Do you need a text editor


Welcome to Hell
Aug 9, 2012
Just a note about text editors, I have an office substitute it is called Open Office and can found at It is MS Office compatible and free to down load. If you want more than just a text editor you might want to try this.:)
Just a note about text editors, I have an office substitute it is called Open Office and can found at It is MS Office compatible and free to down load. If you want more than just a text editor you might want to try this.:)

Open office is good but you have to save as a .doc or .txt file for Lit.

Also it has spell checking but no grammar checking, if I remember right. But then again, it doesn't change what you type like word so that's a plus.

Free is also good.
I use Google Docs, or Google Drive I guess is the new name.

Benefit that it stores the documents in the cloud, instead of on my laptop. If you have the need to keep things more private. It also allows sharing that is helpful for editing.

I end up just copy-pasting into the text box for story submission, and adding some hand-coded HTML for any special styling.
I use Google Docs, or Google Drive I guess is the new name.

Benefit that it stores the documents in the cloud, instead of on my laptop. If you have the need to keep things more private. It also allows sharing that is helpful for editing.

I end up just copy-pasting into the text box for story submission, and adding some hand-coded HTML for any special styling.
Sorry I must be getting old, I don't really trust the cloud. I the old fashioned way save to my drive and back up. This is not for everyone but if you have just got a text editor it is FREE.
I use scrivener for mac. Not free but not expensive at all. It has a ton of bells and whistles that don't get in your face when you don't need them, and it's a pretty small program for all that.
I've started using it for other things besides writing, like keeping track of website projects. It's like a three ring binder, lets you collate all kinds of files into your project.
I use scrivener for mac. Not free but not expensive at all. It has a ton of bells and whistles that don't get in your face when you don't need them, and it's a pretty small program for all that.
I've started using it for other things besides writing, like keeping track of website projects. It's like a three ring binder, lets you collate all kinds of files into your project.
Have to look at it if I get working again.
Stella, does scrivener catch homophones, like "your" for "you're", or "its" for "it's", or "to" for "too"? Those are the very devil. If someone could write such software, copy editors could all retire.
I started with open office and it's a pain because you have to convert it at some point.

But as TX said, it doesn't have that annoying habit of "assuming" the word you're going to type so you don;t get "There" when you wanted "Their"
Has anyone used the word equivalent from LibreOffice (another free program)? I've used their Access equivalent and liked it, but haven't used anything else from them.
Stella, does scrivener catch homophones, like "your" for "you're", or "its" for "it's", or "to" for "too"? Those are the very devil. If someone could write such software, copy editors could all retire.
You could program any spell check program to catch all instances of those words but I don't think that's what you mean... :D
I use OpenOffice myself as it comes default on Ubuntu Linux. The fact that it's free is just a nice bonus.

Honestly, I should get back to writing...
I use Evernote, as it's so easy to work with the Cloud (and also free). I had concerns about the cloud, too, before I got tired of laptops growing old and dying on me.

Evernote's also very good for organizing your notes for each project within notebooks (and stacks of notebooks).

I love the cloud myself - if I'm on a different computer, or my iPad (or if I'm really desperate, my smartphone) I can still look at my notes, edit them, work on my drafts, wherever I am.
I use OpenOffice and LibreOffice for everything that I can. Like topace said, it's the default for Ubuntu Linux, and the version of ubuntu dictates which version I use.

Why? It's FREE!

Also, I've had more luck with OpenOffice than any other office suite when it comes to the ability to open and properly translate other document formats. The 'free' part is awesome, as is the ability to run on almost any computer, plus the 'user experience' is the same across operating systems (most windows versions, most linux distros, some apple).

I never worry about the formatting of the document for Lit as I always copy/paste the text as opposed to uploading a saved file.
So I went and had a look, via Google.

"free power-packed Open Source personal productivity suite for . . "

I hate these 'management-speak' descriptions.
WTF is a Personal productivity suite ?.
Do they mean Word Processor and other 'Office' stuff ?
I guess so, but I wish they'd say it.
So I went and had a look, via Google.

"free power-packed Open Source personal productivity suite for . . "

I hate these 'management-speak' descriptions.
WTF is a Personal productivity suite ?.
Do they mean Word Processor and other 'Office' stuff ?
I guess so, but I wish they'd say it.

It redminds me when I make a phone call and get one machine after another when all I want is a person to talk to and get my questions answered.

It's the same with having a real-live human editor to send a story to. They send my story back with all the pretty colors of red and blue. LOL
You could program any spell check program to catch all instances of those words but I don't think that's what you mean... :D

Stella, not quite. It's easy enough to find the words with almost any "search" function in any wordprocessing software. What I was hoping for was software that would highlight the words if improperly used, e.g., the dog wagged it's tale, or, "your kidding," he said.
Stella, not quite. It's easy enough to find the words with almost any "search" function in any wordprocessing software. What I was hoping for was software that would highlight the words if improperly used, e.g., the dog wagged it's tail, or, "your kidding," he said.

Or "wagging a tail" versus "telling a tale." :p