Due Process (Closed for Mayu)


Literotica Guru
Jan 24, 2009
Character appearance: http://thebestfashionblog.com/wp-co...s-Suits-in-HM’s-Spring-2013-Collection-1.jpeg

Josh Ford rolled out of his bed on the first sound of the alarm. He showered then dressed in a dark Saville Row suit and royal blue herring bone tie.

He was lucky. He had a good savings account which allowed a deputy district attorney to wear the finest suits. It also helped that he came from a very well-to-do family.

He drove into the city and found his assigned parking space at the Criminal Justice

Josh was on time and never had to rush. But he knew that they had a big case coming up and he was probably going to get it.

It involved a woman charged with the murder of her husband and his 19 year old girlfriend.

Josh knew that the state had some really good evidence. They had the text messages. They had latent evidence in the form of blood spots on the defendants clothing. They also had a photograph of both victims in the parking lot of a motel.

What they did not have was any statement from the defendant or a murder weapon. She had lawyered up as soon as law enforcement cuffed her up and the police had yet to locate the knife that was more than likely used.

Once in the conference room, the DA did assign the case to Josh.

Josh was flipping through the case file looking at everything and realized that this case was really thin. It was close to paper thin.

When the conference was done, Josh went to the DA and asked, “Would it be possible for me to take a few days and go over this one. I would like to just study it for a while then get a better handle on it.

The DA did not take too long to mull it over.

“Absolutely, take a week. Take Erica with you, you both have been busting your asses around here. The first hearing isn’t until next month anyway.”

Josh shook his hand and went to talk to Erica Gross, his legal secretary.

“Erica, how would you like a paid vacation. I just got permission to take a week and prep for this murder case. We can go up to the mountain cabin and get this stuff done.” Josh said with a smile

“I’m sorry Josh, but my parents are in town. I know how important this is for you but I just can’t go.” She said.

Josh really liked Erica and not in a sexual way. She was a dynamite legal secretary and had pulled his ass out of the fire a couple of times. He knew she was dating someone and he would never do anything to hurt her. But it really sucked she could not come and help.

“Fuck…ok, well tell your folks I said hi, I will have to do the best I can without my right hand.” Josh said.

Erica paused a moment then said, “Josh, why not take the new intern. Her name is Eden. She could help you.”

“Erica…an intern? Really?” Josh knew she was trying to help but he did not have time to bring an intern up to speed on this stuff.

“Josh, trust me, she is smart as hell. She graduated high school at 17. She is in college now. You won’t be disappointed. If she screws up you can whip my ass.” Erica said with a grin.

“Ok, since you are going to bat for her.” Josh said.

Josh wandered over to the desk where the intern was busy doing some petty office task.

Josh only now noticed exactly how gorgeous the young woman was.

“Hello Eden, Are you up for a bit of a getaway. I have this important case and I need to study it and prepare. My right hand girl can’t go and she said you would do fine as her replacement. What do you say? Are you game?”
Eden knew she needed to pay her way into the world though she was the youngest she truly did know what she was doing. She knew the law better then most. Course no where near what a lawyer knew but she would make a go of it any chance she could. She enjoyed working the way not many her age liked, course she also had the ability to do things not many could do. Being quite she really had no one, and she moved out of the house when she was sixteen.

So really she grew up at a very young age, her blue eyes scanned the work loud they had given her. It was something she could do in about an hour, and began to work on it, she could type a good hundred and ten words a minute. Course once she had to prove that, she proved it to everyone who wanted to see it. She was probably the cities fastest typist. But she did not make a habit of showing off, she was not that kind of girl any way.

But she was going through everything, she had two screens her computer side by side. She could do two things at once. Her being ambidextrous also helped a great deal as well, though she did favor her right hand over the left. But she liked to freak her co-workers out with being able to use two mouses on two computers at the same time. She was also great with languages as well, and she was even a human lie detector though she wasn't perfect at it.

Eden had no idea what she was going to be in for, she was lost in her work and doing her work quickly but excellently of course. Her blue eyes bouncing around the computer screens as her fingers were fast away at typing up what her boss wanted. She was the kind of girl who did research for others. She was a gopher a nick name she had around the office. She never knew how to take it but she just smiled, nodded and did her thing.

