Double the fun?



With double the twins?

Once apon a time, during a woman's healthy, normal cycle, two eggs came out to play. Little did they know the rest of the body was at play...with another. Soon there were swimmers all around! The eggs were surrounded. They didn't know what to do, so they submitted to the will of the swimmers.

Over time the eggs decided they didn't like the way they were. So, both decided to split. They didn't leave, though. They split apart, and soon there were four.

Okay, okay... So, that isn't part of this actual story idea! I don't plan on anyone writing from the sperm's or egg's point of view!! ;) But, the idea IS about two fraternal sets of identical twins. Lost? Think back to everything you know about twins in hopes I won't have to explain a lot.

Two eggs. Millions of sperm fighting to get the job done. Two win. Life begins. Both eggs split. Soon each egg has an identical replica of itself. Four babies begin to grow. Mom's surprised? Who knows and who cares!

Much time passes. These four babies are now adult. (Age, whatever.) There are two boys and two girls. These quadruplets are technically two sets of identical twins.

Now, I'm not necessarily thinking incest here, but I know there will be some who add it...but, I am wondering what kind of scenerio sounds fun for this group to share. Anyone have ideas?

Well you are right, the first thing that zipped across my mind was something alittle incestuous. That would be fun but too easy don't ya think. How bout' this? Both sets of twins are with spouse's or partners or whatever and pull the age old twin swap. One pretending to be the other. Their respective partners, none the wiser until later on when all is revealed. :)
BlessedBe said:
With double the twins?

i always liked the idea of twins with twins, but in my mind it was not incest. this'd be a cool group-sex scenario, the quadruplets going to an orgy together or something..
70s Porn Flick

Mind this will date me terribly but here goes, back in the mid 70s when I was a teenager, my friends and I had snuck into the local adult moviehouse and of all things what was playing out in coming attractions ? Nothing more than two sets of twins having sex on, in and just about everywhere on a berthed sailboat. Not that the twin females were bone thin and butt-ugly nor that the the twin males looked more interested in each other than the ladies did we allow such a bizarre spectacle to be lost on our highly impressionable minds and did allow it to fuel hours of looping fantasies for the summer of endless teenage male masturbation.....
I thought about the age-old "twins switching places to surprise the date", but I don't know. It seems overdone. And, within this story there are two sets of twins, so that would be at least 8 "main" characters.

So far I don't know where else to take this.

Thanks for the ideas so far. :) And, if anyone else is inspired by this idea, please make it your own as well. I have no problems with other people writing off this idea as well. :)
This thread died a fast death.

I guess I was hoping more of this board's lookers would peek in. :(
yeah....well i was hoping the same thing for my tickle story AND IT DIDN'T HAPPEN NOW DID IT?DID IT?!?!?!

(runs out of room, hands covering tear stained face, muttering incoherently too self. cue fade)
BlessedBe said:
Bumpin' this back up. ;)

Did you ever see dead ringers where the twins are gynaecologists and they swap lovers I don’t remember who stared in it now but its worth a look if you get the chance.
