Does NASA employ

I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.

The Muslims are so backward they don't know what microwave oven is.
I think they should stop giving shuttles names that begin with 'C'.

That's two now.


I think not.
Mad_Jack_Rabbit said:
I think they should stop giving shuttles names that begin with 'C'.

That's two now.


I think not.

Coincidence would be a good name for the next one actually.

Or Charm, as in third time.

It's been a few days now...when does the Joke Embargo officially lift off?

I just want to do the right stuff, er, thing.

Hanns_Schmidt said:
Abdul Mohammed Ahmed in charge of the fuel distribution

You'd be happy with that?

With Ilan Ramon supervising and double-checking all of his work, sure.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Muslims as 'hands-on' engineers/techies?

And if they do, how would you feel about this obvious security risk.

No more of a risk than NASA employing Jews whose ultimate allegiance is to Israel, ala former U.S. naval intelligence officer turned Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard.
Captains and pilots always personally check their vessels thoroughly before launch.

Your theory omits the "idiot" factor. The idiot is you.