Doctor Sleep

Fata Morgana

Deckel Edged
Feb 10, 2005
Anyone read it yet?

If so how does it stand up next to The Shining.

I kinda wish KRC was here for this one.
He lost his audience 20 years ago. I guess you didn't get the memo.
Haven't read it. Haven't read any Stephen King since high school. Used to love everything he wrote, and even stuff he co-wrote, like The Talisman. (Loved Peter Straub too).

But because you started this cunt of a thread, I just cunting bought the Kindle version and will read it as soon as I'm done with Andersen Prunty's Fuckness.
I have it on my Kindle, but I can't read it until I finish "The Golem and the Jinni". I think LTR is reading it.
Sean have you seen Rush? Just come from watching it (not literally of course), it was great.
Stephen King is such a shitty author that I bet Michael Flatley could write a better book.
So none of you bastards have read the new Stephen King? :(

i didn't even know there was a new one out :eek:

but i've stopped watching the abomination that Under the Dome became in digital :( soooo much missed out, so much backstory lost. it's a tepid rendition and not even that in places. disappointed :(
i didn't even know there was a new one out :eek:

but i've stopped watching the abomination that Under the Dome became in digital :( soooo much missed out, so much backstory lost. it's a tepid rendition and not even that in places. disappointed :(

My mate at work told me it was shite so I didn't bother with it, we usually like and dislike the same stuff. That said, I couldn't get into the book either.
I'm reading it and listening to it via audiobook.

Its actually really good, I was worried to be honest, I've not been a fan of some of his newer stuff.

The only weird thing for me is picturing little Danny as a grown man having sex.
I haven't read any Stephen King in years. I loved The Shining. I wanted to love this. But I don't. For me, it reads like a Hollywood sequel written by someone else. The writing is really bad IMO - really obvious and direct. Maybe his writing has changed. Maybe I've changed. I don't know. Maybe I'm having a moment. I'll try again later. But I got a few chapters in and can't sustain an interest.
I just started it. I've only read a few chapters, but I'm enjoying it so far.