Douchebag names


Fuck Your Safe Space
Jun 28, 2012
What are some names you hear and think "Fuck, this person is a fuckin' douche."???

For me it's a toss up between Chip and Buffy....sorry but if that's your name, you're a douchebag.
What are some names you hear and think "Fuck, this person is a fuckin' douche."???

For me it's a toss up between Chip and Buffy....sorry but if that's your name, you're a douchebag.

If your parents gave you a crappy name, wouldn't you change it?
My parents gave me a name that nobody can spell and nobody can say correctly when they see it written down.
Soon as I turned 18, I changed it.

Could you imagine going thro life with a name like Buffy? I would have changed that asap!
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If your parents gave you a crappy name, wouldn't you change it?
My parents gave me a name that nobody can spell and nobody can say correctly when they see it written down.
Soon as I turned 18, I changed it.

Well aren't you a rebel
My name used to be Elfriede.
Courtesy of my Austrian birth.
Only, we moved to Australia and it was far too difficult for everyone!

You should of kept elgfriede, warrior queen doesn't have the same ring to it

Hitler was Austrian too you know

anything with "lil" in front of it....douche.

Found a picture of master douchery....wonder what his name is. :confused: "Skip"
I went to school with a Bunny, she was a skanky tramp. Now I think all Bunny's are skanky tramps.
I went to school with a Bunny, she was a skanky tramp. Now I think all Bunny's are skanky tramps.

I thought that was just a nickname, there are parents in the world who actually named their daughter Bunny?
You should of kept elgfriede, warrior queen doesn't have the same ring to it

Hitler was Austrian too you know

Here, I'm only called warrior queen when I'm in pms-mode or sending beasts to the slaughterman!
I know about Hitler.... unfortunately, we're somewhat related thro my fathers side of the family.
As for keeping that name.... I was just turned 18 when a receptionist in a Doctors office called out 'Ele-fry-ee-dee' for the last time :eek:
I dunno, I think a grown man, a former SOLDIER in fact

with a name like BOTNAY BOY is darn close:D

Pablo Plunder OTOH, is TRE CHIC:)
Judging someone by their name is a pretty douchebag move, no matter how you call it.