Do you lesbians get this often


Now 40% more Lesbianism!
Nov 28, 2001
Last night on that show Cheaters on the second segment was a latino lesbian who hired the show to follow her black g/f around to see if there was any hanky-panky going on behind her back.

It turned out there was, and the s/o her g/f was seeing behind her back was her own brother. When confronted she thought it was amusing and when asked "why" multipple times by her she simply replied "He's a man."

Ever get that from other women? Women who claim to love you but are kust using you as temporary sex toy until they find a man?
That girl was just a cheating bisexual.
It's personality not sexual orientation that caused the problem.

Wait dude, you watch Cheaters?

Edit: Right now I wish I was somebody's temporary sex toy. :(
I hate dry spells.
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That girl was just a cheating bisexual.
It's personality not sexual orientation that caused the problem.

Wait dude, you watch Cheaters?

Yeah, why? I like that show. I have been watching it for a while now.

Two weeks ago it looked like they had an awesome lesbian segment where there was a camera in the bedroom that showed them fucking and in the confrontation there was a huge catfight!

But I'm not totally 100% sure on that because I was watching it at a bar from across the room and it was mute.

Another time the lesbian that was cheating on another lesbian confronted here in a park and to add insult too injury the other lesbian that was in on the cheating was wearing HER CLOTHS! Things got pretty wild in that one to.
Edit: Right now I wish I was somebody's temporary sex toy.
I hate dry spells.

Don't we all (hate dry spells)?
It will be interesting to see after I get better if that bisexual stripper I meet is really interested in me more than just as a casual friend-type thing.

Any person you have in mind as a sex-toy for, or was it just a general observation?
Dude do you use sex toys, cuz I am sure you are having one hell of a dry spell.
Dude, are you obsessed with being the biggest woman hater on the planet? or is it that barbed wire stick up your ass the thing that centers your life around posting only negative things about women?

You need to visit the zoo and have a silverback gorrilla service you or something, Ive never met someone that needs to have someone fuck them in the ass just to loosen it up more than you man.

What the fuck does it sound like when you fart? a god damn picalo you tight assed little turd.
As soon as I clicked on this thread, my Boyfriend flipped the channel and Cheaters was on.
sanjuaneros said:
Dude do you use sex toys, cuz I am sure you are having one hell of a dry spell.

Short, apt and humorous......

Now piss off, you are showing the rest of us up! :D
Angel said:
As soon as I clicked on this thread, my Boyfriend flipped the channel and Cheaters was on.

this thread made you want to watch it :confused: :)

nope frimost that has never happened to me

but straight people cheat too you know :)
that show is kinda cool, but if any of that crap happened, i would go to jail for beating the hell out of the other guy on national tv after all he would deserve it :D
Dude, are you obsessed with being the biggest woman hater on the planet? or is it that barbed wire stick up your ass the thing that centers your life around posting only negative things about women?

You need to visit the zoo and have a silverback gorrilla service you or something, Ive never met someone that needs to have someone fuck them in the ass just to loosen it up more than you man.

What the fuck does it sound like when you fart? a god damn picalo you tight assed little turd.

Rot in Hell Retard!
What am I not allowed to post anything that has anything remotley to do with women or something?
WELL GO FUCK YOURSELF CUNT! There's a thing called Free Speech here in the U.S. and I will post about anything I want!
Besides, I like posting stuff about lesbians, they are different from me so I find them interesting.
Frimost said:
Rot in Hell Retard!
What am I not allowed to post anything that has anything remotley to do with women or something?
WELL GO FUCK YOURSELF CUNT! There's a thing called Free Speech here in the U.S. and I will post about anything I want!
Besides, I like posting stuff about lesbians, they are different from me so I find them interesting.

Another Frimost post, another exercise in mind boggling stupidity.
Never heard of that show before...

Its on UPN (I think) at like 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM.
In it, you submit your case and PI will follow around you're b/f or g/f and if there is proof of him/her infidelity they show it to you and then set up a confrontation where you get to catch him or her in the act of being with their secret lover and have the cameras around to record it.

Of course straight people cheat too, just the other week I remember watching a cheaters episode where a white women had Cheaters follow around her Black rapper b/f and found him with another white woman.

It's just more interesting to me when women cheat on other women, I just don't expect that as much or something.
But they have g/f’s cheating on b/f's, b/f's cheating on g/f's, lesbians cheating on lesbians, gay men cheating on their b/f, and bisexuals cheating on all of the above.

Last night one of the guys who cheated on his girl went to the Cheaters website where they have a No Cheaters dating section and picked up a girl who saw him on one of the I figured it was called "No Cheaters" for a reason?

Another Frimost post, another exercise in mind boggling stupidity.

Go back to eating you're own feces, someone flamed me so I flamed them back. You don't like it then tough shit.
At the end of each show they have a follow up interview with one of the persons from the previous show’s episodes. This time it was a woman who was going out with another woman. The confrontation got so heated (from the clip they replayed) they had to grab her and full her away from the car as it backed out of the parking lot because it looked as though the lesbian driving it was going to flip it in drive and try to run her over with it!
Afterwards she said she is no longer interested in women and is seeing a b/f now. She said women were too “dramatic” for her and liked men because we were more “laid-back” and “easy-going”. She claimed seeing other women were just a phase for her?
Ahem, it's a television program. They only look like real people.
Frimost said:
Rot in Hell Retard!
What am I not allowed to post anything that has anything remotley to do with women or something?
WELL GO FUCK YOURSELF CUNT! There's a thing called Free Speech here in the U.S. and I will post about anything I want!
Besides, I like posting stuff about lesbians, they are different from me so I find them interesting.
Does your pussy hurt bitch?
Post anything you want but your getting repetitive, and don't be surprised if all you get is flamed.
Frimost said:
Rot in Hell Retard!
What am I not allowed to post anything that has anything remotley to do with women or something?
WELL GO FUCK YOURSELF CUNT! There's a thing called Free Speech here in the U.S. and I will post about anything I want!
Besides, I like posting stuff about lesbians, they are different from me so I find them interesting.

I have a common interest with lesbians. poon tang. Try some sometime.
HeavyStick said:
I have a common interest with lesbians. poon tang. Try some sometime.
I don't think he's capable of enjoying it, he'd have to find something wrong with ti and bitch about it.
Aquila said:
I don't think he's capable of enjoying it, he'd have to find something wrong with ti and bitch about it.

He'd bring tartar sauce to eat pussy, only to be disappointed it wasn't breaded and didn't smell like fish.
HeavyStick said:
He'd bring tartar sauce to eat pussy, only to be disappointed it wasn't breaded and didn't smell like fish.
Shit, he'd probably take having a woman want to sit on his face as some sort of insult. much less think about eating it.
Aquila said:
Shit, he'd probably take having a woman want to sit on his face as some sort of insult. much less think about eating it.

I'd pay a hooker to blast a super queef in his face just to watch his gimpy face contort at the mass expulsion of vaginal gas.