Dream Interpretation Time


Grumpy Doms Union 361
Apr 18, 2002
I had this dream last night.

Most of us have had the bed immobilization dream and it started similarly. It started in my bedroom, but this time I could feel the energy of what was trying to hold me. I was able to focus my energy and was begining to get control when my oldest son walks in. The energy was instantly gone. And I thought to myself he can't be here he lives with his mother. My youngest son walks in and I think ok, my oldest is staying here but I thought that the youngest was at my ex -wife's house. Next walks in to more young boys and starts playing with my boys, again I am thinking that they don't belong and who are they. My father comes to my door and starts yelling at me and calls me "You fat, ugly, worthless(I honestly forgot the rest). I bolt across the room and grab my father by the throat with both hands. We stumbling into the hall which is no longer my house. Down the stairs and into the downstairs hall we go, never falling and my hands never leaving his neck. Downstairs the entrance hall grows some and so does a door. Rushing through the door is a huge dun colored bull charging down on me. I step up and throw the huge beast down and start to beat the beautiful beast with my fists. *Bang* I wake up and I am sitting staring around the room.
So, any idea what the heck this is all supposed to mean?

Phoenyx said:
Its means you wanna have sex with momma
That would be difficult with her ashes being on the mantle in the den. But thanks for playing.
Ezarc said:
That would be difficult with her ashes being on the mantle in the den. But thanks for playing.

With someone you view as a mother figure..
Throtleing daddy shows you wanna remove him as head of the familly and lead the clan..

Remeber Oedipus?
Ezarc said:
That would be difficult with her ashes being on the mantle in the den. But thanks for playing.

Freud would actually say something like that...dunno...I may read some dream interpretation shit this summer....

Guessing by what you said....how do you feel about your father? Maybe having a son gave you a feeling of power...like an ascension to adulthood...and that gave you the strength to fight whatever...
My Dream Book Says.......

(Chapter 5) "You really want to lock yourself in a room to avoid being caught, due to the heavy pressure in your groin. You need to choke your chicken while thinking about your EX, "playing with the boys", and yelling, "Who's your Daddy!?" All this as you gulp down a Red Bull. The stairs represent the release when you cum." :D
Re: My Dream Book Says.......

Lost Cause said:
(Chapter 5) "You really want to lock yourself in a room to avoid being caught, due to the heavy pressure in your groin. You need to choke your chicken while thinking about your EX, "playing with the boys", and yelling, "Who's your Daddy!?" All this as you gulp down a Red Bull. The stairs represent the release when you cum." :D
Lmao, damn I hope you are far from correct. LOL
Hypothetically speaking.

How about if you're bent over a pool table and Sally Jessie Raphael is fucking you in the ass and pouring Thousand Island dressing all over Abe Vigoda?
The technique I learned involves taking all the objects, people and emotions in the dream and writing down beside them what that particular thing means to you (ourside the context of the dream).

The dream should become clear as you read the results. It can be an interesting exersize.
guilty pleasure said:
The technique I learned involves taking all the objects, people and emotions in the dream and writing down beside them what that particular thing means to you (ourside the context of the dream).

The dream should become clear as you read the results. It can be an interesting exersize.

I have done that as well.. and it has been very insightful..

Great av by the way... ;)
You miss your kids.....

You want to hit your Dad but can't cause he is your Dad, so the bull took over and you hit the bull which really represented your father....

You know, that 'You wanna fuck your momma' came at me so unexpectedly, and I should have expected it, I laughed so hard.

I will agree that you probably miss your kids, you should try spending more time with them. Not just around them, but doing something considered quality time. Beats me what tho, dont have experience with sons, sorry.

As far as fathers and bulls, I think we all wanted to murder our fathers occassionally, but most of us that have any sanity dont. Thats ok tho. If it makes you better start having murderous daydreams.

Bull. Gee, dont know, bull as a representation of a mans man or something. I vote, kill the bull as well. Make steak of that cow. Oh well.

And Freud would have said 'You wanna fuck your momma' (or mother figure, whatever). Rofl.
maybe this will help?

This is a dream of contrary. Attending a funeral in your dream is a prediction of a wedding or some other joyous celebration in real life. Dreaming about your own funeral means freedom from worries.

Although some modern dream psychologists believe that seeing yourself asleep is a sign of illness, the older oracles tend to focus on whom you were sleeping with and what you were sleeping on in order to ascertain the meaning of this dream. Here is a guide: WITH MEANING A stranger Embarrassment A spouse Happiness A lover Uncertainties A child Family happiness A friend Security Animals Warning of accidents

Dreaming of a big or happy family of any kind (even animals) means things will be looking up financially. If the dream is about your own family, expect some important news. But if you dream of abandoning your family, money will be tight. (Please see listings for individual family members.)

This is a contrary dream. If you were angry with someone you know, it is a sign that you will profit through a friend. If your anger was directed at a stranger or you don't know the cause, it is still a good omen. It means you will receive good news and have cause to celebrate.
As a general rule, fathers stand for authority and mothers for love, but the action in the dream is relevant to the interpretation. If the parent you dreamed about is dead and he or she spoke to you, you will be hearing important news very soon. If your mother is living, her appearance in a dream indicates happiness in love, and a dream of a living father predicts success in business. If you dream of being a parent when you really aren't, it signifies the rejuvenation of a lost cause. A dream about your in-laws augurs an awkward situation that will require your best diplomatic skills. And dreaming of other people's parents means your friends will be there when you need them.

This is a contrary dream. Whether you dreamed that you were in agony or saw the hardships of others, it is a sign of coming happiness. The more intense the agony, the greater the pleasure.

This is a symbol of tough competition in either business or love unless the bull was white. In that case, you'll have a sudden stroke of luck. A bullfight is a warning that it's time to take action and clear up an unpleasant situation.

This is a contrary dream with an argument actually meaning good luck. But if you truly lost your temper while arguing, take it as a warning to avoid making impulsive decisions. Think things through very carefully.
Thank you *goddess*emi*. I guess this dream mean a lot of things may be looking up. I hope so. I have been doing better and then this dream woke me up and I wasn't sure what it meant other than I knew it had power.
Take Care,
So what does it mean when I have a dream about you, hon?

I worry, you know....
Maybe just cut out the pepperonis and hot meats is enough, E.

I think you feel powerless to effect your circumstances...and for the most part we all are. Cultivate a disposition of tolerance, forgiveness and love.
erosman said:
Maybe just cut out the pepperonis and hot meats is enough, E.

I think you feel powerless to effect your circumstances...and for the most part we all are. Cultivate a disposition of tolerance, forgiveness and love.

powerlessness is a scary feeling... and one we often try to hide, block out and medicate...
I think many bad dreams are a manifestation of that...

now.. can I still have the anchovies & hot peppers with my pizza before bed?? :p
Why of course, CS:p , as long as you chase it properly;) :D

One of the most powerful things I know, is to simply change my attitude. It takes me from despair and negativity, to hope and a bright outlook in only minutes. It's an incredible investment.

of course, a good fuck can do the same thing, too