Dreamscapes ~ A world of Erotic Fantasy closed for Last_Rider & Myself.


My body jerks, the pain slices up my leg, but I remember my duty.

"One Mistress, thank you."

I understand her rhythm after a few strokes of the cane, which helps me flow and ride the sensation.

"Five Mistress, thank you."

My mind must stay sharp and count, I do not wish her to start over. She moves from my toes, the same pattern of toes, ball, instep, and heel. Probably ten each, though I remember she can be devious when she wishes to be.

"Fifteen Mistress, thank you."

The pain now draws little yelps from my mouth with each blow, but I don't lose count. I focus on the sensations, and the fact that despite it all my cock hasn't lost its hardness.

"Twenty Five Mistress, thank you."
My dark angel was doing do very very well, twenty five blows to each foot his cock acting as my barometer and to my delight it was still standing to attention swollen and angry looking, simply begging to be a vassal for my needs

Surprisingly as I joined my love on his journey I was becoming very much aroused. Fulfilling the needs of a beloved other was a potent aphrodisiac indeed.Without delay I finished off his strokes delighting in the fact he had no need to use his safe word simply reminding him on occasion to breathe to become one with what was happening as indeed his Mistress was.

"Forty Mistress, thank you.
" And we were done!

I was sorely tempted to end our session there and then but to deprive him of the full experience would be simply selfish. I eyed his cock once more my eyes darkening with my desire for him.

Losing no time I deftly slid his ankles along the spreader bare until they were together bone to bone and secured them lashing even his big toes together. He would have a 5 minute respite while I divested myself of the remainder of my clothing my wet panties being the very last to be removed.

I did of course trail them across his face needing him to smell my desire, needing to give him a potent anchor for what was about to come...

”Ready Rider?”

This time I did not wait for his reply I simply took out a new cane heavier again than the last one, my lust laden eyes meeting his, willing him to finish strong.

“20 strokes across both feet …count!

I began bringing the cane down across both feet hard, much harder than before covering his hapless feet inch by inch, top to bottom twice!

I wasn’t fair for I had deviously changed the rhythm and severity of my blows keeping him off guard deliberately accosting all those small spaces that thus far escaped my attentions considering themselves safe.

Sometimes nothing in love was fair and I could barely wait for what would happen next... I wanted him fully primed and ready!
I was breathing heavily by the end, but the sensations were undeniably erotic. I couldn't explain why, except that I loved my Angel dearly. She seemed done, and I relaxed in my bonds for a few minutes before she moved again. My breath caught as she removed her clothes, her body always perfect. She teased me again, her dampness running along my face and her scent flaming my blood again. She seemed very relaxed, and I fervently hoped she was about to use me to pleasure herself.

Of course I was wrong, and she slid the shackles together along the spreader bar and tied my big toes so I couldn't wiggle too much. Then she found another cane and I silently shook my head. She couldn't be serious, could she?

Yes, yes she was

“20 strokes across both feet …count!

I yelped loudly at the first.

"One Mistress, thank you."

Over and over, much harder than before, up and down, coating my feet it waves of heat and pain. I maintained my composure, but my body thrashed, unable to escape but I couldn't stop the motions. Up and down, crack after crack that radiated pain through my feet.

"Twenty Mistress, thank you."
"Twenty Mistress, thank you."

"Mmmmm," I was so proud of him, so horny, so damn needy that I wasted not a single moment.

Unloosening his ankle bindings I paused only long enough to give each foot and ankle a cursory message. In any other circumstance I would have treated him to more, but right now a tall light house beckoned me its light cutting through the primeval fogginess of my lust filled brain leading me unfailingly to where I truly belonged.

Straddling his Monolith of masculinity, I had read that somewhere and right now it seemed to fit my mood I jumped on and without finesse slid him in a single fluid motion into my slick welcoming depths; enfolding devouring, making him all mine.

My lips on his and I began to ride his cock as if the very world were about to end...
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I was panting hard at the end, but I had done well. Her eyes showed me that, and I felt some pride in my chest. I had pleased her, nothing else mattered. She undid my bindings, and briefly massaged each foot.

I was settling into a nice aftercare glow when I caught the look in her eyes. Somehow I had missed it before, but my Mistress was very very horny. She practically attacked me, and my head shot back and I almost cried out with pleasure when her wet depths engulfed my heated erection.

No finesse this time, just raw need from us both. I moved with her, kissing her passionately as our bodies moved. Nothing mattered but the heat, the sensation, and the closeness we shared. This was beauty in motion, I could stay like this forever.
The Itch...

