With double the twins?
Once apon a time, during a woman's healthy, normal cycle, two eggs came out to play. Little did they know the rest of the body was at play...with another. Soon there were swimmers all around! The eggs were surrounded. They didn't know what to do, so they submitted to the will of the swimmers.
Over time the eggs decided they didn't like the way they were. So, both decided to split. They didn't leave, though. They split apart, and soon there were four.
Okay, okay... So, that isn't part of this actual story idea! I don't plan on anyone writing from the sperm's or egg's point of view!!
But, the idea IS about two fraternal sets of identical twins. Lost? Think back to everything you know about twins in hopes I won't have to explain a lot.
Two eggs. Millions of sperm fighting to get the job done. Two win. Life begins. Both eggs split. Soon each egg has an identical replica of itself. Four babies begin to grow. Mom's surprised? Who knows and who cares!
Much time passes. These four babies are now adult. (Age, whatever.) There are two boys and two girls. These quadruplets are technically two sets of identical twins.
Now, I'm not necessarily thinking incest here, but I know there will be some who add it...but, I am wondering what kind of scenerio sounds fun for this group to share. Anyone have ideas?
Once apon a time, during a woman's healthy, normal cycle, two eggs came out to play. Little did they know the rest of the body was at play...with another. Soon there were swimmers all around! The eggs were surrounded. They didn't know what to do, so they submitted to the will of the swimmers.
Over time the eggs decided they didn't like the way they were. So, both decided to split. They didn't leave, though. They split apart, and soon there were four.
Okay, okay... So, that isn't part of this actual story idea! I don't plan on anyone writing from the sperm's or egg's point of view!!
Two eggs. Millions of sperm fighting to get the job done. Two win. Life begins. Both eggs split. Soon each egg has an identical replica of itself. Four babies begin to grow. Mom's surprised? Who knows and who cares!
Much time passes. These four babies are now adult. (Age, whatever.) There are two boys and two girls. These quadruplets are technically two sets of identical twins.
Now, I'm not necessarily thinking incest here, but I know there will be some who add it...but, I am wondering what kind of scenerio sounds fun for this group to share. Anyone have ideas?