Graduating a good year ahead of people had its perks, but also had some down falls as well. She was into music heavily when she was in school, from first grade till she graduated she was a very high soprano the only one that the school had at the time. She got all kinds of solos and even performed at a talent contest winning first place and getting two hundred bucks. It was the first time she knew she was different from everyone else.

Though she is in college for business and actually ahead of everyone, she did not have to put much effort into her work. Since she was a natural the kind of girl that a guy would fawn all over. But she was not that kind of girl, she was nineteen years old almost done with college. Even taking some behavior science which was rather interesting to her, and some courses to get use to codes and law so she knew how to swim the waters of the law firm.

She was in a white button blouse and a black skirt, her hair was up in a bun and out of the way. Her hair was a light red, kids use to make fun of her hair color but she honestly always loved it. Was very easy to see the kind of girl she was, she prided herself of how she looked. She did not take crap from anyone either, she had her own opinion and made people hear them sometimes. Eden let people walk all over her for the first fifteen years of her life.

Only did she learn a year later to not let people use her, and so she had her own brain and her own things she believed. People respected her for keeping an open mind, her parents always knew that there daughter was very special. She had just finished up her work when she heard someone coming. She had one leg over the other, her thigh showed but not in a slutty way either. Eden sat like a lady she always had.

How she sat and dressed was never inappropriate though those she worked with perhaps had inappropriate ideas about her. But she heard a voice and slowly looked up, she knew who he was and gave him a light smile. She sat back in her seat and looked at Ford, he was rather handsome. Kids she went to school with use to say she had a father complex, that was why she liked older men. But she never listened to what others said.

Eden was rather shocked he wanted her to help him, she tilted her head to the side as the gold hoop earring she wore hit her neck a bit. And she smiled a little bit, hearing everything he said to her. She figured she was the last resort though she knew all to well she could do the job and even better then most. She did not really even need to think about it either. Thinking just gave her a head ache any way and she nodded to him.

"Sure just tell me when your going, and I can get a few things for the weekend" Eden offered hoping it was okay, but she could go any time it only took her five minutes to get things around.
"Sure just tell me when you’re going, and I can get a few things for the weekend"

For some reason, Josh felt a sense of happiness. He did not really go out. Seeing all the horrible stuff people do to one another made him not want to be around them. But when she said she would go along, he felt something he had not felt in a while.

“Excellent, thank you, young lady.” Josh said

“Ok, let’s get the files. I will take you to your dorm or where ever and you can pack your things then I have to run by and get my things.” Then he added, “Thanks Eden, I really need the help on this.”

They got the 12 boxes containing files and went to the garage and loaded them.

Josh was drawn to her legs as they came out of the black dress.

Damn, he thought, this young woman was half his age. He wondered, for only a second, if he should even be looking at her like this.

When they were both in the car, he asked, “Where do I need to take you?”

He drove in that direction, still catching a quick glance at her toned legs.

“Eden this is going to be work. But I have a feeling we will find time to play a little as well.” Josh hoped that didn’t sound to pervy. He didn’t want her thinking he was some creepy old guy. She probably had perv’s hitting on her all the time.

When they arrived at the location, Josh sat in the car as she got out. He was not going anywhere unless he was invited.
Eden watched him and she nodded, she shut off her computer since there was no need to leave it on. Right now things just began to get a bit more interesting. She helped him get the files that he needed and knew this was going to be a rather long few days. But she would not mind it and she felt useful something she had not felt in a long time. Everything that just seemed to fall over her, it was a nice moment. Feeling the man look at her, and Mr. Ford was rather good looking as well and her smile never fading.

She told him where to go she lived in a small apartment a block from the college, she wondered what he meant by play. But she just shrugged her shoulders and told him she would be a minute, she grabbed a bag and put in all sorts of clothing. Knowing it was more then enough for the few days, and she did not invite him up since she was really quick. Heading back down to the car she opened up his back seat. And put her bag in it, she did not bring very much. She did not own very much frankly.

Once in the passenger side again she put on her seat belt and looked at him. "I think this will be fun Mr. Ford, I hear the women talking about you a lot. Saying you are the best DA in the building" She said being honest and not lying she had no reason to really, her eyes looking around as she felt a bit nervous but it honestly did not show. Everything now was as it should be and she knew it. But she knew what to do to hide her emotions, it was something she had done for many years.
On the drive to her apartment he told her that he had a cabin located outside the national park. That she would have her own room and that the cabin backed up to a lake and there was a hot tub, so if she wanted she should bring a swim suit.

