Does It Get You Off?


plays well with self
Apr 8, 2002
Does having your work up on this site make you a little tingly inside? I have to admit that for me, it sort of does. Having a pic thread was a turn-on, the exhibitionism drives me crazy, but are you erotica exhibitionists?

Chicklet, I have to admit I am a bit of an exhibitionist, but only when no-one's looking.
I think to some extent, all authors and artists must be exhibitionists after a fashion. Here's something I've crafted, something important and personal and meaningful enough to me that I took the time and energy to create it ... cast out into the big wide world for everybody and their uncle to look at.

I get a mix of pride and apprehension. Not a warm sexy tingle. It's more like sending a kid off to the first day of school.

I do feel proud that my story is online and getting good votes. Having gone thru a particularly low three or four weeks, it's been the confidence boost I needed to keep me going.

I wouldn't feel happy about having an unedited pic of myself here, but I did try to upload a pic to my profile the other day that I'd played around with. I think this is more my desire to show off my good attributes as well as the 'artisticness' of the modified image.

It's funny the way you phrased that post, Chicklet... because I've been thinking all along that every story I write should really fall under the "Exhibitionist" category.

Especially when the story doesn't neatly fit in one particular cat (see my other meandering posts), I always end up thinking, "Well... I'm basically letting people watch me play with myself, using words instead of toys..."

And I think it's even better than posting a pic, because people end up looking at so much more, and to a large extent you control how and where they look, and what they see. And if you're really good, maybe, you hook right into their minds, taking root and maybe hanging on for days, so they keep "looking" at you even long after they're finished (and finished)...

Just my take on it. :)

I get satisfaction knowing that something this insignificant little man lurking at his PC in the middle of a tiny island has now 8 stories being read and appreciated, (or otherwise, don't give a shit), by a massive world wide audience, but not really a buzz as such.

As for the picture thing, well the avathingie I often use is a real life uncut no pretence image of the insignificant little man, (Parrot and eye patch included, OH OK I stuck them on later), no problem for me to be recognised I aint on any Wanted posters anywhere.

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Sex and Power

In real life I am ridiculously modest. I don't wear clothes that are sexually provocative except to really warped people that have a nun fetish.

Lots of people have written about sex and power and how they are inextricably linked. Knowing that my writing gets someone off is very exciting to me because of the power of it. What I did made them cum. (I know, they made themselves cum, but in my warped mind I made them cum.) What I would fear doing in real life, I am able to do through cyber without any real direct contact.

The other part of the erotica exhibitionism that I like is that while I am exposing my hidden fantasies, I am not physically exposing me. I am able to control (that power thing again) what of me is exposed and what is still hidden.

Okay, that is about as naked as I can get at this moment. :eek:

:rose: b
Nope. It doesn't get my off sexually in the least. I'm sharing fiction, stories I made up. I have no more personal sexual investment in these stories than I do in non-sexual stories. My reasons for writing lay elsewhere.
I do get excited when one of my chapters/stories is posted. I don't know if I would call it a "sexual" feeling though. What I enjoy the most is the feedback. In some ways, I feel an anxiety when I see my post go up. After the feedback begins rolling in, I can relax and enjoy the feedback I get, even if it is just "great story". It's more the anticipation of the ego stroking from readers than a sexual high.

I agree with Bridget too. Knowing someone "got off" through inspiration caused by my post is exciting to me and does give me a strange feeling of power over someone, at least for one stroke session. ;)

Pookie :rose:
Nope. Feedback, specifically positive feedback is nice, but I don't "get off" on having my work here, or seeing my own pics posted.

There's almost a false sense of, not sure I want to say security or hope, but whatever it is it's false. People can tell you one thing here, and do something totally different. i.e. - support of postings.
Posting my stories here is a turn on. Most of the stories I submit are my own fantasies, and knowing so many people read them does make me all tingly inside!

I'm certainly an exhibitionist. I do half my writing in the nude. Course.......I guess no one really wanted to know that now did they?

But seriously....yeah, I still get a "tingle" when I've written something and posted it. Especially if I think it was one of my better stories. Always anxious to receive "feedback" from people telling me what they thought of it. And in some cases...enjoying hearing that someone actually got off because of it.

Can't help it I guess. Must be the DOM in me as I enjoy hearing that!

I remain,
Re: Hell........

Thesandman said:
I'm certainly an exhibitionist. I do half my writing in the nude. Course.......I guess no one really wanted to know that now did they?


will never read another story of yours the same way <wink>

And maybe.......I'd better not write another one that way again either.

Sticky keyboards and all...........
Re: LMAO...........

Thesandman said:
And maybe.......I'd better not write another one that way again either.

Sticky keyboards and all...........


You should talk to Earl.... He seemed to be able to clean his keyboard last night. ;)

:rose: b

But he licked his....I'm not quite that bendy.

Are we still talking about the key board here? Either way........

I remain,
I have say that when my first story (only one so far) was posted and voted on, I got a case of the tingles. Then I told a bunch of my friends hehehe. Oh yeah I can be an exhibitionist but only when I'm in the mood.
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It's an interesting thought, but the rush I get is not sexual. It's some kind of extreme excitement, especially after I got a few votes and my score kept going skywards :D

It's all a little strange to me. Back in '97 I started to transform from being the shy quiet person who said nothing at all and kept his opinions to himself to someone who cared about his appearance and about his opinions and stood up for himself, to the loud-mouthed arrogant show-off that I've become over the last year or so. To be honest, I don't care what people think of me, provided they're pointing and saying "Who the hell is that!?" I call it the psychology of the ignored: I'm here. If I make enough noise, you can't ignore me any more.

Hi Everyone,

Being new to all this I'd like to put in my two cents.

I get off on being able to turn fantasy into words.
The act of writing what I think up makes it seem all the more real.
I love the feedback and enjoy the fact that I'm not the only sexually driven person in the world.

"A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste!"