Do you talk to yourself?

Prince Romeo

Literotica Guru
Oct 3, 2002
I don't just mean out loud but like have serious discussion with yourself. Do you listen to what you say?
Prince Romeo said:
I don't just mean out loud but like have serious discussion with yourself. Do you listen to what you say?

Yes you do.
I do not.
You're such a liar.
Shut up!
Make me!
You want a piece of me???
Star of Penumbra said:
I think out loud, but I don't actually have conversations with myself.


How the FUCK can you think out loud. You can vocalize your thoughts as you are thinking them, but "think out loud," I think not.

PR is right. Fibber.

Unless, of course, you are telepathic, in which case, I ask that you kindly keep confidential all those thoughts I've been having lately. I am willing to pay you to do it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you talk to yourself?

fond of facials said:
What piece would you like darlin'? :kiss:

Oh, I'm a greedy bastard. All of course.

Can I start at the toes and work my way up?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you talk to yourself?

RosevilleCAguy said:
Oh, I'm a greedy bastard. All of course.

Can I start at the toes and work my way up?

You can start anywhere you'd like. I'm all yours.
Yes, I do ...

Because I am thinking even though my cat is looking up at me with that expression on his face, I know I am talking to myself rather then to him .. ya know'...:)
Hey my threads being hijacked by a couple of horny folks!
Do they really have horns?
No stupid, that's just a figure of speech!
Like a woman's figure?
Well, not excatly but I think RCA is trying to figure out how to get ontop of FOF's figure.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you talk to yourself?

fond of facials said:
You can start anywhere you'd like. I'm all yours.

I can do that. Would you mind Fed Exing yourself to Northern California?
Prince Romeo said:
Hey my threads being hijacked by a couple of horny folks!
Do they really have horns?
No stupid, that's just a figure of speech!
Like a woman's figure?
Well, not excatly but I think RCA is trying to figure out how to get ontop of FOF's figure.

Shut up and fly the fucking thread where we tell you to.

And that goes for you too.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you talk to yourself?

RosevilleCAguy said:
I can do that. Would you mind Fed Exing yourself to Northern California?

Well okay, but you're paying for the shipping on that.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you talk to yourself?

fond of facials said:
Well okay, but you're paying for the shipping on that.

Only if I don't have to pay excess freight charges.

Where should we have PR take us?
Well okay, but you're paying for the shipping on that.

I wonder how he's going to explain it when the package shows up at his door leaking white sticky fluid all over?
He could say it was hair gel!
Hey it worked in "Something About Mary" didn't it?
Calfronia, Yeah, I wouldn't mind flying there!
Why, you know someone there?
It's none of your damn business!
I'm really starting to like this.
Because I love the company.
Say that again and you'll be mine forever.
Hey, who are you talking to?
Stay out of this.
But my heart is already blue.
You pathetic pussy whipped ass!
I *think* to myself, have arguments and all that the same thing?
Prince Romeo said:
Calfronia, Yeah, I wouldn't mind flying there!
Why, you know someone there?
It's none of your damn business!

Both of you shut up!!!

By the beard of the prophet, neither of us can think!

What do you mean "by the beard fo the prophet," I'm jewish?



I'm going to blow us up!!!!!!!!

If you do that, I will drive our tank into the living room and trash it!!!!!!!!

Help! Help! The other voice is bad and is trying to take my/our land which I/we took from them/me some time in the distant or recent past.
Where do you think RCA and FOF went?

20 bucks says they're exchanging PMs right now.