He then pulled a file and started reading while she went up.

Eden was fast. She was back in no time and he loaded her baggage in the car.

Next he drove to his house.

On the way he started tossing out what he wanted to get done. I wanted to organize all the evidence that they had to make it readily available. Then he wanted to start working on his closing argument. He had had a professor in law school who had told him once to start with the closing, so he would know how to plan his argument at trial. You can always change the closing as needed, he had said. Josh also wanted to look at possible witnesses as to the whereabouts of the defendant at the time of the murders.

They made it to his house.

“Come on in, Eden. I am going to change out of this monkey suit and put on something more comfortable.” Josh said.

They went in and he showed her the couch. Then asked if she wanted a soda or anything to drink.

When Eden was set, he went upstairs to his room and stripped out of the suit. He pulled on some old jeans and a black and gold Vanderbilt Commodores football t-shirt.

He threw in some more clothes into his North face backpack and then went back down stairs.

“Eden, let’s get out of town before they change their minds about giving us a paid vacation.”

He followed her out to the car.

Soon they were on the road out of town.

On the drive, Josh, trying to make conversation, asked, “So Eden, tell me about yourself.”
They continued the standard talk all the way to the cabin. Eden seemed relaxed but wondered if she was a little nervous. He would try to keep her calm. This was probably her first time on a working trip. Josh also knew that sometimes…well, most of the time he could be a real asshole when it came to work. He expected stuff to be done correctly the first time, and he had been known to snap at others. But that characteristic is what allowed him to put on some airtight cases and have a 97% conviction rate.

Yeah, he would have to remember to take it easy on the kid.

They arrived at the cabin and hour and a half later.


They went in and Josh told her to go on upstairs and pick her room. She could have any room except the big one at the end of the hall.

When she eventually came back down Josh asked, “Did you get settled in?”

Then he said, “I am hungry. Would you care for some lunch? We are going to have to go into the village; I don’t have any supplies in the kitchen.” Then he added, “There is a nice little diner there and we can get a bite.”
This whole thing was so new to her, how he was with her at first she had no idea what to expect, but all in all she knew he was another human being. She knew he liked things done correctly, course she was the exact same thing. Everything she did she did right, and it never took her long to do things right either, but right now everything seemed really nice in that moment. She had no idea how this would go however, she did not know if she was going to like Ford. But something told her she would.

Once everything was set he got everything that he wanted, and was on the way to the cabin. She looked outside the window very quite. Her blue eyes looking out the window, she saw so much and right now she just did not seem to care. She was happy and right now she felt more comfortable, though she had to laugh when he had called his suites a monkey suite. Showed him that he wasn't a dick. She had a kind smile on her face as everything seemed really nice, and right now she felt comfortable.

But then he asked her about herself, she was thinking of what to say to that. It was a good way to get to know each other she knew, but she was thinking that once she starts to talk she wont ever stop. She gave him little information at first, telling him that her parents had both been killed and she had been all alone since she was sixteen years old. She figured over lunch she would get more into her life story. Since he really seemed to want to know about her, so she would tell him.

Right now however once she picked her room in his beautiful cabin, she nodded when he suggested the diner. And it was the diner that she began to become open to him, she ordered a cheeseburger, fries and a diet coke. Once he ordered she was thinking of things, she sipped the soda when it came to her. And knew he had the right to know about her, she smiled a little bit and looked at him. Running over the information she would give him, and she actually opened up her mouth to talk.

"Well I guess to know me I would have to tell you things no one knows about me, after the death of my parents and graduating a year earlier I took some college courses. To know a bit more about law, I know more then people who are not lawyers. Since I will leave the law to you and other lawyers" She chuckled a bit and sat back, crossing one leg over the other. "I am taking a class for behavior science, I have been able to pick up when people lie to me. Read there body language.

I know French, Spanish and Sign Language fluently. My mother was going deaf so I learned how to sign for her. I can play the piano, violin, guitar and even can sing but I don't sing in front of people not since high school. I read Finnegan's Wake which is suppose to be the hardest book in the English language. And was pretty much tortured in school, never had a boyfriend. Course when you have a photographic memory its hard to fit in. I am the kind of girl who likes to do things right the first time.

