Does anyone here meditate?


Kpop lover
Nov 7, 2005
How do you do it? I'd like to try it but I don't know if I can quiet my mind to try it. Srsly.
it's easier for me to meditate on cock than thin air.
How do you do it? I'd like to try it but I don't know if I can quiet my mind to try it. Srsly.

I used to, years ago. There are so many different ways to do it (and some people saying "this is the ONLY way" or you "have to do this to do it correctly"). If you poke around the net, you can probably find a way that works for you.
I don't know if it's meditation but I try to have a quiet time. Sometimes I just get a blank piece of paper and doodle my thoughts. Think of how I can get in balance. Last night I tried to light a candle but my cat was obsessed with trying to get to the flame and smell the candle so that didn't work.
Pink? From what I know of you I suggest you find a reliable crack supplier, because real peace of mind requires at least a token amount of effort to fix the problems your life is larded with. I don't believe youre up for effort of any kind that's above and beyond lying on your back in bed.

Effort is the soul of meditation.
Pink? From what I know of you I suggest you find a reliable crack supplier, because real peace of mind requires at least a token amount of effort to fix the problems your life is larded with. I don't believe youre up for effort of any kind that's above and beyond lying on your back in bed.

Effort is the soul of meditation.

Effort? You have no clue, buddy. I don't do crack and my peace of mind is just fine. You are nothing but an idiot.
I used to, years ago. There are so many different ways to do it (and some people saying "this is the ONLY way" or you "have to do this to do it correctly"). If you poke around the net, you can probably find a way that works for you.

Thanks, I will look around the net.
There are many ways to meditate and a lot of them don't work on me, because they require visualization and I can't do that.

What can help me would be to focus on something that is essentially harmless and neutral, but inspirational.

So I could focus on the idea of free will and how that applies to everyone, and not just what I want. I could focus on the idea of "greater good" and how difficult that is to see.

I can't focus on "peace" or "wisdom" because maybe peace or good will isn't what I need right now. I just focus on the task of discovering what is needed right now, whatever that might be.

I try to focus on using my environment to solve a problem and that whether or not I need more, I don't have more, so make do.
I don't know if it's meditation but I try to have a quiet time. Sometimes I just get a blank piece of paper and doodle my thoughts. Think of how I can get in balance. Last night I tried to light a candle but my cat was obsessed with trying to get to the flame and smell the candle so that didn't work.

I love candles too but yeah, the cats are a deterrent.

sometimes i read daily meditations. they have a quote, some words, a plan of action to ponder. a bit of time to reflect. done yoga style meditations. empty the mind and lay on the floor kind of thing. not really my cup of tea, unless it's guided. speaking of tea, my favorite "meditation" is with a cup of tea or coffee in the morning. also, meditating on running water while doing the dishes. someone is going to come along and tell me i'm not really meditating, but hey. it works or me, when i need that quiet.

I meditate just about every day. There are a lot of different kinds of meditation and it is important to find the right one for you.

The key is to not judge your meditations. That took me a couple of months to understand and get better at.

I've found meditating to be a truly great at relieving stress and keeping me present during the day.
when I was a kid my mother taught me to focus on one thing, which is a far easier task than focusing on nothing. like an orange. think through every minute detail of an orange. in your mind's eye travel from the skin to the centre, dissect it, think about the structure.

but you can meditate on almost anything. your breathing, walking... ironing.
I don't think I am built for long-term meditation, but I do give it a try, almost daily. I try to read something like a "thought for the day" - not goopy or religious, but something life-full. Usually, 10 minutes after I read it, I have no idea what I read, but I think it's the effort that counts.

I do think that "meditate" has changed a lot in meaning during the last 100 years, and I kind of prefer the old definition better, and it works for me better, in terms of focusing my mind/thoughts.
One simple way is to simply first on pillows or against a wall keeping your back straight, chest slightly expanded and your head up looking out to horizion...its important to keep this kind of posture but to be relaxed while you do it...any tension in the body or stress in the spine will hinder your mind. Breath in thru your nose slowly hold it just a second in your abdomen not your chest and breath out your mouth. Let this naturally flow and just pay attention to each breath...when you begin thousand of mind weeds will appear...Is the stove on? Did I pay my electric bill, why did not friend call?...all crap thoughts...the trick is not to fight them but let them takes months to get through these weeds that's why I suggest you start out doing it for a few minutes each day until you just can be comfortable and have moments of just breath. Good to get a ritual going and a place to meditate. As you get better it then start working on your form and other types but I found with my students this is an easy way to start...I do this still and each time I sit a fight mind weeds but when I can get thru them...I really feel the difference all day. But this is not an easy thing to do at all... Good luck in whatever you try!
One simple way is to simply first on pillows or against a wall keeping your back straight, chest slightly expanded and your head up looking out to horizion...its important to keep this kind of posture but to be relaxed while you do it...any tension in the body or stress in the spine will hinder your mind. Breath in thru your nose slowly hold it just a second in your abdomen not your chest and breath out your mouth. Let this naturally flow and just pay attention to each breath...when you begin thousand of mind weeds will appear...Is the stove on? Did I pay my electric bill, why did not friend call?...all crap thoughts...the trick is not to fight them but let them takes months to get through these weeds that's why I suggest you start out doing it for a few minutes each day until you just can be comfortable and have moments of just breath. Good to get a ritual going and a place to meditate. As you get better it then start working on your form and other types but I found with my students this is an easy way to start...I do this still and each time I sit a fight mind weeds but when I can get thru them...I really feel the difference all day. But this is not an easy thing to do at all... Good luck in whatever you try!

translation: He doesn't know, either.
translation: He doesn't know, either.

You're not helping.

Meditation is different for different people.

Some people just use it to clear their head or make a space for silence.

The actual meaning is something you don't get to except usually after years of trying different methods and getting them wrong for a while. Eventually with practice you can get it right if you keep trying.

I don't meditate in a traditional way, but I had to use the traditional ways to find what worked for me and my brain composition.
You're not helping.

Meditation is different for different people.

Some people just use it to clear their head or make a space for silence.

The actual meaning is something you don't get to except usually after years of trying different methods and getting them wrong for a while. Eventually with practice you can get it right if you keep trying.

I don't meditate in a traditional way, but I had to use the traditional ways to find what worked for me and my brain composition.

And pre-meditated murder means you enjoyed a joint before you went crazy with the axe. Or did some Yoga? Right?

And RECIDIVA says: Words are like Silly Putty or Lincoln Logs, they can be anything!
If I'm feeling particularly stressed or hassled I try to focus all of my attention onto the object of my vexation and stare really hard at it without blinking for as long as I can hold. Allied to that I take deep breaths and exhale loudly in a deep bass growl whilst baring my teeth.

It's not especially relaxing but it does tend to stop people at work pestering you with stupid questions and also guarantees you plenty of personal space on public transport.