Do you read two books at once


Apr 18, 2001
and for the funny people i don't mean at the exact same time :p

lisa will often be reading two fiction books before she has finished the first one ... this just seems so wrong to me ... its like when someone buys an album and skips around to the songs they like when they first buy it ... just seems unnatural and something that bugs me :)

also what was so special about yesterday "Most users ever online was 491 on 10-01-2002 at 04:05 AM" ... or is that in english format and means 10th of jan
I have read two books at once. I would read one in the morning and the other in the evening. It worked out pretty good for me. I was able to keep them both in context as written too. Guess i am a weird one now?
SG, when I could still see to read the standard book, it was nothing for me to have about 3 or 4 books going at the same time. I'd have on in each room of the house and pick it up and read a few pages when I got a minute. It's beena long time since I've done that tho. It's hard with audio books to do that. :)
I have read more than one series at a time actually. I don't like doing it though. I usually only do it in a pinch.
I'm currently reading "Bury my heart at Wounded knee" "The Black House" "Wild Flowers of the Eastern US" and "Flyfishing for Dummies".
i don't mean to be judgmental but anyone that reads more than one book at a time is a freak :p that especially includes lisa :)

when i read a book i think about it when im in the shower or sometimes when im going off to sleep i enjoy books that play with my mind ... i dont think i could do that with two books the same :)

edited to say LOL misstaken :)
oh hell yeah...

Life is too short. I usually begin reading 2 or 3 books at once and finish the one that most interests me. If the other one/s intrigue me as well then I'll finish them on a rainy day - like today.
Several books at once.. whatever fits into my mood at the particular time I have to relax and read will be the genre that I pick up. I usually have a romance, horror, murder/mystery, and classic all going at once. Works well for me.

I usually read several at a time, also. I will read one book in a couple of days and be totally engrossed in it, but still sneak in another couple chapters from another book. My attention span is sorta spastic like that.
I think I am seeing a pattern here. Who is the freaky one that reads more than one book at a time? Most all of us I'm thinking. H-m-m-m:cool:
im reading through the looking glass still at the moment im reading just one chapter at a time so i can take it slow and appreciate it ... its a beautiful book ... when i get a book like that its a little treasure that i want to shower all my attention on

one book at a time :)

and curious2c just because i might be in the minority doesn't mean im wrong :p
I am actually reading 4 at the moment.... i either am very confused about the multipul plotlines or else i am pretty talented :D
"also what was so special about yesterday "Most users ever online was 491 on 10-01-2002 at 04:05 AM" ... or is that in english format and means 10th of jan"

Nothing was special about yesterday. Literotica is just getting growing at an ever-accelerating rate. This is why we must get rid of the Playground.
Never said:
"also what was so special about yesterday "Most users ever online was 491 on 10-01-2002 at 04:05 AM" ... or is that in english format and means 10th of jan"

Nothing was special about yesterday. Literotica is just getting growing at an ever-accelerating rate. This is why we must get rid of the Playground.

What is wrong with the Playground?

I never meant to insinuate that you were wrong. I think that someone withthe will power to read just one chapter a day is a force to contend with by any means.

(I love your av. I'll bet you thought of a place for those boots of yours too.:devil: )
curious2c i actually read very fast usually so reading one chapter a day is pretty hard :) and don't worry i never kick people with my boots :)

never do you want me to compile a dossier about why we should get rid of the playground ... hmm where have i heard of something like that before :)
“What is wrong with the Playground?”

Nothing the judicious application of pressure and rhetoric won’t fix.

Yes, sexy-girl, I want you to do just that.
ok well how long did it take tony blair to do it :)

it will be my homework for the week

capricious_chic it will be in the dossier we can't talk about it till then don't worry about it ;)
Reading several books 'at once':

Asimov's "Foundation Trilogy", next to the bed.
Riis's "How the Other Half Lives", in the car (lots of trains, when I was on the way to work).
Bernstein's "The Joy of Music", in the bathroom.
do textbooks count?

actually, I have...sometimes I'll get into a heavy book or one that really bothers me for one reason or another and I'll put it down and read something else before going back to the first.