Dreams... what do you dream about?

Gilly Bean

Princess Spanky Pants
Aug 29, 2001
The thread down a bit got me thinking... most people dream nightly, right? So, tell us your dreams here. :)

Last night, for instance, was another weird one for me. It seems that's all I do, dream odd dreams!

Ok, so, for some reason, I was at Sam's Club with my husband, and some other weird people, and I was walking around trying to find food we wanted, while he was pricing video games.

I walked past the cheese section, and some big guy was wiping his hands all over the cheese, then eating it. YUCK!

Then, I was outside, standing in front of Toy's R Us. I looked to the left, and there was a road, so I went down it. I ended up on a house boat in front of a really swampy looking lake.

So, I (of course) enter the house boat, and go over this bridge thingy and end up in the back yard. Then, I find out an old friend from high school was in there. She had been pregnant at the same time I was for my oldest, so I ask, where's the baby? (who, in non-dream land, should be around 7 right now)

She says her sister has the baby, but just as she's saying this, the sister pulls up outside, so we go out there.

The sister is in the front seat of the car, with her boyfriend, and they are both doing a bong. The sister finishes, and sticks a pacifier in her mouth, and the boyfriend gets out. The sister takes off again, driving like 80, and I could see the 'baby' sitting on the floor in the back seat, with no seat belt, and she's playing with a toy piano.

So, she takes off, and I ask my old friend just why she let her drive off with the baby, and she just shrugs. Few minutes later, she gets a call saying they were in an accident, and that the baby is fine, but the sister isn't.

She then tells me that they were waiting on a 3rd sister to move to FLorida, because when she does, the high sister will follow, and she won't have to worry about it anymore.

Then, she starts talking about taking down a neighbor's fence, and putting up a new one, and basically stealing thier property. :rolleyes:

Now, this isn't the end of the weirdness, not by a long shot.

It changed completly, signaling what, the begining of a new dream?

So, I'm at my parents house, with my ex-sister in law, and I'm reading this incrediblly thin romance novel, only to find out, it's some sort of a 'preview' book, it shows only the first chapter of like 6 different books.

I get all mad, and me and my sister in law end up at this shop we have in town, that sells used books, namely romance. My mother in law is there (no relation to the ex sil), and she's totally ignoring us (Yay!).

We finally get someone to help us, and the woman totally steals $5 from me! Afterthat, I walked outside, and next door to this shop, is a huge antique shop, but they are really particular on who shops there, so I walk in (no accompanied by a cousin and some little boy I don't know), and this woman nods, and opens the 'gate' for us.

Seems the staircase isn't there, instrad, you have to climb up using things attached to the wall. The floor under said 'stair case' is empty, and drops far enough that you can't see the bottom. Reason enough to want to hurry.

Then, we get to the top, and the place is just a run down half empty room, where the lights are mostly broken, and the floor is really weak. We end up barely escaping from a collapsing floor, and have to shimmy down on a rope.

How weird am I again?
How weird am I again?

Not gonna answer that, but I love you anways. ;)

(me, by contrast, remebers about 2 or 3 dreams a year) hehe
Gilly Bean said:
How weird am I again?
Very! But then we already knew that. ;)

I most often dream about whatever I have thought about during the day, especially if there was some emotional aspect to those thoughts or experiences. My dreams are most often my emotional subconcious letting off steam, so they run the gamut of emotions - often anger, fear, frustration and so on - emotions that I don't vent during the day.
I had this wierd dream the other nite in Chicago.....I was outside, at the side of some house...a peaceful setting overlooking a golf course practice green. I was with a gal, and there was a small glass table and a few chairs and I think we were going to have tea...ack.

So.....then this concorde jet flys over really low and slow, and is doing slow loop de loops right in front of us.....up high circles and back down above our heads, then back up.....on the topside of the wings and fusalage is a Canadian flag that took up the whole area, and it said Canada in big letters....all in red......then it swooped up a half mile or so up and totally stalled and fell back to crash on the golf green about 100 yards from us. It was very vivid and wierd.
Re: Re: Dreams... what do you dream about?

The Heretic said:
Very! But then we already knew that. ;)

I most often dream about whatever I have thought about during the day, especially if there was some emotional aspect to those thoughts or experiences. My dreams are most often my emotional subconcious letting off steam, so they run the gamut of emotions - often anger, fear, frustration and so on - emotions that I don't vent during the day.

See, mine are all just a conglomeration of weird things.

For instance, of the people who were in my dream, I used to know like 3 of them, and I haven't thought of them in years!

One thing about dreams....maybe someone else can speak to it as well. When I used to smoke pot...when I did it was regular and a fair amount....I never had dreams.
Re: Re: Re: Dreams... what do you dream about?

Gilly Bean said:
See, mine are all just a conglomeration of weird things.

For instance, of the people who were in my dream, I used to know like 3 of them, and I haven't thought of them in years!

Oh I think most people's dreams are weird - I know mine are; so weird I am embarressed to recount most of them. But I am fairly sure that these dreams are for the most part just the disconnected ramblings of my emotional subconcious. I can rarely do anything rational in my dreams - for instance I have almost never been able to read anything in my dreams.
Wiggles said:
Two nights ago, I dreamt I was in a video game, but then the video game became real and I had a big rifle. I was shooting bad guys down left and right, and I never had to reload. Power trips are fun.
Ahhh.. a woman after my own heart; last night I dreamt I was a countersniper laying under a car waiting for a sniper in a building to show himself.

