dolf, this one...

*looks at spider* It has long legs. Maybe, it moves quite quickly. *wonders about why it has red as part of natural camouflage defenses.*
Awh! I caught a little yellow crab spider in elementary school once and kept it as a pet for a week and then set it free again. BEST WEEK OF MY LIFE. They're so cute!

Awh! I caught a little yellow crab spider in elementary school once and kept it as a pet for a week and then set it free again. BEST WEEK OF MY LIFE. They're so cute!

very sweet - we have the white or ghost crab spiders here; they live amongst my lilacs which can make you feel drunk with their powerful perfume when newly opened!

When one suffers from a mild case of ophidiophobia, it's not a good thing to have a sister with an interest in herpetology.
