Do you respect Respect


Guerrilla Ontologist
Sep 19, 2000
Do you have respect for Respect or for people who have respect or people who respect Respect. How much respect does respect require? What is it about respect that makes you respect it? What are the limits and delineations on respect? What does respect mean to you as a concept?

Can you respect someone who has no respect? Is respect different for each person? Each culture?

What exactly is respect and how does it relate to other concepts such as honor, truth, justice and the American Way?

Which way is the American Way? Up? Down? Sideways?

Can you leap tall buildings in a single bound?

Do you have respect for anyone who can leap a tall building in a single bound?

What if he's wearing silly looking tights? Would you still respect him?
I can't answer any questions.

I can only say that what you want, baby I got it. What you need - you know that I got it.
JazzManJim said:
I can't answer any questions.

I can only say that what you want, baby I got it. What you need - you know that I got it.

Too late Jazzy; I already have that end covered. :)
I respect anyone for respecting others with respect to respect.

Respectfully yours,