Do you support george bush jr.?

I sure do. Who would you support. "Save the Earth Gore"
Not willingly, but. . .

I support him. I pay taxes.
I find it ironic that a country the size of the US with the population we have, that Shrub and Gore were the best we could come up with :rolleyes:

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb
Vlad da Inhaler said:

hes not a monster like bush
how exactly is Bush a monster? I agree that he is a businessman whose main interest is oil but do you honestly believe that Saddam doesnt have nuclear capabilities and is willing to use them?
De Sade said:
how exactly is Bush a monster? I agree that he is a businessman whose main interest is oil but do you honestly believe that Saddam doesnt have nuclear capabilities and is willing to use them?

i do not doubt that he has them and given half a chance that he would.

but so do many other countries in the world.

to be honest (and this is NOT a critisism, but mearly something i have observed), the views inside the US of people such as Bush and Clinton, are often completely different to those outside.

Firstly Clinton... ok so he screwed an intern and then lied about it, at the same time though the rest of the world saw him as a leader who took initiatives on world issues.

I remember hearing somewhere, that he had achieved more than any other president.

However inside the US....well De Sade said it pretty clearly.

Next, onto the shrub.

Frankly, this guy scares me and some of the things he comes out with, really makes me wonder if there is not a whole bunch of his staff behind him, cringing and thinking "WFT?!?!?! oh my god, damage control is going to be huge on this because he is an idiot".

And yet at the polls and on lit, people seem to love him.

The only reason i can think of is that he is portrayed totally differently by the US media, to the rest of the world.

Just repeating, this is not a critisism (although i think he is an idiot as well but that is my opinion), just an observation.

God knows our politicians are a bunch of wankers as well who couldn;t lie straight in bed.... no matter which party they are from.
Maybe Other Reasons . . .

De Sade said:
how exactly is Bush a monster? I agree that he is a businessman whose main interest is oil but do you honestly believe that Saddam doesnt have nuclear capabilities and is willing to use them?

Hi Sade . . . do you think that an estimated 3 billion barrels of undeveloped Iraq oilfields may be an interest to Dubyah Shrub?? Or, perhaps 20% of the undeveloped oil reserves in the world??

Or, perhaps he was offended for his oil corporation friends that the Saudis rejected a $US25 BILLION gasfield development because the Saudis wanted to develop their own petrochemical industry to compete with the U$ oil corporations??

And then those pesky Chinese have supply contracts with the Central Asian "-stan" governments to supply $US16 BILLION PA gas via a 4,000 km pipeline . . . THAT DOES NOT BELONG TO THE BUSH FAMILY!! Shocking!! Such a waste fo good old fashioned profits to a foreign government!!

Then maybe Dubyah Shrub is concerned that the Texas oilfields only have a limited remaining life, and the U$ foreign policy of controlling foreign oil reserves needs expanding to maintain the profits of U$ oil corporations.

But possibly, the financial and environmental cost of developing the Alaskan oilfields will be considerably more, and so much less profitable, than starting a war with Iraq and directly controlling the Iraq oilfields . . . the added advantage of a war could be that all those out-of-date ordnance held by the USAF can be discarded in a "safe" place like Afghanistan, allowing the NE military-industrial complex to get back on the profit bandwaggon re-supplying the USAF with even more expensive toys . . . gotta make a profit outta misery, somewhere . . . peace only brings prosperity for socially useful industries . . . :)

There are now seven (7) countries having a nuclear capacity . . . and only the U$ refuses to list its arsenal . . . seems a little bit one-sided, don't you think?? Even North Korea has admitted having a nuclear capacity, but I don't see any threatened military action against the proclaimed member of the "Axis of Evil" by Dubyah Shrub . . .

Both France and Russia, two nuclear powers, having oil interests in Iraq competing with the U$ oil corporations who are hindered by the U$ trade embargo. The only way that the U$ oil corporations can get back into their preferred position of world domination, is to have a war and claim the undeveloped oil reserves as carpetbagger booty, thus dispossessing the nuclear French and Russians without (hopefully) starting anuclear conflagration . . .

No, WMD are an irrelevant isssue . . . I mean, if WMD were dangerous, do you think that any sane General would give the nuclear button to an alcoholic in remission??? No, of course not!! He'd give it to a staunch member of the Freemasons like good ole boy Dick Cheney . . . Dick would enjoy blowing the world to Armageddon much more . . . Cheney has more surviving brain cells . . .

But then that assumes that U$ Generals are sane, a point which may be debated given their huge successes in Vietnam, thank you Haig and friends . . . :)

Dubyah Shrub is a monster because he is the puppet politician being manipulated by big business buddies who have corrupted the American democratic process for their own personal advantage at the expense of the American people . . . :)
Shrub is interested in the oil, not anything else.

