"Doctor Who: Powers of Ten" (OOC)

yeah.. I went from..hey! they could be rather like us to

HOLY SHIT! At least have the decency to knock a person out before you do that.. omg NEED BRAIN BLEACH NOW! I can't unsee the implications!

I gotta admit, this is one absolute victory for the special effects budget of the new series.

They look gorgeous.

I totally believed Eleven when he stole Ten's "you're beautiful" moment from "Tooth and Claw."
(Also, if anyone's clicked the "crucial turning point" link in the first OOC post only to find it broken, it's fixed now with a new video, higher quality, with better timing than the first.)

(Again. Spoilers.)


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God, this place gets dead on weekends.

Would be a great time for me to get caught up if I weren't up to my neck in negative energy.
God, this place gets dead on weekends.

Would be a great time for me to get caught up if I weren't up to my neck in negative energy.

and saturday's are my day off... i'd LOVE to help Chas work off that negative energy. I can imagine the fun we'd have.
oh I am home & out of the smurf suit now.

plus, Dr Who marathon was this week/ weekend. I have like 12 hours to watch on my DVR
