Do you take things for granted?


Apr 8, 2002
Assume that people will always be there, and so you don't have to make that effort to see them? You assume that they know how you feel about them, so you don't think of telling them. Get busy in your life, and let important people slide a bit, because they are always going to be there, and they'll just know that you're busy and not get upset?
I don't make a habit of taking things for granted....
But, yes, I have. Just recently too. The smack of reality came, when I realized a dear friend of mine had been put in the hospital, severely ill, and not much time on his side. Makes you put a lot of things into perspective. Not to mention, made me think of all the things I wished I had said, yet figured there's always time to do so.
I think everyone does, on occasion. With the world the way it is, and the way we're forced to live through it, there's just too much, and too many people, to give due attention everywhere. It's unfortunate. There could be worse things though, like not having those things to be able to take them for granted.
I have a difficult relationship with my mother. Because of that - I don't get to see my father as much as I want to. Nor do I get to call him whenever I want to.

I am so my fathers daughter, big heart. Always good for a smile and a laugh no matter how bad we may feel.

I always mean to call him more...but I find I get too busy or too tired.

My best days have been spent with him. Fly fishing. Hanging out. Boating. Just the two of us.

Thanks for reminding me :)
I know what you mean, Freya. I do it pretty bad.

I take things for granted that shouldn't
and I hold onto the things I should take for granted

Were people meant to be happy or just self destructive?
Summery said:
I don't make a habit of taking things for granted....
But, yes, I have. Just recently too. The smack of reality came, when I realized a dear friend of mine had been put in the hospital, severely ill, and not much time on his side. Makes you put a lot of things into perspective. Not to mention, made me think of all the things I wished I had said, yet figured there's always time to do so.

This is what happened to me too, only it's too late now to make amends. Fix it before it's too late for you as well, hun.
KillerMuffin said:
I know what you mean, Freya. I do it pretty bad.

I take things for granted that shouldn't
and I hold onto the things I should take for granted

Were people meant to be happy or just self destructive?

I don't know. I think we make our own happiness, but (for me at least) I seem to have a tendency more towards the latter.

Morgaine - call him. Don't miss your chance.