Drunk People are Annoying

I can never hear that enough beautiful one.


*edit,and i'm not drunk!
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better now.

i need to get something to eat~so if anyone wants anything order up.

nothing that reacts poorly with too much alchohol tho~

Oh baby...hmm...what did you drink? I had salsa and chips earlier that goes well with most alcohols I've found in the past.
Eumenides said:
Hey JS! So, you drunky tonight?

yup.......drunk as a skunk....... the kind of drunk where you have to close one eye to type cuz things are spinning......

goddamn gay bars serve drinks soooooooo strong!!!!!

ok~i scored the burger special from the dynasty diner...anyone wants fries eat fast cuz they are going~

JS~i always fding closing your eyes when you drink too much makes it worse...tryto stay a wake a bit longer and drink a few glasses of cold water.
I hear ya......

My last wife was gorgeous and witty. When she drank, I mean, binge, she was an embarassment. She would stagger around spilling people's drinks, and knocking over tables, and showing everyone her tits. Now, generally this isn't that bad, except the people I hang with will shoot you for spilling their drink! The next morning, I'd be nursing my scars, and she would be totally oblivious to what she had done. When I'd explain it to her, she got pissed and called me a liar. Needless to say, that was one of the reasons we broke up. To this day, I run from a binge beauty! :D
glamorilla said:

JS~i always fding closing your eyes when you drink too much makes it worse...tryto stay a wake a bit longer and drink a few glasses of cold water.

yeah its not working for me, this internet shit.... but when i drink i get horny, and since i came home alone, i need some ummmmmm inspiration, if you know what i mean.

if i close one eye, i can type better than with the two open, glam....... been force feeding water and took some excedrin right when i got home
