Does American Arrogance Matter?

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
Really? Isn't it better that the job gets done? Why do we have to bat our eyes at the Middle East? At Asia? At Europe?

Let me say that humility does a nation proud, and I have little truck with yahooing flag-waving honchos like busybody who see politics as a kick ass football game (We're number one! We're number one!"). Pretention smacks of carelessness, and when coming from a Superpower, frightening. There is much to be said speaking softly (while carrying that big you know).

But, really, when it happens, is arrogance that much of a deal breaker?
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Not sure what that means. What "people"? What can't they "see"? Do you mean people can't help reacting personally?
It is ARROGANT to pretend you matter when you dont....such as France.....

The US is a humble and just state.....
busybody said:
It is ARROGANT to pretend you matter when you dont....such as France.....

The US is a humble and just state.....
has the deed to that bridge in Brooklyn been delivered yet? Fuck, it was sent out Fed Ex and everything.
busybody is on your Ignore List. To view this post click [here]

I've been ignoring you for months. Is that arrogant?

You have a fine body

A beautiful face

and breasts

What is wrong with your ass that you call it BADD

Or is that a BLACK term us honkies dont understand?
I think a Secretary of Defense that speaks out against allied nations makes a difference in how much & how enthusiatically they cooperate.

The same is true of a president that makes the most of personal relationships, & works with or excludes other world leaders as well as their nations on that basis.

It matters .
Dixon Carter Lee said:
But, really, when it happens, is arrogance that much of a deal breaker?

Guess it depends on if the arrogance is warranted or not.
I really don't see the US as a whole being arrogant.

There are plenty of arrogant people on here of all nationalities, but that is not a true reflection of their nationalities, and hey this is just a message board and dosen't matter one way or the other.

I think the north korean govt is the definition of arrogance, but as many people on here will point out i only think that cuz I'am an arrogant American.

Who cares what others think of you, where ya stand depends on where ya sit.
patient1 said:
I think a Secretary of Defense that speaks out against allied nations makes a difference in how much & how enthusiatically they cooperate.

The same is true of a president that makes the most of personal relationships, & works with or excludes other world leaders as well as their nations on that basis.

It matters .

I agree. But how much? Does it matter so much that you're compelled to say "You think you're so cool! You're not the boss of us! We're going home!"?

I may have not translated the French very well. But you see what I'm getting at...
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Not sure what that means. What "people"? What can't they "see"? Do you mean people can't help reacting personally?

Meaning the "with us or against us" frame of mind, that I've encountered on this board and out in life....what happened to a difference of opinion?

In certain environments I'm made to feel as if I'm un-American, because I can sympathize with some Arab sentiments or because I believe that the US should have worked through the UN until all peaceful means had been exhaused, or I don't mind that some European nations do not support a war, and I can still respect them and their citizens. Instead I should be making Arab/Muslim Jokes, pouring French wine into the street and eating "Freedom Fries".

I think that sections of the American population don't wish to take into account the things that don't affect them and their like...indirectly trying to make the world homogenous.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I agree. But how much? Does it matter so much that you're compelled to say "You think you're so cool! You're not the boss of us! We're going home!"?

I may have not translated the French very well. But you see what I'm getting at...

I think it results in a "Don't expect me to do you any favors" attitude.

It means they'll act with you only as far as their own interest goes, but they aren't ready to do anything for you because you demand it. You have to remeber to say please, & not insult those that can help you. I don't think national arrogance plays well in foriegn public opinion polls, either.
busybody said:

You have a fine body

A beautiful face

and breasts

What is wrong with your ass that you call it BADD

Or is that a BLACK term us honkies dont understand?

I think you need to review your Run DMC primer.
I don't see that as the kind of arrogance I'm talking about. That's not arrogance -- that's Fan Fever, a kind of ultra-nationalism that exists in every country (and far worse in many).

