Cautiously Optimistic
- Joined
- Apr 6, 2001
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These are in chronological order within the topics.
Busybody on His Relationships
This last was in response to the question: Have you ever withheld sex to get what you want, here was his reply. No wonder she wouldn't cum back. It's interesting though that his girlfriend comes and goes so regularly.
Busybody on Women
Busybody on Muslims
Busybody the self-proclaimed nut
Busybody on Hanns
And I'm a loon. Laughable.
Busybody on His Relationships
- I too had several hundreds of photos of me cross dressing......but when my wife walked did the pics......Too bad, I looked good......
- ]several hundred of her dressed as a male......Both of us passed real well as memembers of the opposite sex......She left the furniture but took the photos.....
- My GF left and wont ever cum back. I need to see some PUSSY, right now. Anyone care to post some nice PUSSY pics? PLEASE! And I dont mean CATS, for you wise guys/gals. Help me, I AM DESPERATE.
- Tonight there was a party. There were 14 couples there. While she and I dont swing, we like to watch and touch others without actual participation. Everything was cool and fun. About an hour into the party, who walks in? The 4th grade teacher of her son!!!!!!!
What do you say? How do you act? What a development!
- I showed her the door and how to use it for an exit and locked it behind her she thought I was kidding she was wrong it was in the middle of the nite Tough Shit
This last was in response to the question: Have you ever withheld sex to get what you want, here was his reply. No wonder she wouldn't cum back. It's interesting though that his girlfriend comes and goes so regularly.
Busybody on Women
- Any women out there with some pics? Or how about women dressed as men?
- Girls in Glasses having sex? I make sure all my GFs wear glasses during sex.
- I sit corrected with my grammer. I am looking for a new Secretary, the last one was not good at taking DICKtation. Wanna apply? Insert resume HERE!
Busybody on Muslims
- They were talking about "closure", what BS! You all talk of lighting candles. Nice, but meaningless! Let's remember that there are those that would EXTERMINATE us, if we let them.We have the means to stop them,to kill them,to eliminate them before they do it to us.We have the means,DO WE HAVE THE WILL?
Instead of candles, let the Demon(crats)(correct spelling) know we want action,not obstruction. Kill the enemy,before they kill us!
- That small group of people,represent 1 billion! Even your fearless leader in Canada is against us. As is most of the world,save for England. Take some time to read the World Press,as I do. Love is not the answer, restraint is not the answer, negotiation is not the answer. The answer is to KILL them before they have a chance to do it to us. Anything else is SUICIDE.
- Random killing? Never proposed that! Iraq, Saudia Arabia, Iran,Syria for starters need REGIME CHANGE NOW......By FORCE if need be. Educate yourself before the beautiful you will be forced to wear a BURKAH. See what is happening in Europe.
- And I dont have all the facts. And I dont expect to get them either. I dont care. I dont care one whit about the Iraqi people or the 1 billion Muslims either. They have shown what they are. Better them dead, in an extreme fashion then us. Even if they HAVE NO WMDs, better them dead. I assume you have not studied history. And you are one paranoid, dud(dudette). If you dont believe the "elected crooks" who do you believe?
- I want ALL MUSLIMS DEAD. They have proclaimed WAR against us and the US. Better them then us. Then the Euroweenies, starting with the French and Germans!
- When will people WAKE up? They are THE ENEMY and must be ERADICATED.......VIOLENTLY!
- Stop terrorism! Kill Muslims (at least 4 times)
- In fact, they are. If you read the Muslim writings and speeches by their Imams you would know that. Are they ALL killers? NO! But why should we be the ones to try and seperate the innocents from the guilty? Often with DEADLY results? When I taught my kids to cross the streets, and the importance of RED and GREEN lights, I in effect told them NOT TO CROSS AGAINST THE RED BECAUSE THEY COULD BE IN DANGER! That meant I condemned ALL drivers! I dont want to experiment with my childrens lives. Can you show me ANY repudiation of the MUSLIM REIGN OF TERROR by ANY reputable MUSLIM "LEADER"???????? I am still awaiting YOUR RESPONSE to my question of: HOW TO STAMP OUT TERRORISM?
Busybody the self-proclaimed nut
- Women of LIT - A month ago, I broke up with my GF of 4 years. Why? Cause I got nutz! I love her, she loves me and we are great together. She is hotttt, and I made a mistake. We are getting together tomorrow nite. I already bought her a beautifu necklace to give her at our date......Any other ideas? I wanna marry her.
Busybody on Hanns
- To be sure, not his dissing and offending so many of us here. But one has to admire his with and humor. And I for one agree with his politics. HANNS FOR PRESIDENT.......after 8 years of Bush and 8 years of Connie Rice!
And I'm a loon. Laughable.