Does anyone care ? ? ? ?

On one of the mIRC channels I used to go to, they had a bot on it that would automatically kick anyone stating they were under the age limit. Maybe you could get something like that. It totally impersonal and on 24 hours.
Sex & Diamonds said:
I don't think that would work with DigiChat software, but it's a good idea.
The way they had it set up there were 6 of them and they would take turns going off and then bringing each other back so that the software was fooled into thinking they were people.
But once again they would need cms on chat all of the time and that doesn't happen.
So much Id love to say on your thread SD!!!

I think its really sad whats happening in chat...
but what even sadder is now one gives a fuck
what we have to say anyway....

and as much as im not one to sit by and what
stuff happen.....saying something will just make
chat worse for people addicted like me..

It just amazes me what comes out after the fact from people that couldn't be bothered to talk to me when I asked them about it.

Ive read the thread over and over and over....
and you know the more i read it ....the less I
think the people responding to it really understand...

They fail to see that alot of us escape rl to come to lit...
where we feel like we are part of something...and maybe
even something special....
Speaking for myself ive been a bit of a misfit most of my
life....bullied etc......when i finally find a place where I
seem to fit....well i guess nothings perfect

so we move on?
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