I'm talking about America choosing, for instance, an official policy of pre-emptive agression without the United Nations, and openingly forwarding the position that democratic morals and justice should be pressed upon nations mired in despotism. That's an extremely arrogant platform. But is it a deal breaker for our Allies just because it's arrogant?
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I don't see that as the kind of arrogance I'm talking about. That's not arrogance -- that's Fan Fever, a kind of ultra-nationalism that exists in every country (and far worse in many).

I'm talking about America choosing, for instance, an official policy of pre-emptive agression without the United Nations, and openingly forwarding the position that democratic morals and justice should be pressed upon nations mired in despotism. That's an extremely arrogant platform. But is it a deal breaker for our Allies?

that's what I'm talking about using my interaction with other Americans as examples.

you see, my opinion of them, falls when this attitude is displayed toward me. How else would you think our allies would feel?
I was thinking in terms of diferences in diplomacy between George, The Elder, & co. vs. the present administration, and the lack of cooperation.

If I think of it in terms of competing national policies,such as pre-emption or containment, it merely looks political....Kinda like comparing US policy towards China vs. US policy toward Cuba.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I don't see that as the kind of arrogance I'm talking about. That's not arrogance -- that's Fan Fever, a kind of ultra-nationalism that exists in every country (and far worse in many).

I'm talking about America choosing, for instance, an official policy of pre-emptive agression without the United Nations, and openingly forwarding the position that democratic morals and justice should be pressed upon nations mired in despotism. That's an extremely arrogant platform. But is it a deal breaker for our Allies just because it's arrogant?

It was for Canada. Our government exercised its right as a sovereign nation to make a choice between the UN and the US. The choice was the UN.
For any number of reasons there is a fair segment of people in other areas that have distaste for America. I've seen the sentiment erode so far into them, they find it impossible to take an objective look at anything. There were and still are people who didn't think the US should've gone into Afghanistan :confused:

90% of the time people protest or object to something American, whether it's business, economic, or military...because it is American.

Nobody lifts a finger when countries in Africa wage civil wars, or Russia invades into Chechnya, but the second the US wants to do something to secure their own interests, it's all of the sudden a problem. Does the world hold us to a higher standard than Botswana...?

I read the posts that come from a few people outside the US and respect their opinion, they are able to still maintain some form of objectivity...and don't make their anti-American stance quit so obvious.

If the fact that I support my country and call a spade when I see one makes me be it.
badasschick said:
How else would you think our allies would feel?

I think our allies see the exact same kind of overly nationalistic slightly racist behavior in their own countries. The French and Japanese even have language and culture "police" to maintain their national identities and exclude foreign influences. I think our allies have their own soccer-hooligan yahoo patriots, and don't worry about about our yee-ha cowboys all that much. I think they're much more worried about old guys in power ties coming up with phrases like "Old Europe" and "Coalition of the Willing" than they are about Billy Bob painting his ass red, white and blue and singing "Proud to be an American" in the stands at Indy. I think our allies are deeply concerned with our only Superpower status and wonder if we'll be like Spider-man and understand that with great power comes great responsibility, or if we'll fall victim to Lord Acton's dictum about absolute power corrupting absolutely. I think simply being in that position comes with an "arrogant" affectation, deserved or not. Our current policy of "we can so we're going to" is certainly arrogant, but is it wrong? Is it rejected, feared and mistrusted because the policy is untenable, or just because it's conceited?
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When the Yankees were winning 5 out of 6 World series (or something like that)...why did everyone outside of New York hate them...? Oh sorry, wrong thread.
People hate New Yorkers when the Yankees win, lose, tie, or do their laundry. They hate New Yorkers because New Yorkers are too busy getting the job done to care whether or not anyone hates them. More arrogance.

"There are certain sections of New York, Major, that I wouldn't advise you to try to invade."
Humphrey Bogart
busybody said:

Or is that a BLACK term us honkies dont understand?

I do love my country, we are more fucked up than anyone else. You're statement "Or is that a BLACK term us honkies dont understand?" make me think that you need a group of friends before you dare speak your mind. Bullies like to pick on those they feel they can dominate, like women. I maybe wrong, but you sound like a clansman or KKKlansman.