...it is odd but true ... I guess I do know less about Russia then about States ... I was educated there and always toke for granted all cultural artifacts ... I've been in few art museums there as a child but just because my mother has dragged me by my tail... As I got older all I cared about was punk rock and wild parties ... When I landed in Kennedy I felt a deep nostalgia that had not left me for a whole year. Here again I repeated the same mistake and had never been on top of WTC ... I live here I thought ...it'll always be there ... Hell with that! Next week end I'm going on top of Empire State before they bomb it ... On the other hand I bet I know more about Egypt then the next deli guy that was born in Cairo ... Some times I get surprised by the knowledge person here can posses about Romanov family... People take their own culture for grunted ... but not when you are the minority then people start to study their roots... what do you know I'm a Cossack
To be bi-lingual is impressive, at least to me, and allows for insights into another person's culture that wouldn't be available otherwise. I don't think it's necessarily a requirement for being bi-cultural, but it would be a huge advantage. Unfortunately, I'm rather poorly bi-lingual myself.
Then again, I'm personally more impressed by people with cunnilinguistic abilities. I can be selfish that way.