

Really Experienced
Jul 15, 2002
sent me a pm which sadly got rejected due to a crammed inbox. As i so enjoyed the last one (subject...You are Sick) I would like to take this opportunity to point out that my inbox is empty, and waiting for you with eagerness.

I thank you.
Post this at the playground where she is no doubt bragging about her freaky looking alien boyfriend at this very moment.
he is a little alienesque, that's why I'm sick, I objected to her av of her breast feeding him. what can ya do:rolleyes:
Not to worry, from what we've seen and read, you're not missing much by having her PM rejected.

She's ......different.
I clicked on this thread thinking you'd be describing a dream you had....thinking I could make a Cheap & Easy pun out of it and say something cute about the lovely and elegant ~Dream~.

Imagine my disappointment upon opening the thread only to discover it was, in fact, a thread devoted to Cheap & Easy Jokes About ~Dream~.

Plus....you've covered all the best angles already.

nitelite33 said:
Hey Killswitch,

How was Ruth's?

It was very nice.

Expensive as sin though. We dropped about 140.00

35.00 for a t-bone and that doesnt include a salad or a potato.....

It was nice, but not worth 140.00
I dont know that dream chick very well.....the first and only thing I said to her she claimed to put me on iggy...lol..Imagine that.

I do get grossed out seeing her tag line....yada yada days till I feel his touch.


I wouldnt even shake that dudes hand if he was wearing welders gloves.

I'm incredibly curious to see this alienesque boyfriend, but at the same time I am incredibly scared to...
go to the playground, find any post by her, he's in her avs. or go to amateur pics and see her in her FULL glory.

Im just off to the bathroom, excuse me please...
She's an odd one.

It's funny... I'll post a few words to her and she'll reply back with nonstop blabbing. For some reason I'm entertained by it.
Killswitch said:
I dont know that dream chick very well.....the first and only thing I said to her she claimed to put me on iggy...lol..Imagine that.

I do get grossed out seeing her tag line....yada yada days till I feel his touch.


I wouldnt even shake that dudes hand if he was wearing welders gloves.


He looked pretty sickly, but the real interesting thing was that, despite the fact that she claims to be "submissive", everything in that picture (av) pointed towards all-devouring she-vampire sucking the life out of enfeebled youth. She looks like she's about to crack his bones for the marrow and then flap away across the full moon on giant black wings.
rosco rathbone said:
He looked pretty sickly, but the real interesting thing was that, despite the fact that she claims to be "submissive", everything in that picture (av) pointed towards all-devouring she-vampire sucking the life out of enfeebled youth. She looks like she's about to crack his bones for the marrow and then flap away across the full moon on giant black wings.

There's a better than even chance that when a woman tells you she's "Submissive" without your asking...that she's not.

The fury that normally follows such a statement by any guy on the BDSM Forum has always in my view been the best evidence of that statement's veracity.

Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, ~Dream~ is quite possibly the single most fucked up person on the entire site.

Lancecastor said:
There's a better than even chance that when a woman tells you she's "Submissive" without your asking...that she's not.

The fury that normally follows such a statement by any guy on the BDSM Forum has always in my view been the best evidence of that statement's veracity.

Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, ~Dream~ is quite possibly the single most fucked up person on the entire site.


I actually kind of dig her for that, in an always-root-for-the-underdog kind of way, and also because many of the people who diss her are jackoffs. My post wasn't intended as a diss, but as an observation of an interesting "av".