Dreams are just plain weird; I often dream I am sleeping because while I am dreaming I am sleeping and I can feel that I am in that position. It depends on how disconnected my body is from my brain while sleeping; I often talk in my sleep, thrash about, and even kick.
I laugh out loud probably three or four nites a week during my sleep...It totally freaks my wife out.

I had a pretty normal dream as my dreams go.

First, as far back as I can clearly remember anyway, I was in a Walgreen’s with my father looking through and reading the magazines. Then this guy who was my neighbor and whom I knew well (but irl I do not know and is not my neighbor) invited me to go fishing with by the pond by my house (and I don't have a house or the said pond either irl). So cut to the pond, I am by the shore alone fishing, catching bluegill, getting snagged in the weeds, and then I got a big bite. As I am reeling it in it feels weird on the line, I pull the line out to land the fish and it’s a fucking rattlesnake! At first I am a little freaked but then I see it is a super rare massugua rattlesnake that is a endangered species so I flip over the big bait bucket I was using for a seat on top of it to trap it so I can get some park rangers or conservationists to see it and study it. As I do so I notice there is another snake behind me (non-rattlesnake) eating the bait so they both get caught under the bucket. As the nightcrawler bucket is upended I also see some newts in there.

I go running to get the park ranger, there are stairs and walkways nearby in the middle of the field like what you would see at Disney World with tons of people, school classes on field trips and stuff. The fences are all like 6-feet high and meandering all over the damn place making a direct route to the Rangers cabin difficult so I start jumping over the fence a couple times to get their faster.

When I get there this female officer like knows me and is all skeptical and stuff. But I get her to call the local conservationist department and when she does she starts gabbing on the damn phone instead of getting to the point and telling them what happened.

That was pretty normal; usually in my dreams if I am by a lake or swamp there is always some kind of monster in it and if I am in a field or forest there is some zombies out abd about like some Everquest game of B Horror movie.

I'm surprised there were not any shoot-outs or swordplay, usually there is a bit of that as well more often than not.
Don’t drink milk before you go to sleep, if you do you have dreams so weird they are like a David Lynch dream sequence in one of his Twin Peaks TV show.
I wish I could share my dreams with others at times. I remember months ago a dream where I was on another planet in a space ship like flying taxi traveling over the surface of this moon in a desert like terrain. We went into this red sandstone rock canyon to come out on a giant panoramic view of this beautiful glass city of amazing architecture of skyscrapers and bubble-domes made of mostly glass as the setting sun reflected it’s dying light off the gleaming buildings. It was similar in some ways to the view in Blade-runner in that scene where they see the sunset on that building but this was more awesome as it was a whole little city in the canyon and it was clean and pristine in the middle of the rocky gully instead of a big dirty city.
I had a dream once about one particular poster here at lit. Was so realistic, even though I have never seen 'her' just her av. I woke up looking around, fearing that we were going to wake up my wife (which I did) When the wife wanted to know what woke me up...well what was I supposed to say...a dream about a hot babe and I having steamy sex? No Way! I just told her I had a cramp in my leg.

Once in a while when I am at work in camp, I will have weird dreams...mostly unsexual, and related to long-ago times.
I have reappearing dreams about dying all the time. Have had them for about a year now. Its getting better, gotten a little outside help to rid of them.

Anyways, I have been sliced diced, shot burned crucified, beaten to death, fallen to my death, buried alive...you name it.
The worse are the ones where a loved one is involved in the dream.

They are usually very vivid and has caused me to wake up close to screaming at times.

But as I said it is getting better :)
ugh, snake dreams are the worst for me. I get all squirmy, and clingy to Lekov. That's my mortal fear: snakes.
I don't mumble... I'm fully coherent,just ask me... (but don't ask me until the next morning) ;)
I’ve had dreams where I died in them several times before.

I remember one nightmare long ago that occurred at my old house that was whining seeing distance of a large 4-lane highway.

It was at night and everything was eerily quite, there was no traffic on the Highway, none at all and the night air held a menace of anticipation to it as the world seemed to hold its breath. I was all alone in the house when suddenly dozens of cars and trucks came speeding right towards me to run me over, all with no drivers, all Christine-like evil cars animated by themselves to run my ass over. I ran up stairs as they cam crashing through the house and into the kitchen and living room below on the first level.

I knew it was a dream then, but I could not wake myself up at all for the life of me. It was pretty fucking scary and I was desperate to wake-yup so I decided if I died I would surely wake-up irl. So I grabbed a knife and cut my on throat and as I did so I suddenly got worried because I felt the pain and everything so I hoped I hadn’t been sleep waling or something and had just cut my own throat irl as well. But I woke-up and I hadn’t slashed my own throat so I was relieved.
Now this is going to sound strange...

Last night I dreamt I was swimming in the ocean, and a big gorgeous whale swam up next to me.
It nudged me with its side and I stroked it....it turned into a woman with long red hair and she was swimming with Goran Visnjic from E.R. Lol! Now I know you're familiar with "Practical Magic"..the movie. I must've been thinking of you because you sent me the Valentine...lol!

I told you it was strange!

Btw...did you get my PM that I sent you back?
Re: Now this is going to sound strange...

espressolover said:
Last night I dreamt I was swimming in the ocean, and a big gorgeous whale swam up next to me.
It nudged me with its side and I stroked it....it turned into a woman with long red hair and she was swimming with Goran Visnjic from E.R. Lol! Now I know you're familiar with "Practical Magic"..the movie. I must've been thinking of you because you sent me the Valentine...lol!

I told you it was strange!

Btw...did you get my PM that I sent you back?

Goran is just HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT -shivers-

Yep, I got it ;)
Gawd YES he IS!
Those eyes...that mouth...that accent...just makes my knees weak!

Good, glad you got it.