Do you know what Lit is missing right now?


Literotica Guru
Jul 30, 2002

Whatever happened to the good old dramas we used to see spilling across the page. Now, all I see are the same old political topics and flirting threads.

Really people, take a little initiative and let's get some good old fashioned drama going!

Here's three quick methods:

1) Become a troll - (British trolls seem to be the best)

2) Break Lit rules - (posting pics or pm's always works)

3) Create a conspiracy theory (cliques or ISP related work well)

Make me proud!
Damnit, I'm all out of drama.

I can't be a troll, I'm not that mean.

I can't post pm's cause I don't get any.

I have no conspiracy theories.

Oh wait...I did stumble on a theory last night. Caroline lamb and Elite. Lambs...sheep...followers...cliques...elitists. yep, I think I'm on to something. ;)
I have this PM I'm dying to post but I won't.

I still have some civility.
You know, zip, your title is misleading.
I was going to vote for a naked pic of you, but I see I will be disappointed......:(

But, to make up for it, I hear that Dillinger has the hots for Gnufi Poppets.
BgMma99 said:
You know, zip, your title is misleading.
I was going to vote for a naked pic of you, but I see I will be disappointed......:(

But, to make up for it, I hear that Dillinger has the hots for Gnufi Poppets.

Actually, you would and the rest of the Lit ladies would probably be disappointed! :D

Of course the men of Lit would all be downloading it and opening photoshop at the same time!
zipman7 said:
Actually, you would and the rest of the Lit ladies would probably be disappointed! :D

Of course the men of Lit would all be downloading it and opening photoshop at the same time!

Honey, big or small, I love em all!

But I can see what you mean.......

I think Glam is ready for mail, zip
Glam - I would never send you a naked picture of myself, it would have to be a "Special Delivery!" ;)

BigMa - Size isn't the issue, that's not the problem. I'm living proof that God has a sense of humor, he made me a hairy bald man! :D

St. Val. - Now where oh where could we possibly find a disenfranchised newbie?

Valerianne - Well then get busy girl!!!!
Re: Re: Do you know what Lit is missing right now?

Saint Valentine said:
A disenfranchised newbie?



you lost you're franchise?!?!?!?

Now there's something we could go with.


It has come to our attention that certain newbies have already lost their franchise on Lit. They were warned of the evils of lurking, not posting, over posting, and just being general newbie nuisances. Did they listen?
Sources tell us that in order for these aforementioned newbies to be re-infranchised, they will have to eat boxes of cookies, learn to right clique at high speed, and wear all black to go undetected by spyware.

We'll keep you posted.....ermm posting....umm...postered....aww hell we'll keep you informed.

Zip----Hairy bald men fucking rock!

Look at Ed Asner, Dan Hedaya!

Come on, Bob Hoskins!

This is a good thing!
Re: Re: Re: Do you know what Lit is missing right now?

*goddess*emi* said:

you lost you're franchise?!?!?!?

Now there's something we could go with.


It has come to our attention that certain newbies have already lost their franchise on Lit. They were warned of the evils of lurking, not posting, over posting, and just being general newbie nuisances. Did they listen?
Sources tell us that in order for these aforementioned newbies to be re-infranchised, they will have to eat boxes of cookies, learn to right clique at high speed, and wear all black to go undetected by spyware.

We'll keep you posted.....ermm posting....umm...postered....aww hell we'll keep you informed.

I am still quite franchised, thank you very much.

Re: Re: Re: Do you know what Lit is missing right now?

*goddess*emi* said:

you lost you're franchise?!?!?!?

Now there's something we could go with.


It has come to our attention that certain newbies have already lost their franchise on Lit. They were warned of the evils of lurking, not posting, over posting, and just being general newbie nuisances. Did they listen?
Sources tell us that in order for these aforementioned newbies to be re-infranchised, they will have to eat boxes of cookies, learn to right clique at high speed, and wear all black to go undetected by spyware.

We'll keep you posted.....ermm posting....umm...postered....aww hell we'll keep you informed.


I would have walked a country mile for that NEWSFLASH! :p

(Response to a remark made on another thread a few days ago)
zipman7 said:
Valerianne - Well then get busy girl!!!!

Doing what I can hon.

I post when I can but it takes forever just to catch up on the latest happenings here.

It isn't like an actual soap opera where you can just turn it on and know exactly what is going on.


Who am I kidding?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you know what Lit is missing right now?

zipman7 said:
I would have walked a country mile for that NEWSFLASH! :p

(Response to a remark made on another thread a few days ago)

that musta been hell for a city boy

Valerianne said:
Doing what I can hon.

I post when I can but it takes forever just to catch up on the latest happenings here.

It isn't like an actual soap opera where you can just turn it on and know exactly what is going on.


Who am I kidding?

Welcome to "As Lit Turns" Valerianne.:D
Could we just have some new drama , please?

I'm already bored with the so-called drama of the past few days.