My Angel touches me and fires start to grow in my body. A large bowie knife made of damascus steel hangs in a leather sheath at my waist. Actually large might be an understatement, but that's for later. For now I return her kiss, soft at first, slowly growing more intense.

I wear a leather vest, jeans, and boots, dressed like a somewhat stereotypical bad man. When our kiss breaks my eyes are dark with desire, and with something else. I growl, low in my throat, then grab her up and throw her onto the bed.

I walk slowly, methodically, letting my boots thump on the floor, towards her. Tonight we both have an itch, and I definitely intend to scratch it. I slowly draw the knife from its sheath, eyes bright, moving it back and forth like a pendulum just under my eyes.

"Lay still and I wont have to use this. Resist, well, then things get interesting little Angel."

As he tossed me on the big four poster bed for a moment I was winded, this wasnt the bed I was used to it felt as hard as rocks to me. Eyes widening at his veiled threat this angel scooted from the bed and out of the door of the cabin and off into the surrounding woods. I wasn't about to make it easy for my love , not this night he would have to catch his angel first.

Fleet of foot and I was off ducking under branches and around trees as if my very life depended on it. My long hair was snagged loose by the tree branches who also seemed to want a part of me this night, it streaked out behind me in glorious abandon as I fled.

If it had not been for the tree root over which I tripped I might have lead him a merry chase. It seemed that even nature was conspiring against me. Head over heals I tumbled coming to a standstill at the base of old oak tree. Winded for a second time I lay there panting as I warily watched him come into view.

He barely seemed in a hurry, his heavy boots thumping down the bracken as he methodically came towards me. The avid hunger in his hazel eyes caused my heart to miss a beat....

" Rider?" I croaked out suddenly nervous.
The Itch

I hadn't really expected her to cooperate, but I had to make the offer at least. She slipped from the bed like quicksilver and darted out into the woods. I hurried after her, grateful for the seemingly endless hours of cardio training I went through. Her long hair trailed behind her, like a ribbon of gold in the dim light for me to follow. She moved so gracefully, weaving in and out of trees, ducking branches, jumping over roots.

Well, almost jumping over that last root. Instead it caught her foot and she tumbled to the ground. When she looked up, I was walking towards her, knife still drawn, eyes burning. She scooted over the ground a little, her voice just a little scared.

Then I reach her, standing over her, I reach down and wind my fist into her hair. I know she is scared, but I also know she trusts me. I could never truly hurt her.

"I warned you little Angel."

My voice is low, a growl as I pull her to her feet. Quickly I duck down and scoop her up, tossing her over one shoulder.

"Now you'll have to pay."

My left arm holds her securely against my shoulder, my right reaches out and breaks off a willow branch as I walk past a tree. I swing it deftly across her backside with every other stride as I carry my prize back towards the cabin she had run from.
The itch...

The timbre of his voice sent shivers down my spine awakening a part of me normally tucked protectively away.

As he tosses me over one strong shoulder as if I weigh next to nothing I am smiling softly my face turned protectively away from his... that is until I feel the sting of the make shift flogger the devious devil has fashioned from a passing tree.

He plans on making me pay does he?

The nasty little caress on my exposed thighs had me dithering between struggling just to make him work or simply melting into the delicious sensations I have been craving for some while now

My heart beat slows and for the moment I am content to simply enjoy my small moan of delight stiffed where my mouth is pressed firmly to his back.

There will be time...
The Itch

I walk deliberately, feeling her struggle a little against me, her long hair hanging down my back, her face pressed into me. The switch struck the back of her thighs, then her ass, then the place where the two joined. Methodically striking until we reached the cabin. At the door I toss the stick aside, I have much better tools within.

The door is open and I walk through it, kicking it closed behind me. I make sure it's locked this time, and double check the windows. There will be no escape this time. I drop her onto the bed, this time immediately climbing up on top of her, holding her down.

"Alright Angel, you made this difficult on yourself."

My hands grab her wrists, pulling them above her head. I have cuffs here, but something more devious strikes my mind. Holding both delicate wrists in one hand, I reach towards the side of the bed and find some black ribbon.

"If you break this, you'll regret it. Besides, I don't think you have the ability to be still."

The last was a challenge, an unnecessary one, but it played into the scene. I know full well she has the discipline to remain still without bonds. The ribbon threads around her wrists and the slats in the headboard, finished with a knot.

"Now, I think you are far too over dressed for this."

My hands find the top of her Angel costume and begin pulling it down, slowly, very slowly, exposing her breasts to my hungry eyes and active mind.