Dramatica anyone?


Literotica Guru
Oct 6, 2001
I am a beginning writer and have heard of the Dramatica software program that helps you write your story. Does anyone use this program? What is your experience with it? Is it worth the money to buy? Any comments/input will be greatly appreciated!
I've never used it, but I'd highly recommend against using a computer program to help you write a story. The only program you should use is Word IMHO. Trust yourself to write a good story.

The Earl
Thanks for your response. I use Word already. Sometimes I can't trust myself to write a good story. lol. Are you a literature major? I have a sense that you are.
agezinder said:
I am a beginning writer and have heard of the Dramatica software program that helps you write your story. ... Is it worth the money to buy? ...

I have to agree with TheEarl, using a computer progrm to help you write a story is going to produce a stereotypical and cliche ridden story -- much like following all the advice Word's Grammar checker gives will result in a story that is bland, PC, and conformist.

Depending on how poor your story-telling skills are, a program like Dramatica might help you to learn some tircks and techniques, but $5-10 spent in a used book store for something like Stephen King's On Writing will do the same thing much cheaper.

Reading the discussions here in the Author's Hangout and on other discussion forums dedicated to writing and/or "literature" will help you a lot more than a book or computer program that can't explain or expand on a point you don't understand at first.

The Writer's resources here at Lit are a good starting point for an online self-education in creative writing -- especially if you plan to start with erotica.

Do a google search for "Online Writing Labs" and "Writing Center" -- ignore the ones that want money, there are hundreds tht are free. I've found that http://owl.english.purdue.edu/ is a very good site for answering the questions I have about the technical details of writing.

Th best way to learn how to write stories is to write stories and get someone to edit/proofread them to tell you what works and what doesn't.
I've tried it but it is, to me, more of a hindrance than a help.
It is a crutch that may help you move about a bit, but you'll learn to walk much better without it.
The best way to learn is to read and to write, imho.
I just downloaded "Dramatica Pro 4" and "Final Draft v. 6." I'm going to check them out later on this evening.
I spent money on another program called NewNovelist and it was an absolute waste of money.

If you want a reasonably versatile writing program that has the templates for screen and radio plays as well as a blank document in my humble opinion you can do no better than get Rough Draft - he asks that if you like it you send a $10 donation towards his development costs. - I use it for writing plays and it is excellent.

The url for Rough Draft is.-


A program can only do so much: It can tell you what the people who wrote it thinks about writing, and how they would like to see it done.

A libary card can do so much more for you: It can show you how others wrote, and write, as well as help you network with other writers and readers.
Harold and Polite,
Excellant advice....I will take it and use it!
I bookmarked the Purdue website also. It is very helpful, and easy to comprehend.

Thanks everyone for your responses.

Now is there anyone out there who has used the program and have positive comments to add?
If you're really curious about it ... I could give you the IP address of my file server ... and if you should happen to see a copy of Dramtica pro 4 ...
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
I just downloaded "Dramatica Pro 4" and "Final Draft v. 6." I'm going to check them out later on this evening.
I've used Final Draft for years and can recommend it. The price is steep, but it's good.
It doesn't have the "crutch" facilities that "help you" write your story.
charlie-codex said:
I've used Final Draft for years and can recommend it. The price is steep, but it's good.
It doesn't have the "crutch" facilities that "help you" write your story.

having recently downloaded both "Final Draft" and "Dramatica" I'm not really all that impressed with either of them. I'm glad that I didn't actually buy them. Admittedly, I'm still on the learning curve with both software packages, so my opinion may change with greater familiarity.

Still, on the whole, I'd say that your money would be better spent buying "The Elements Of Style" by Strunk and White.