And I am also ambidextrous but favor my right hand, I am the fastest worker in the firm. So yeah that is me in a nut shell" She chuckled a bit and figured his ears would bleed if she kept going, her blue eyes showed a very comfortable. She was the kind of girl who was content when she was working, since she had no friends. She had no one in her life and it was a rather lonely existence and frankly she did not like it. To the point where she just wanted to give up, but she just smiled and nodded when people spoke to her.
Josh and Eden made it to the diner and there were only a few locals in the place.

They ordered and when his double bacon cheeseburger arrived he tore into it.

As he was nearing the end of his meal he mentioned to Eden that his parents had bought the cabin about 10 years ago. Then he asked her about her parents.

When she mentioned that her parents had died, Josh felt like a total asshole. He apologized but still felt like a complete jerk.

Eden was truly a special person. She was also incredibly smart. That could be useful for this time.

They finished and Josh paid the check, leaving a pretty decent tip for the waitress, who was no older than Eden.

The waitress had been really flirty and Josh just laughed and had a good time.

As they were leaving, Josh overheard the waitress say to Eden, “Your Dad is SOOO HOT!”

Josh acted like he didn’t hear it and then broke out laughing when he got to the car.

As Eden was getting in the car, Josh could not help himself and said in a stern voice, “Now Eden, make sure you do your homework and get your chores done, or you won’t get your allowance. “

Josh just laughed.

Returning to the cabin Josh flopped down on the couch. The burger had made him sleepy.

“Eden, I am going to crash for an hour or so then we can get to work. I was thinking we can organize the reports chronologically and since there is a ton of them it could go well into the night. Take off and do whatever it is you do and we will get started in a little while.

Josh was asleep in no time. His dream was of a completely naked Eden, lying on his bed.
Eden was enjoying this conversation and right now it was to the point things seemed just fine, right now she was happy. Enjoying the sight of Josh and he was rather sweet, least sweet to her. But she knew there was so much more, he was different and she knew that she loved different. Her eyes looked at him, and enjoyed the way he looked at her. Right now everything just seemed so perfect, sighing a bit as she relaxed. Her eyes looking up and all around, she could see the waitress flirting with Josh.

Shaking her head a little she chuckled herself, this whole thing was crazy. But then the girl said she had a cute father, and she rolled her eyes. Once in his car she laughed at what he said and sighed a bit. "Oh please you maybe old enough to be my father, but I hope she realizes younger women like older men. I mean I do" She admitted to him and shook her head, wondering if he would make a comment about what she said. But right now things were as they should be, sighing softly.

When they got back she heard what he said and she nodded, but while he was asleep. She just laid on his sofa and read a book, she wanted to get to work but figured he had a way of doing things. So she did not want to screw that up in any way, right now however it was to the point things happened for a reason. Her eyes scanning the area and right now it was rather nice, and did not realize just how tired she was.

Right now things just seemed perfect, her heart was beating quickly and she was really happy. She knew things happened for a reason, her heart beating so quickly it was almost hard to breath. Right now she was just content and she ended up falling asleep. She was cuddled up and enjoying the way things were. Right now it was nice and her heart was beating quickly, it was to the point things were simple. It was nice to be able to see the things she wanted the most, and now as she slept it was nice.
Josh woke up from a very pleasant dream involving Eden. He looked around and saw her curled up sleeping as well. He hated to wake her but it was time to work.

It was close to 4 in the afternoon and he planned to work well into the night and early morning.

“Eden, wake up. Let’s get some work done.” He said as he touched her warm skin of her arm.

When she was awake he smiled at her.

“Sorry about that, but I think we should get started.” He said as he walked to the office.

They started and Josh asked Eden to get the reports and forensic findings in chronological order.

Josh sat down and started reading the initial police report.

The responding officers had gone to a call of 2 bodies in a motel. The victims were found by housekeeping. The officers entered and observed the male body first. It appeared to the officers he had been stabbed multiple times to the chest and face. They next found a female victim in the bathroom. The female victim had been brutally stabbed and disfigured, with her breasts sawed off. The officers left the room secured it then called for a supervisor. The crime scene unit and detectives responded.

Josh’s theory of the crime was that the defendant, the wife of the male victim had found him with the female and killed them both but focused on defiling the female victim.

