Don't you sometimes just love tacky porn


Apr 18, 2001
sometimes when im in the mood i don't mind some tacky porn :)

here's some galleries i hope this doesn't count as spam they all lead to free galleries without pop-up's but they do have banners (i wouldn't click the banners if i was you) just click the pics :)

some of the pics i found hot some are stupid and some just made me laugh :)

can you guess which ones i liked ? :)
Hanns_Schmidt said:
None of them did much for me, you have shit taste.

Bust out some pr0n links Hanns!

What kind of cooch do you click to?

EDIT: There were some sweeties for certain in those links Sexy-Girl (I'll swap bookmarks with you anytime ;D)

EDIT2: If only to get at your hardware links! ;p
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i dont even want to know hann's taste

i admit they area tacky and there was only one or two of the pics i actually found hot ... but some of them were funny :)
sexy-girl said:
lol i guess i was the only one in the mood for tacky porn :)

Umm, guess we were all away, ummm, looking! :p

Didn't see anything I'd call tacky, there myself.
My definition of tacky porn is big eyelashes, heavy mascara , fake smile, inflated boobs,
Myrrdin said:
Umm, guess we were all away, ummm, looking! :p

Didn't see anything I'd call tacky, there myself.
My definition of tacky porn is big eyelashes, heavy mascara , fake smile, inflated boobs,

well i hate that kind of tacky porn

i thought the tackyest from what i posted was the school girl one lol
sexy-girl said:
sometimes when im in the mood i don't mind some tacky porn :)

here's some galleries i hope this doesn't count as spam they all lead to free galleries without pop-up's but they do have banners (i wouldn't click the banners if i was you) just click the pics :)

some of the pics i found hot some are stupid and some just made me laugh :)

can you guess which ones i liked ? :)

I was some tacky porn last night and I enjoyed it ot too bad sexy girl

how do you like my new av
sexy-girl said:
i thought the tackyest from what i posted was the school girl one lol

yes, that one was the tackiest. Clearly she is either the dumbest chick in the world and has been held back 10 grades, or she thinks we are dumb enough to think she is young enough to possibly be a schoolgirl LOL
peachykeen said:
yes, that one was the tackiest. Clearly she is either the dumbest chick in the world and has been held back 10 grades, or she thinks we are dumb enough to think she is young enough to possibly be a schoolgirl LOL

i thought it was very artistic the way they had maths problems on the black board "lust=fun" lol

dreamguy sorry its not exactly my cup of tea ... there was a reason all the porn links i posted were either girls on their own or girls together :)

im a lesbian ... but im sure others will like it
Yes.....:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

well it sure is nice to know we have the same taste in women.

you'll be happy to know it's even a lesbian video.
lobito said:
well it sure is nice to know we have the same taste in women.

you'll be happy to know it's even a lesbian video.

yep now i can happily pretend shes a lesbian :)
it's probably near the vcr, so i'll give you the title if I find it... it's in the Ed Powers cockless series though...
lol im not very up to date with porn names :)

but i'll be curious to know the title now i can ask for it for christmas lol
Porn is what you make it. If you have a good imagination then a picture is worth a thousand words, or at least a hundred thoughts.

Personally, when I ever see any two-on-one pics like this I always wonder whether when they get into the heat of the moment whether the two might fight over the one.
