"Dog Day Afternoon" robbery was 40 years ago today


Loves amps
Jan 29, 2012
Robbery was in Gravesend, BK. With a few concessions to dramatic liberty, it happened very much as in the movie--which I suppose is why it was ripe for making a movie about.

Movie was filmed in my old neighborhood, at a bank that is now condos. Still one of my all-time favorites, and aging well. (The movie, not the bank/condos.)

Contemporaneous news story of the robbery: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75LQKUF9wC0

NYT slide show of photos/timeline: http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2012/08/22/nyregion/dog-day-afternoon.html#1

Original movie trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF1rtd8_pxA

John Wojtowicz's (real-life perpetrator of the robbery) mixed review of the movie: http://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/onlinessays/JC15folder/RealDogDay.html
May seem kind of strange, but that movie started my love affair (from afar) with Al Pacino.
Frank Pierson died a month ago. He wrote the screenplay of the movie, for which he won an Oscar.
From memory, my favorite lines of dialogue from dog day was when Pacino told the cop...kiss me...the cop what!?!....Pacino....I like to be kissed when I'm getting fucked.
Yeah, the gnarly welcome back kotter era when everything appeared coated in a thin film of sweat and grease.

Even 2nd hand, from another country the emotional pull comes from those impressions we got on television. High contrast badly lit grit, an immigrant town. Hard to put into words.
Here's something fun you can do instead of whatever it is you do all day: Play that opening scene video, and after Elton John sings:

I've been thinking
How much I miss my lady.

Starting with the next line, where he says "Amoreena" etc. you're not going to sing that. You're going to sing:

She's precocious
And she knows just
What it takes to make a pro blush.

Do it at parties and amaze your friends!