“Eden, can you get me the crime scene photos please.” Josh asked without looking up.

Eden brought them over and he looked up at her. Her eyes held his for an instant, and a small curve of a smile appeared on his lips. “Thank you.” He said.

Josh flipped through the pictures. The male victim was wearing a t-shirt and briefs. He was barefoot and was on his back.

Quickly, Josh dug out the arrest report and found the defendant was only 5’7” and weighed 110 lbs. The male victim was 6’2” and weighing 205 lbs.

Josh wondered if the female defendant could take the man down. It would have had to have been a surprise attack and fatal from the outset. If he had tried to defend himself, she would have had problems.

Josh looked at Eden. He thought he would get her involved. She was incredibly smart and he would like to hear what she thought.

“Eden, come here for a sec...” He pulled up a chair and indicated for her to sit next to him.

Josh explained what he was thinking about. How probable was it that the defendant could have taken the man down and killed him? Was it more probable she did not do it? If not her, then who would have had the means, motive, and opportunity?

“What do you think, kid?” Josh said as he leaned into her a little
Eden heard her name being spoken from his lips and she was up within a minute, she listened to what he said and she nodded. Looking over the reports she did as she was asked to do, and she did it within ten minutes. She was good at order and right now its to the point where everything was perfect, some would tease her about having OCD because of how she was. She was neat, perfect and to the point. She never beat around the bush there was no point to that ever, right now things were going on that seemed nice.

Once she was done she went off to do other things, since she was not needed any more. Her world was not with him, since he was a lawyer. But she had no idea just how wrong she was in that, she looked outside the window seeing the beauty of the place. The sun setting over the horizon and smiled so happily, it was not even funny. Eden was a rather unique kind of girl, and she knew that he was a unique guy. Who liked his privacy and she respected that very much, right now it was perfect.

But then she heard her name and she looked up seeing what he wanted, she walked up to him and smiled a little bit. She had no idea what it could be, so she walked over to him not making him weight. Her blue eyes looked at him and then her eyes darted from him to what he was pointing to. She sat down on the chair and looked at the pictures, she heard what he asked her. She went over the report. Seeing what she saw, and began to play things in her head. Right now she was just happy to be involved.

Narrowing her eyes as she looked at the pictures, she was horrified at what she was seeing. Running her fingers over the pictures, and slowly looked up and had a blank look on her face. She played the murder in her head, like she had seen the crime. But she had an idea to be sure, looking at him she smiled. She knew the man had not been bound, since it would have shown and there was no record from the report. Rubbing the back of her neck and cleared her throat a little bit.

"Well I am 5'6 in height only an inch smaller and I am the same weight, we could do an experiment minus the knife though" She said happily. She stood up and grabbed a pencil that she had not sharpened yet. She motioned for him to stand up, thinking about how to explain what she had in mind. She was never good at explaining some thought she was not a team player, but she wasn't really. But that was only because she could not explain herself very well, and looked at him.

"I Don't mean to be personal but how tall and how much do you weight? Not that weight really matters, thing is men are much stronger then women. Its a known fact though women do not like to admit that. Now the victim was not bound since it did not show on the wrists or ankles, the best way for a woman to kill a man is with his back turned facing her. I can tell by the wounds it was a frontal assault, and with no marks on the arms he knew his attacker." She used the pencil as the knife and began to imitate the action.

"The wounds are consistent a woman would have a hell of a time plunging a knife into a mans chest, even with anger it would still have a problem because of your rib cage. Where there any marking son her such as cuts on her hands? A woman who stabs a man would most likely cut her own hand because of the force it would jolt her hand to the handle and get cut. 90 percent of the time this happens to a woman who kills a man" She explained and smiled when she looked at him to see what he thought.
"Well I am 5'6 in height only an inch smaller and I am the same weight, we could do an experiment minus the knife though"

Josh saw what she was trying to do and he stood up. He stepped in close to her. So close he could feel her body heat radiating against him.

He gave her his stat's as she asked then listened to her explaination.

When she mentioned the wounds that should be on the defendants hands, Josh thought he should be kicked in the balls.

"Holy shit, Eden! Of course! How could I be so stupid. She would have wounds on her hands."

Josh hesitated. He liked being close to her.

He turned and moved back towards the files.

