Does older men have a way with words ? Always felt they are observant and compliments well

As an older man who usually has a way with words, your stunning pictures have left me speechless at the moment. 🙂

We have a way with words because we have been around and know how to use them, as well as other things. 😉
I am lying here admiring both your photos and the way each outfit accentuates your sexy curves. Each soft, sexy bend of your body on display is enough to arouse any man (and probably a fair share of women too). Your exposed skin is enough to arouse, but the curves hidden behind the soft fabric makes a man curious as to what lies beneath. Questions about the softness of your skin and how it would feel and taste will occupy our minds as we admire you.

It is up to you whether us old guys have a way with words, lol.
Honestly, it is the mindset and attitude, not the AGE. Wise personas reside in young bodies too, they are just rare to find but exist they do! There are people who go beyond the looks and figure, a bombshell may have the sexiest of bodies BUT most often the persona can be too prickly to touch. And then there are those who sees through the person. There is a old saying : LIKE often attracts the LIKE. In the visually endowed world we live in, sometimes those who take the time to truly connect often wins over. Others, simply hop from one person to another looking for the next polished endowed person. I am grateful for finding such friendships here, which have only added up to the person I am. It is what is INSIDE (Not the body that truly counts. But yes, the body parts only enhance the persona you are!!