this case was really thin. It was close to paper thin.
When the conference was done, Josh went to the DA and asked, “Would it be possible for me to take a few days and go over this one. I would like to just study it for a while then get a better handle on it.
The DA did not take too long to mull it over.
“Absolutely, take a week. Take Erica with you, you both have been busting your asses around here. The first hearing isn’t until next month anyway.”
Josh shook his hand and went to talk to Erica Gross, his legal secretary.
“Erica, how would you like a paid vacation. I just got permission to take a week and prep for this murder case. We can go up to the mountain cabin and get this stuff done.” Josh said with a smile
“I’m sorry Josh, but my parents are in town. I know how important this is for you but I just can’t go.” She said.
Josh really liked Erica and not in a sexual way. She was a dynamite legal secretary and had pulled his ass out of the fire a couple of times. He knew she was dating someone and he would never do anything to hurt her. But it really sucked she could not come and help.
“Fuck…ok, well tell your folks I said hi, I will have to do the best I can without my right hand.” Josh said.
Erica paused a moment then said, “Josh, why not take the new intern. Her name is Eden. She could help you.”
“Erica…an intern? Really?” Josh knew she was trying to help but he did not have time to bring an intern up to speed on this stuff.
“Josh, trust me, she is smart as hell. She graduated high school at 17. She is in college now. You won’t be disappointed. If she screws up you can whip my ass.” Erica said with a grin.
“Ok, since you are going to bat for her.” Josh said.
Josh wandered over to the desk where the intern was busy doing some petty office task.
Josh only now noticed exactly how gorgeous the young woman was.
“Hello Eden, Are you up for a bit of a getaway. I have this important case and I need to study it and prepare. My right hand girl can’t go and she said you would do fine as her replacement. What do you say? Are you game?”
Josh Ford rolled out of his bed on the first sound of the alarm. He showered then dressed in a dark Saville Row suit and royal blue herring bone tie.
He was lucky. He had a good savings account which allowed a deputy district attorney to wear the finest suits. It also helped that he came from a very well-to-do family.
He drove into the city and found his assigned parking space at the Criminal Justice
Josh was on time and never had to rush. But he knew that they had a big case coming up and he was probably going to get it.
It involved a woman charged with the murder of her husband and his 19 year old girlfriend.
Josh knew that the state had some really good evidence. They had the text messages. They had latent evidence in the form of blood spots on the defendants clothing. They also had a photograph of both victims in the parking lot of a motel.
What they did not have was any statement from the defendant or a murder weapon. She had lawyered up as soon as law enforcement cuffed her up and the police had yet to locate the knife that was more than likely used.
Once in the conference room, the DA did assign the case to Josh.
Josh was flipping through the case file looking at everything and realized that this case was really thin. It was close to paper thin.
When the conference was done, Josh went to the DA and asked, “Would it be possible for me to take a few days and go over this one. I would like to just study it for a while then get a better handle on it.
The DA did not take too long to mull it over.
“Absolutely, take a week. Take Erica with you, you both have been busting your asses around here. The first hearing isn’t until next month anyway.”
Josh shook his hand and went to talk to Erica Gross, his legal secretary.
“Erica, how would you like a paid vacation. I just got permission to take a week and prep for this murder case. We can go up to the mountain cabin and get this stuff done.” Josh said with a smile
“I’m sorry Josh, but my parents are in town. I know how important this is for you but I just can’t go.” She said.
Josh really liked Erica and not in a sexual way. She was a dynamite legal secretary and had pulled his ass out of the fire a couple of times. He knew she was dating someone and he would never do anything to hurt her. But it really sucked she could not come and help.
“Fuck…ok, well tell your folks I said hi, I will have to do the best I can without my right hand.” Josh said.
Erica paused a moment then said, “Josh, why not take the new intern. Her name is Eden. She could help you.”
“Erica…an intern? Really?” Josh knew she was trying to help but he did not have time to bring an intern up to speed on this stuff.
“Josh, trust me, she is smart as hell. She graduated high school at 17. She is in college now. You won’t be disappointed. If she screws up you can whip my ass.” Erica said with a grin.
“Ok, since you are going to bat for her.” Josh said.
Josh wandered over to the desk where the intern was busy doing some petty office task.
Josh only now noticed exactly how gorgeous the young woman was.
“Hello Eden, Are you up for a bit of a getaway. I have this important case and I need to study it and prepare. My right hand girl can’t go and she said you would do fine as her replacement. What do you say? Are you game?”