"Eden, is there any medical record for the defendant?"
It helped that Eden watched a lot of detective shows since it actually was a learning from what she would watch. But when she noticed that he gave her a look and she chuckled having a feeling knew knew what was wrong. Looking up into his eyes she could feel the heat coming off his body, her blue eyes looked up into his own. She thought that he had a sad look behind his eyes, perhaps she was reading more into things. Things not really there, but right now she just did not seem to care to much.

Hearing what he said she smiled and nodded walking back to the table she grabbed the report, she handed it to him as she sat back down. Crossing one leg over the other, enjoying the silence for a moment. But she liked the way he looked at her and how close he was to her, it made her more then comfortable. Sitting back she just sat there quietly waiting to see what the report said and her hands in her lap. Looking out the window for a moment, it brought a smile to her very young face.
Josh took the report that she handed him and started reading.

At the end of every paragraph, he turned and looked at Eden. Will actually, he was drooling over her legs.

Dude, will you stop, he thought to himself.

He read further along and found what he was looking for. The doctors noted that the defendant did have a cut on her right index finger. She had stated that she had broken a glass at home and had cut her finger.

Josh said loudly, “GOT IT!”

Josh got up from his chair, and moved towards Eden.

“She had a cut on her finger!” Josh said as he stood over her.

Not knowing why, he leaned over and kissed her on the lips and again said smiling, “We got it!”

When he sat down the thought of what he had just done hit him. He could just imagine the sexual harassment suit.

Shit, he thought, then turned towards Eden. “Hey, I’m sorry about that. I am just excited…sorry, it won’t happen again.”

Josh turned back to the reports and thought; I have got to control myself.
Eden watched him and she smiled when he said what he did but then all of a sudden he kissed her, right out of the blue it was insane. But strangely relaxing, she returned the kiss and could not help but chuckle. He was something else probably thought she would report him for sexual harassment. Though she honestly was not like that. She was down to earth and spoke her mind ninety nine percent of the time. Thinking for a moment looking at the fireplace and a smile was seen right on her face.

"Relax even if I wanted to sue you I couldn't since you are a lawyer after all, you could probably stomp me. But I don't want to you are an enigma I always thought so, I know that we just met today and never spoken before you needed me. But I thought you were always an enigma which is very good" She said simply. Sitting back as she began to think of a million and one things to say to the man. She was comfortable course she had no experience with men of any age, rather it be her age or older.

"If she said it was broken glass but question is how fresh was the cut, and if there was any kind of indication that a glass had been broken" She said simply looking at Josh and tilted her head to the side a little bit.
But I thought you were always an enigma which is very good"

Josh looked up from the report and at her.

"I don't mean to put you off or anything. As I am sure you realize now, I can get really involved in these cases."

There was an awkward pause then she said, "If she said it was broken glass but question is how fresh was the cut, and if there was any kind of indication that a glass had been broken"

"Yeah...let's see if we can get a warrant for her house. Can you write the warrant?" Josh said

As she started to work on the affidavit, Josh said, "You know, let's take a break. I got some beers in the fridge if you want."

Then Josh remembered her age. "Shit, I guess not. But you know, we are way up here all by ourselves. No one will know. And I am not going to notify law enforcement of underage drinking."

Josh walked over to her and offered his hand to her.

"Come on, kid. Let's contribute to your delinquency." Josh smiled
Eden smiled at him enjoying the time they were sharing it was nice to be able to relax and right now she sat back and nodded to him. While he went to get the drinks she smiled a little bit, thinking of everything they could do up here, it was rather interesting to say the least. She stood up to stretch and noticed it was eight at night. And she heard him coming back, which made her smile even more. She took the beer and sipped it, relaxing a bit she was glad for that, that was for sure.
"Now do not...DO NOT tell anyone at the office I was feeding you beer."

Josh flopped down on the couch, and then indicated for Eden to sit next to him.

The were drinking Corona and Josh felt that the beer was going down smoothly.

"If she cut herself, I bet there is DNA at the scene but we are going to have to wait on that" Josh kicked back putting his feet on the coffee table.

"You know, judging by the wounds on the male victim, her killing strike was quick and smooth." Josh said as he stared out the window, almost lost in his thoughts.

"She either knew exactly where to put the knife or she got incredibly lucky."
With out thinking about it, Josh took Edens left foot and put it on his lap. He slowly began working his thumb into the pad of her foot, just under the big toe.