As for clinton..he was a brilliant international politician, created a ton of jobs, helped the economy flourish, furthered the rights of women/gays/other minorities, created iniatives like Americorps to help students pay for college and do community service. Ok, so he banged an intern...JFK was banging anything with a pulse, Jefferson was screwing his slaves and teddy roosevelt was crossdressing. i don't really give a shit what Clinton did to cheat on his wife...I'd be shocked to find a politician who doesn't cheat on his wife. And yeah he lied about it, what man doesn't when confronted?

Just a reminder...the clinton/lewinsky scandal broke the same day that clinton bombed afghanistan to attack a supposed terrorist camp, but the media decided the scandal was jucier.

Also, the starr report was supposed to be about whitewater...which got 2 mentions while monica's name comes up over 3000 times. The republicans were out for blood and they got it.

As for shrub...what the man knows about international politics is about the same a first grader knows about advanced calculus. He ran several businesses into the ground and now he running the us economy into the ground...I'm sooooo shocked.
De Sade said:
how exactly is Bush a monster? I agree that he is a businessman whose main interest is oil but do you honestly believe that Saddam doesnt have nuclear capabilities and is willing to use them?

Bush is NOT a businessman, his record speaks volumes.

If Saddam had nuclear capabilities, or any other "weapons of mass destruction" don't you think he'd have used them already? What would he be waiting for, for the US to bomb his country?

The US has been bombing his country for twelve years.
Re: Maybe Other Reasons . . .

Don K Dyck said:

There are now seven (7) countries having a nuclear capacity . . . and only the U$ refuses to list its arsenal . . . seems a little bit one-sided, don't you think?? Even North Korea has admitted having a nuclear capacity, but I don't see any threatened military action against the proclaimed member of the "Axis of Evil" by Dubyah Shrub . . .

Dubyah Shrub is a monster because he is the puppet politician being manipulated by big business buddies who have corrupted the American democratic process for their own personal advantage at the expense of the American people . . . :)
valid point in the first part. N. Korea isnt a target because they have no oil.
The second part however I disagree with strongly. Are you not aware that Clinton sold military secrets to the Chinese gov't? This is fact, not rumor. He was far more dangerous than people think.
And why did his wife make money off of cattle investments while others were LOSING money? Also, what happened to the Whitewater real estate papers?
Wrong again Dickweed, you can bash Clinton all you want. My world isn't that black and white that I have to automatically love Clinton to see that George W. Dipshit isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. You can link me to NEWSMAX (there's some real journalism), and think that I've never read this stuff before.

Tell me, oh enlightened one, what secrets do the Chinese possess? You don't know, do you? Better ask Rush, because it seems like you're one of his disciples, you know, the enlightened ones? While you're at it, you may want to do a little checking up on the other side of issues before you go blowing stuff out of your ass that you don't know anything about, namely the bozo you probably voted for.

I'd help you out with some links of my own, but I seriously doubt you'd bother to shove some real truth into your pea-sized brain. But just because I like to give everyone benefit of the doubt, I'll give you a link and you can decide whether or not it's okay that your president is more concerned with his oil buddies than the welfare and safety of the citizens he swore to protect.

Here ya go, want more? I 've got more.

ENRON, Cheney and the Taliban

This thread is about Bush, right?
actually, the election was a lose-lose situation.....

de sade i love your Av....

but back to the bush gore shit..... its like this... this is the first election where ive openly supported the russian style of elections... youve got X number of candidates, and a "none" space. if "none" wins, of nobody gets a clear majority, then you pitch all the candidates out of the running and start over. the current regime stays in place til somebody wins.

whats really amusing is Bush's lil war on terrorism.... this whole goddamn thing started to avenge 9-11. so why is the government so concerned over what Hussein might or might not have? what about what Bin Laden DOES have, and has proven to have? its called smoke and mirrors baby.... the gov doesnt want to admit that it has fucked up. again.

just my humble opinion... sorry if i got offtopic somewhere
Purple Haze said:

Better ask Rush, because it seems like you're one of his disciples, you know, the enlightened ones? WRONG. I dont listen to him.

namely the bozo you probably voted for. WRONG again.

I'd help you out with some links of my own, but I seriously doubt you'd bother to shove some real truth into your pea-sized brain.
hey kid, instead of the personal attacks, why not debate in a mature fashion? You cant defend your side so you resort to name calling. You didnt post links because you have no case. Now STFU loser. You have assumed too much and made an ass of yourself.