This is a direct sequel to Double Danger. Jael and Karl will be back.
Stephen Longell watched as the city went by, they had enough for a couple of months saved up and he could get a job. The looked over next to him and watched Stephanie sleep, the girl could sleep anywhere, that was for sure. They were twins, they looked alike and somtimes thought alike and besides from them being different sexes they were identical.
"Hey! Steph...quit snoring."
The blond girl opened her light blue eyes and searched her brothers face.
"I wasn't snoring..."
Stephen grinned, "Like a trucker."
Stepanie sat up and looked out the window of the bus, "Are we there yet?"
Stephen Longell watched as the city went by, they had enough for a couple of months saved up and he could get a job. The looked over next to him and watched Stephanie sleep, the girl could sleep anywhere, that was for sure. They were twins, they looked alike and somtimes thought alike and besides from them being different sexes they were identical.
"Hey! Steph...quit snoring."
The blond girl opened her light blue eyes and searched her brothers face.
"I wasn't snoring..."
Stephen grinned, "Like a trucker."
Stepanie sat up and looked out the window of the bus, "Are we there yet?"