"I wonder, does she have any training or...or maybe she googled it and found something online that described the method to kill with a knife."
Josh took a long pull off of his beer while rolling the toes between his index finger and thumb.

Still staring out the window, "I mean it could have been pure luck. But that is a long shot. She killed him quick. It was the female victim that she spent time on."
Josh was now softly dragging his fingertips along the cords on the top of her foot.

"I really wish I had the murder weapon and I pray her DNA is at the scene, that could seal the deal for us."
Josh used his fingers to spread the toes, then he squeezed and massaged the foot.

He looked at Eden and so the expression on her face. Then he realized what he had been doing.

Oh Shit, he thought. Well, at least she didn't pull away and run screaming from the old perv touching her soft feet.
Eden chuckled by what he said and she nodded to him, she never would tell anyone that was for sure. She was not that kind of girl, if you treated her good she would be kind in return. She was thinking of everything and smiled a bit, she could tell he had been lost in thought when he took her foot. Smiling a bit as she had to get use to someone massaging her foot since no one had ever done it, and she was ticklish. But it felt good and she did not even flinch since he seemed to know how to do this without tickling.

"Well easy enough to find the killer because most of the time the killer will wash the weapon. But what they fail to realize is actually there is blood that can still be on the knife, just not on the blade. More like the handle where most forget to really wash, first the knife will need to be tested for blood and get a sample of the woman's blood and compare them. If they are the same then that is pretty damning" She said being open and honest with Josh, since she felt she could be with him which was nice.

Thinking about all the things she had seen, how people could kill each other. She shook her head and sighed sadly. "You know it surprises me with how cruel people can be to each other, I was bullied terribly in school. But then once you are out of high school who the prom queen was or even valedictorian doesn't matter in the real world. Course I was my classes valedictorian so" She chuckled and laid back relaxing and sipping her beer. She was not one to drink, but the beer was actually really good.
Josh agreed with her, this 19 year old sounded like someone more his age.

"We are going to need more information and evidence, for sure. But juries like the DNA stuff. All the TV shows make the science stuff kinda cool." Josh said.

He listen to her talk about the inhumanity of man. He nodded and hearing her talk of being bullied in school really pissed him off. Josh hated bullies and took a special interest in making them suffer.
"If I had known you in high school, I would have solved the bully problem. Those kids would have ended up bleeding from their face." Josh took another long drag from the beer.

"You know, if I could, there would only be dogs on the Earth. I few of my select friends and the rest of the planet populated by dogs."

Josh drained his beer, then gave the little foot he had been massaging a light pat.

"Do you want another round, or do you feel like heading to bed and catching some Z's?"
Eden smiled at her "Yeah well if you knew me in high school we would be the same age, I always hung around my teachers when I was in school. I was more like them then anything, I had my childhood but I was more mature then ninety nine percent of youth. I was to mature for the crowd and I think that is why they picked on me so much. But after a while I pretty much told them to fuck off you know?" She said simply and at this point in time she just shrugged her shoulders a little bit.

But right now she was in his presence and could not help but actually feel what he said was true, he may have been a lawyer but he wasn't cruel like a lot. "You know my father never liked lawyers, course he would have loved you. You treat me with respect and you would have gained my fathers appreciation and approval. The more I look at it the more I realize that I really don't have much in my life. No friends, never a boyfriend. I was the girl in the shadows that no one cared about"

She said softly and looked outside she slowly stood up and walked towards the window, sighing sadly as she placed her hands on her hips. Thinking of a poem she did her senior year in high school, she was a gifted writer so she was told. But she never knew if people were being nice and humoring her. Or if people really thought she was, thinking over and over about her past and she smiled weakly. She opened up her lips and it was easy to tell she wanted to say something, so she actually did as she spoke.

"She chose to walk alone,
though others wondered why,
refused to look before her.
Eyes cast upward towards the sky.
She didn't have companions
no need for eartly things.
She only wanted freedom
for what she thought were puppet strings.
She longed to be a bird
that she might fly away.
She pitied every plate of grass
for planted they would stay.
She longed to be a flame
that brightly danced alone.
Felt jealous of the steam
that made the air its only home.
Some say she wished to hard,
some say she wished to long.
But we woke one autumn day
to find that she had gone.
The trees, they say stood witness
the sky refused to tell.
But someone who had seen it said
the story played out well.
She spread out her arms out wide
breathed in the break of dawn.
She just let go of all she held
and she was gone."
"Eden, that was...amazing. Very beautiful. Just like the young lady who wrote it. And, you will always have at least one friend."

