Does Spam Reduce Worker Productivity?


Lit's Most Beloved Poster
May 14, 2002
Lancecastor said:
There appear to be two current schools of thought on this issue:

1. Report: Spam Cost Corporate America $9B Last Year

2. Spam's Not Such a Problem at Work

I've always kept my own hours in my work, but for those of you who keep a regular schedule in working for somebody, does spam in the workplace chew up much of your time?


I am missing spam?

Why can't I get any?
Dear Lance

Are your questons geared toward the not so aware net surfer?
What was your reasoning behind all the cookie and privacy type question? I think that I have read that you are a white collar type person. Do you emply an outside entity to do your computer setup and review?
I don't relly like SPAM......i mean if you are eating something...why not the real thing...a good ham and swiss sadwitch is soooo much better.

and why don't they have SPAM at my office.....hmmmmmm

must be a conspiracy