Do you know anything about Vampires?


Apr 18, 2013
The story I'm outlining is a non-human story involving vampires. But here's the thing, I don't think I'm going to ever come straight out and say that they are vampires - mainly because the 'human' involved in the story doesn't care what she is and they themselves know what they are so it's not like they're going to be pointing it out either. (How often do we comment on how we're human? - Okay, I guess that does come up sometimes)

Also, I'm going to break some of the standard vampire rules. For example, while they'll have a lot of the attributes, they won't be dead, or immortal, or cold, or sparkle, or any of those things. I'm thinking of making them almost like, their bodies function on a perfect level (think biblical) so that they're living for 800-900 years but yet they do drink blood and consider themselves non-human and above humans (there's a book out called, The Passage, and that's where I'm getting the roots of this idea).
Anyway, I'm hoping to have a conversation with someone who's knowledgeable with non-human lit, just to make sure that I won't be offending the fans or anything like that.

I'm also curious about other things that I hope to include. If you're up for a chat about vamps and want to dazzle me with your depth of knowledge, I've love some guidance. Just PM me.

There are different kinds of vampires, and some kinds work the day shift or thrive on human psychic energy. Ever been around people who drain you dry? Maybe vampires visit you while you sleep and borrow your body.

Be creative, cuz the old records report all kinds of vampires over time.
Thanks for that. Yeah, I'm thinking that there's a lot of slack given to how vampires are interpreted.
The thing about vampires is that there are so many interpretations that you can practically get away with whatever you want.

Vampires had always been thought of as incredibly evil and cold. Anne Rice came along and refined it, giving them human personalities and style.

So with what you're thinking of, I really don't think anyone will give you any negativity over what you plan to do with it. Good luck!
The thing about vampires is that there are so many interpretations that you can practically get away with whatever you want.

Vampires had always been thought of as incredibly evil and cold. Anne Rice came along and refined it, giving them human personalities and style.

IWTV is certainly an important example of the humanised vampire, but Anne Rice didn't invent the idea. (See: Barnabas Collins, Countess Marya Zaleska, even Varney the Vampire).