He patted her thigh, then gave it a light squeeze.

"Alright, I am going for another. You must drink one also."
He jumped up and went to the kitchen.

He grabbed 2 more cold bottles and walked back in the living room.

As he popped the top of her beer he said, "I am finding it very difficult to believe you did not have a boyfriend. Were they all gay? Come on. Look at you. You are incredibly beautiful. You are, like, creepy smart. You are as an accomplished writer as any author. What is not to like? You had to have one. Or an admirer. I mean, did you not go to prom?"

Josh took a pull from the beer.
She listened to what he said and took the beer sipping it "If your trying to get me drunk I can out drink any man" she chuckled and sighed a little. Thinking back to school life was one of the hardest things, and shook her head a little bit. "I was never asked to the prom so I didn't go, I don't know anything about men frankly I haven't even been kissed for god sakes" She said looking up at him and sighed a bit. Placing her hand on his that was on her thigh and looked at him, figuring he had someone.

"I am sure you had girlfriends since you are rather handsome, I just threw myself into my studies which was why I graduated a year early. I could have skipped three grades but didn't, I only skipped my a grade because the kids were getting meaner and meaner. I did not always look like this, I had a weight problem. But with how bad the kids made me feel, I stopped eating for two weeks. That was how I started to lose weight, and ever since then I have kept myself in shape best that I can"
"If your trying to get me drunk I can out drink any man"

"Eden, we have some time this week, and I will test that bold statement!" Josh laughed

But when he heard her talking about her high school day he just got pissed. How could any one treat this person so horribly.

...I don't know anything about men frankly I haven't even been kissed for god sakes"
"Wrong answer, missy. I just kissed you a little bit ago."
Josh was really getting feelings for her, and he felt like he should not. He was twice her age.
But he could not stop.

"Well, we are going to prom, right now."
He went to the stereo and pressed a few buttons, and as the first notes of Journey's Don't Stop Believing began to sound through the living room, he reached out and took her hand and pulled her off of the couch.

"I want you to dance with me." He said softly.
He took her right hand into his left, the he placed her left hand on his chest.
He pulled her tight into him. He felt the swell of her eager young breasts against his chest through his t-shirt, and they began to move slowly to the music.
She could see the anger in his eyes and it meant a lot that he was pissed on her behalf it appeared things were looking up and right now that was a big plus, she had no idea what tonight would be and she blushed when he mentioned him kissing her. She nodded to him and could still feel his lips on her own, in a moment kiss that he seemed he over stepped. But she did not mind in the least, she respected a man who knows what he wants and wont disrespect anyone to get it. And she respected that.

But then she heard what he said about prom and she did not get a chance to refuse, he took her hand and pulled her right off her feet. She watched how he touched her, and it made her a little nervous. She was a shitty dancer and he was about to see that or more less feel it then ever now, Looking up into his eyes it felt right to be touched by him. He was respectful and respected, course she would never tell him that. She did not want to stroke the male ego, last thing in the world she wanted.

And she let him take lead and began to follow his foot steps, looking at him she smiled more. "I think this is a bad idea, your feet will hate me" She said and blushed a bit more. But she felt safe with him and right now that was what she wanted. Sighing softly as everything just seemed to relax. His eyes gave her courge and wondered what it would be like to be with him, she was afraid she would suck at kissing and sex. But she guessed only time would actually tell, which was different for her.
The song continued to play in the back ground.

"I think this is a bad idea, your feet will hate me"

With his right hand, he swept the hair from around her face, then looked into her eyes smiling.

"Eden, relax...just relax and enjoy this."

He then pressed her head into his chest, so that her right cheek rested on his chest. They continued to sway to the music.

Josh just kept thinking, "This is wrong. I should stop this." but he knew, he would not. This young woman was going to get some pleasure and niceness in her life. She was going to learn that not all people are terrible.

The song ended and Josh stopped their moving.

He tilted her head up so that he could see her eyes.

"Thank you, Eden for that dance."

Josh then leaned over and first brushed his lips against her , soft, sweet lips. Then he kissed her gently.